Published 10/29/21
In this week's podcast episode, we will talk about ADHD…. A diagnosis of ADHD doesn’t have to put our children at a disadvantage in life. We just need to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of it. There's a lot to love about ADHD and all the creativity, empathy, tenacity, and special talents it brings! With the right support and love, our children can be whatever they want to be as long as we believe in them! 💖 Take a listen and please give us a great podcast review! 🎙️
Published 10/29/21
Acute stress almost always manifests in our body who keeps the score. The body keeps the score is the title of a book published 2014 by a professor out to Boston University, Bessel Van Der Kolk. We will leverage findings to ensure we care for our child's emotional health.
Published 10/01/21
"The things which have the most powerful effect upon children do not come from the conscious state of the parents but from their unconscious background.” -Carl Jung. As a mid-twentieth century emerging Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung founded what was later named Analytical Psychology. Jung's work was influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. He introduced the concept of Shadow Work. Let's dive...
Published 09/10/21
You have heard me say time and again how breathwork and visualizations are pivotal in my parenting. They help me self-regulate, feel grounded, and set conscious intentions for my life! Welcome to our first breathing and visualization session!
Published 08/27/21
We discuss strategies to focus on mental health during this time of year. We advocate for extra emotional support and empathy for the whole family. We also love and share our favorite affirmations to enhance self-esteem and growth mindset! Check out our blog for positive conversation starters: we are big fans of casual conversations based on open-ended questions to help to build positive thoughts. Happy back to school, gifted families!
Published 08/20/21
Leading with strengths, being resourceful, teaching social skills, encouraging self-discipline and structure, collaborating with the child, and taking feedback....all amazing tips for us! “All kids can fail us at times,” she says. “But if you work with them, nine times out of 10, they’ll make you proud.”
Published 08/13/21
Parents of athletes, we will also review why the dream is worth it, how to provoke unrelated experiences for a well-rounded child, how to set boundaries for our child's social and emotional well-being amidst constant pressure, challenges and sacrifice.
Published 08/06/21
In this episode we explore the root causes for low self-esteem, we share our favorite tips to enhance it in our day to day and we discuss the mind-brain patterns that lead to low self-esteem.
Published 07/16/21
We will first explore the discomfort in the question, the fears it causes and after we determine said differences, we will question what we will do with the answer. We will decide how the answer to this question will impact our parenting style, and ultimately our family lives. Stay tuned!!
Published 07/02/21
Some say gifted children are more at risk for depression due to their emotional overexcitability. Other experts do not agree. But the US National Association for Gifted Children contends that “About 10% of gifted adolescents experience clinically significant levels of depression.* Suicide attempts occur more frequently among youths who are artistic and creative, unusually sensitive, and who attend highly competitive and selective schools.**”
Published 05/28/21
In this episode, we discuss one of my favorite tools: the Healthy Mind Platter. This platter contains seven essential mental activities necessary for optimum mental health in daily life. Seven powerful ‘mental nutrients' that our brain needs to function at its best. By engaging every day in each of these servings, you enable your brain to coordinate and balance its activities, which strengthens our brain's internal connections and our connections with others. Let's prioritize our Mental...
Published 05/22/21
Let's explore the concept of Philo-Cognition. Developed at the University of Lyon, France, this concept aims at defining giftedness beyond the IQ test with a clinical assessment. Also, MRI studies identified two profiles with enhanced brain connectivity on the left brain( Philo-Complex) or the right brain( Philo-Laminar). Take a listen!!
Published 05/14/21
Let's review coaching skills for effective probing, root causing, and protecting our child's self-esteem. Let's inspect and retrospect on our own stories-emotion loops. Let's embrace all of who we are. Let's extend the same loving kindness to others. Download our best open-ended question cards here 👇🏻 https://championyourgiftedchild2.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1033883 Happy Social Belonging coaching experiment!
