I was so profoundly moved by Adam Robarts and his book 'Nineteen' that I had to have him on Chatter that Matters. Anyone who has had to deal with the loss of someone you love will also be moved and have their heart lifted as Adam shares his deeply personal and poignant love, loss, and spiritual journey. Adam is a world-renowned architect, and his wife is an equally accomplished interior designer. They lived and raised their four children in China. In December 2018, during a family...
Published 01/25/24
''You have dreams and goals, even a direction, but you must be active for the universe and magic to happen. It must find you, but it won't if you hide in the corner. You must be out there for your desired reality to unfold.' Jesse Jones I love taping Chatter that Matters in front of an audience. In this episode, we are live at Sheridan College and its stunning Hazel McCallion Campus, with students, faculty members, alums, and industry professionals in attendance and DJ Andre dropping the...
Published 01/18/24
  Patrick Asare went from abject poverty in a small village in Ghana to achieving international acclaim. In an inspiring interview, Patrick shared his remarkable story. He was born to illiterate parents, his father was a subsistence farmer, and his mother was a homemaker. Patrick was one of fourteen children living in a small mud house. Most children in his village didn't have the opportunity to continue their education beyond primary school, which perpetuated the cycle of poverty in the...
Published 01/11/24
Every second Monday in 2024, I post a segment called Ideas that Matter.  Each will be under five minutes, and I will examine an element of the status quo and then offer actionable ideas to improve upon.  I don't preach, teach or criticize. I only want to foster conversations about positivity and possibility.  In my first episode look at Democracy, and the importance of why promises made, must be promises kept. Let me know what you think.          
Published 01/09/24
Risa August is an Ironman Triathlete and an extraordinary cyclist known and highly respected for her love of pushing her physical limits. Risa is no stranger to intense challenges, having completed 500-mile bike tours and conquered mountains in the US and Nepal. Then, Risa’s life comes to a crashing halt. Her body is collapsing, and for good reason. She is diagnosed with a rare pituitary disease, a brain tumour that has been left unchecked for a decade. After undergoing life-threatening...
Published 01/04/24
I wanted to create an entertaining and enlightening show for my New Year's Special.  My guest is Todd Norian, a renowned yoga teacher, author, musician, and the founder of Ashaya Yoga. Todd is known for his teaching emphasis on the alignment of body, mind, and heart. Todd is the author of "Tantra Yoga: Journey to Unbreakable Wholeness, A Memoir." Additionally, he is a musician and has released albums, including "Bija."  Todd is a masterful storyteller who shares his life journey. His passion...
Published 12/28/23
I wanted to tackle loneliness for my holiday special this year as not all of us are surrounded by family and friends. The World Health Organization has declared loneliness a global health threat — as bad for your health as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day.  Loneliness is the most significant preventable risk factor for depression, addiction, and suicidality. It increases the chance of early death by 30%, more significant than the risk of obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and excessive...
Published 12/21/23
I had a profound and heart-wrenching conversation with renowned infectious disease specialist Steffanie Strathdee. Steffanie is Canadian-born and named by Time Magazine as one of the 50 most influential people in healthcare.  She has written a book titled The Perfect Predator.  A Scientists race to save her Husband from a Deadly Superbug. Steffanie's story unfolds like a gripping thriller. On holiday in Egypt, with her husband Tom, a deadly Superbug hijacks his body and it has Superpowers....
Published 12/14/23
Join me to hear untold stories of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the birth of Canada. Acclaimed Author Stephen Bown shares excerpts from his new book Dominion, vividly describing the price paid to build the CPR and unite Canada. In this monumental saga, we learn about the ambitions, sacrifices, and the crimes against humanity that came with Canada’s most extraordinary infrastructure project.    Stephen paints a vivid picture of an era of greed, corruption, destruction, discriminatory...
Published 12/07/23
What does it take to be exceptional? Why haven't we closed the gap if diversity has proven to create a more robust and resilient culture and greater profitability? Does that mean others must stand down if you stand for diversity and inclusion?  How can you create or contribute to a culture of excellence if the people you count on work remotely?  How can an individual make a difference in a world with many headwinds?  What does having privilege mean, and why should it be surrendered for the...
Published 11/30/23
"We, as a society, do not talk about childhood abuse, and worse, many children between the ages of 5 to 18 go through some abuse." — Deenah Patel [00:33:41 → 00:33:52]   Note: We don't share any details of the abuse; what Deenah shares is her path back. Deenah Patel has twice joined me on Chatter that Matters to offer advice to help small business owners. When the microphone was turned off, Deenah opened up about her story of being sexually abused as a child, decades of deeply buried...
Published 11/24/23
We have a surprise twist in this week’s Chatter That Matters. Mark Ferrier steps in as guest host and interviews Tony Chapman on his journey.  Mark is a natural; the banter between them is like listening to two close friends, and you will uncover many parallels between their lives and I am guessing yours. Tony shares a childhood where their family had to deal with emotional uncertainty and dire financial insecurities resulting from his father's failing mental health. Tony promised himself...
Published 11/17/23
Unveiling a Heartfelt Journey: Love, Family, and Resilience in Military Life. This week, we honour Remembrance Day by shedding light on the selfless commitment and sacrifice of military spouses. My guest is Vicki Cody, author of here memoir “Army Wife: A Story of Love and Family in the Heart of the Army,” Vicki shares her experience as an army wife as well as a leader to many in her community. Our story begins in the summer of 1969 when Vicki crosses paths with West Point cadet Dick Cody....
