Recent Episodes
Brazil is currently undergoing a major transformation largely due to the economic development it has experienced over the last decade. On the one hand, unemployment rates of the new global player reached the lowest level in history in 2013, less than 4. on the other hand, such a scenario...
Published 06/10/14
The originator of the Mosaic and Acorn neighbourhood classifications, Richard Webber is associated with the use of commercial sociology and big data as alternatives source of evidence in the social sciences to the traditional research questionnaire. Geodemographic classifications such as Mosaic...
Published 03/03/14
Stephen Graham is Professor of Cities and Society at Newcastle Universitys School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape. His research addresses the complex links between urban places and mobilities, infrastructures, militarization, survieillance, security and war. His books include...
Published 03/03/14