Published 05/07/21
Practicing PRANAYAMA regularly helps mitigate mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression. Pranayama helps balance your mind. PLUS- We will discuss an easy and stress-Relieving Yoga Pose: The Child’s Pose or BALASANA...This is a simple, but effective, yoga pose to relieve your child from stress and anxiety. Children of any age can do this pose and we can do it too! Supporting BLOG:...
Published 04/22/21
In this episode, we review the top benefits of exercise for kids and why our child needs physical activity every day! -Physical benefits. -Mental health benefits. Let's make the conscious choice to incorporate physical activity in our child's daily routine...
Published 04/16/21
In this episode, we talk about self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-agency. We talk about growth mindset and peak performance. We discuss the brain reward circuit. We also uncover the power of internal beliefs and their impact on how we engage our capabilities towards a goal. Self-motivated kids have positive self-beliefs!
Published 04/09/21
In this episode on Emotional Productivity, we discuss: -The correlation between Emotional state and Productivity -Interpersonal Neurobiology Definition of Mind and its self-agency -Our best Productivity hacks! Citing literature in Blog at: http://www.championyourgiftedchild.com Our FREE Hub MemberVault: https://championyourgiftedchild2.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1033883
Published 04/02/21
Who was Alfred Binet and why did he create the IQ Test? Tune in to learn about Alfred Binet, the creator of the IQ test. We will learn the story of his early life, his atypical career, his discoveries, his impact in modern psychology, his take on definition of intelligence and limitations of the IQ test... More info +citing literature : https://www.championyourgiftedchild.com/blog/post/436226/binet-or-the-gifted-intelligence-unleashed What can we learn from Binet for ourselves and our...
Published 03/19/21
We discuss what NOT to do if our child has anxiety. Join us on our FREE 3 day Challenge!💛 -On DAY1, we review all favorite tools, concepts and strategies to help kiddo soothe in the moment. -On Day 2, we review anxiety processes and find coaching tools to remedy the negative thoughts and elevate emotional states. -On Day3, we integrate tools into an actionable plan, we ask kiddo for feedback and have a ready to go game plan. See you inside!✅ http://bit.ly/OvercomeAnxiety21
Published 03/12/21
We will review secure attachment theories to enhance Executive functioning. We will review the Interpersonal Neurobiology take on categories of attachment, the Mary Ainsworth Strange Situation experiment. We will also see how a trauma informed perspective coupled with secure attachment can build emotional well-being throughout their lives. Research/Citing literature on our Blog Post: https://www.championyourgiftedchild.com/blog/post/186658/connection-to-enhance-executive-functioning-1
Published 02/26/21
Sharing my 5 favorite things to do to enhance Self-Love. Spending a few minutes in reflective practices will help us show up the best version of ourselves and design a life of fulfillment. Let's take some time in, together, on this Valentine's Day 💛
Published 02/14/21
A struggling self-esteem will become our child's inner voice! 1-Challenge or Create a positive environment to our child’s self-concepts. -The Munich Model of Giftedness: the environment is a KEY factor impacting a child’s development. 2-Fostering "Me" Time and Introspection. 3-Encourage and Model internal validation. Check out our most liked Self Esteem Anchor coaching tool at https://championyourgiftedchild.com/AnchorSelfEsteem
Published 01/29/21
For you, what is gifted? Are you ready for a radically different definition of giftedness?  Let me introduce you to Carlos Tinoco, himself gifted, former teacher of philosophy and psychoanalyst. In his book, “ Intelligents, too Intelligents”, this French philosopher is redefining giftedness in ways that are way outside of our comfort zone... Take a listen... 
Published 01/20/21
Will 2021 be our year? A year of breakthroughs and confident, progressive and supportive parenting? It is up to us. In this episode I will share my process to set up intentions for the year. We are going to give up resentments and deciding to clear out what doesn’t work. We are going to understand what lights us up and invite more in. Because life is too short. Our gifted child needs our very best. It is here and now. Download your workbook here: http://www.championyourgiftedchild.com
Published 01/02/21