Published 11/10/23
Hello everyone, With so much negativity flooding our feeds and, with it a growing sense of impossibility manifesting into a mental health crisis, I encourage you to listen to this episode to uncover ways in which you can help. This isn't a show about committing suicide; it is about preventing it from happening.  Some sobering facts: for every death by suicide, there are 20 attempts.  And with every attempt, on average, 135 people are impacted including family, friends, peers, neighbours...
Published 11/03/23
Today's episode marks my 200th episode of Chatter that Matters.  My guest is the marvellous Myra Sable, who, in her eighties, continues to build her gourmet food company, Sable and Rosenfeld, while being a warrior for a better world. And stick around as I introduce her Grandson Julien Sable Alvarado later in the show. Julien is taking over the business. Mark Twain once said that age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Many over sixty would agree, but what...
Published 10/27/23
  In front of a live audience at the Convenience Industry Council of Canada's National Summit, I sat down with Jean-François Archambault. JF is a beautiful human being devoting his life to fighting food insecurity.  It is also a powerful love story between Mother and Son and how her ten-year unsuccessful battle with cancer took JF to a crossroads, offering two very different paths. The first was to take away his sadness and darkness by ending his life; the second was to do something with...
Published 10/20/23
I titled this episode of "Chatter That Matters" "Forever Young" and recorded it live at the Toronto Hunt Club. The idyllic setting alone adds a unique backdrop to a conversation that erupts with laughter and spontaneous applause. The man at the center of it is the master storyteller, the iconic Canadian editorial cartoonist and painter Andy Donato. Andy Donato is not just an artist; he's a force of immense character, and his character is woven into the very fabric of who he is, from his...
Published 10/13/23
The story begins when Mark Ferrier's father robs a bank, is arrested, and, in his sxites is put in Millhaven Maximum Security Prison to serve a five-year term. For decades, Mark buries this reality and wraps himself in a veneer, masking his insecurities and imposter syndrome with a persona of confidence and swagger. Mark gets married, raises two beautiful daughters, and is wildly successful as an entrepreneur. His path led him to the Young President's Organization and to Harvard where he...
Published 10/06/23
Step back in time to 1984. It's a pivotal year in the history of Canadian television — it's the year Much Music was born. In this episode of Chatter that Matters, we look at its fascinating journey and Canadian content that competed with the best in the world.   Much Music was one of the first Canadian specialty channels; this ground-breaking concept emerged from the vision of two trailblazing individuals, Moses Znaimer and John Martin. Against all odds, with limited resources but...
Published 09/29/23
As a father of two wonderful girls, I have always asked - Why aren't more women in power? Only 10 percent of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are women, and only 27 of the 193 countries in the world are led by women. I believe that if more women were in power, there would be less conquest and a dramatic shift in spending from the military to what matters - healthcare, humanity, education, fiscal responsibility and the health of our planet. My guest this week is Claire Shipman, a...
Published 09/22/23
Arthur Smith shares excerpts from his book Reach - Hard Lessons and Earned Truths from a Lifetime in Television. Arthur talks about what it was like to work with Gordon Ramsay on Hell's Kitchen (excellent) and to try and convince Donald Trump to be part of a show. (not so excellent). Arthur also talks about his surprise hit American Ninja Warriors and many other behind-the-scenes stories, including Simon Cowell.  Arthur Smith grew up as a shy kid surrounded by a wonderful family who believed...
Published 09/15/23
I loved talking with Deepa Mehta. I could have listened to her for hours, and I wish she could be my friend for life. Deepa is a citizen of the world, an Oscar-nominated filmmaker whose work is celebrated internationally and has played at every major film festival. Deepa has worked with George Lucas, yet often has turned down Hollywood to create emotionally resonating, award-winning cinema that matters to her and you and me.  Born in India and an immigrant to Canada, Deepa is a visionary...
Published 09/08/23
What if your health and even life was a matter of choice, not chance? Yuri Elkaim dreamed of a pro soccer career until his health deteriorated. Chronic fatigue and hair loss, followed by a seven-year search for answers, forced Yuri to make his health a matter of choice, not chance. As a teenager, Yuri Elkaim fixated his gaze and even touched on a professional soccer career due to his tireless work ethic and athletic ability. But health's betrayal shifted his focus. Chronic fatigue, pain...
Published 09/01/23
This week on Chatter that Matters, Sheri Segal Glick talks about her memoir: 'The Skinny: My Messy, hopeful fight for full recovery from anorexia." Sheri's journey unfolds with unflinching honesty as she unmasks the hidden truth of eating disorders. Sheri takes us to the depths of her addiction, what she did to game the system, her lonely and even life-threatening hospital stays, her obsessive workouts, and most importantly, how she battled for decades but eventually found her way to defeat...
Published 08/25/23
  A 120-foot fall free-climbing almost cost Dov his life but freed him to pursue his calling. The search for meaning has been an obsession of Dov Baron from his earliest days. He was born in Northern England in abject poverty, surrounded by crime, violence, and addiction, and knew there must be more to life than suffering and abuse. Dov left his destructive environment to travel and study with some of the world's leading thinkers. He then parlayed his learning into founding and building...
Published 08/18/23