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Chemistry for the Future
Solar Fuels
It was here in Oxford, in the 1600s, that great minds such as Hooke, Boyle, Willis and Wren laid the foundations of modern experimental science. Like their famous forebears, today's Oxford scientists continue to undertake world-leading research: making fundamental new discoveries and applying cutting-edge knowledge to the major societal and technological challenges of the day. The research happening right now in the Department of Chemistry is uniquely poised to have a major impact on everything from our health to our energy sources - in other words, it is enabling our shared future. To read...
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Recent Episodes
The current energy crisis is a time of intense challenges but also of opportunities for fantastic science and innovative ideas. Chemists, along with partners in other scientific disciplines, in policy, in industry, in advocacy, and beyond, all have a crucial role to play. Do you have any bright...
Published 07/19/13
Andrea Bachmeier, a DPhil student in the Armstrong Group, is helping to create a fully integrated artificial photosynthesis (APS) system which could be much more efficient at turning sunlight into fuel than living systems.
Published 07/19/13
Dr Alison Foster, a former chemist and Senior Curator at the University of Oxford Botanic Garden explains the principals of natural photosynthesis that the Armstrong Group is trying to mimic in the lab.
Published 07/19/13
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