Send me feedback & thoughts! Just in time for summer, the Chillers and Thrillers season finale covers stories of people who went camping or spent time in the wilderness to enjoy nature, but encountered something worse than a bear - a paranormal entity! Light the campfire and listen in as M reads true stories of people who encountered the strange and unexplained while trying to get some R&R. Story 1: The Logging Camp by sutterkaneStory 2: The Bell by DasLebenDerStory 3: Camps...
Published 06/14/24
Published 06/14/24
Send me feedback & thoughts! Hospitals are silent witnesses to the highest joys and deepest sorrows of human life, so it’s no wonder that spirits might linger in their rooms and halls.In this episode, M reads chilling true stories of those who have encountered entities and spirits in hospitals.Story 1: The Little Girl by rizzyrooStory 2: Tales from an ER Laboratory by SeabassyStory 3: Room 4 by dizzymisslizzyStory 4: the White Door by anonymousStory 5: The Hall by CherryBarGirlStory 6: Ro...
Published 05/30/24
Send me feedback & thoughts! ..... So if you go walking there,In dead of night,Beware of the lady,The lady in white.- Jayne DaviesThe ghostly specter of the woman in white has appeared to countless people all across the world. Different countries and cities have their own tale of the white lady - who she is and what happened to her depends on who you ask. In this epsiode, join M as she reads true stories of people's encounters with the woman in white. The woman in white by Aztexan512...
Published 05/15/24
Send me feedback & thoughts! Take a walk down the dark hallway of a jinxed school and eerie dorm rooms of haunted schools and campuses. In this episode, listen in a M tell 6 true stories of peoples encounters with the paranormal in the learning institutes of the world. Story 1: The Singing Voice monkeynavigatedStory 2: The Library 1Aspiring_PilotStory 3: Room 107 ElisabethaStory 4: I told you not to do that Story 5: Sophomore Year rocketsparkleStory 6: The haunted element...
Published 04/30/24
Send me feedback & thoughts! Encounters with the Inhuman: True Tales of Beings Disguised as Humans Have you ever met someone whose very presence left you feeling strange? They either set you on edge or something about them make you feel confused because they did not seem quite ….human?  There are different theories, but some people speculate that these people are inhuman - either angels, demons, aliens, interdimensional visitors or maybe, even…vampires?  In this episode, listen in as M...
Published 04/15/24
......Now the room is ahiss. The instrument Withdraws its tentacle. But the spawn percolate in my heart. They are fertile. “Words Heard, By Accident, Over The Phone” Sylvia Plath The ringing of a phone with an unknown called has become a standard horror movie trope, and there definitely is something creepy about a silent house with an eerily ringing phone. But it’s no surprise that the otherworldly could use telephones as a conduit for communication when we consider how a telephone works. In...
Published 03/30/24
The UK and Ireland have a very long history made up of bloody battles, disease, wars and hardships that has influenced the landscape and culture, so it is not surprising to hear that they have some of the most haunted locations in the world. In this episode, join M as she reads almost an hour of true paranormal stories from the UK and Ireland.  The Farm  Loftus Hall  The Townhouse  The Battlefield  The Department Store Heriot Place The Village The Theatre Group The Bloody Chapel  The...
Published 03/15/24
Ouija Boards have long been seen as a toy; a fun game to play with during Halloween parties or sleepovers. However, people who believe in the paranormal know that the Ouija board is more  than a toy -  it’s an invitation for unknown entities to communicate with us. A  door we open and sometimes are not able to close.... In this episode, listen in as M reads true stories of people who played with Ouija boards and the entities they encountered. Story 1: “Q” by RiotousTripod Story 2:John by...
Published 02/29/24
Young and Haunted: True Paranormal Stories from Children Beyond our reality lays another world - whether you consider that a spiritual world, Heaven, or another dimension there is no denying that children seem to have a special connection to this world. Children are beacons of energy for whatever (or whomever) lives there, and in this episode M reads more true stories of children and their encounters with the strange and unexplained.  Story 1: My Trip to the Slaughter Yard by...
Published 02/15/24
In history there have been countless tales of cursed and haunted items. From Tutankhamun's tomb, to Annabelle the doll to the Dybbuk - but what if the teddy you got for Christmas was haunted? Or what if you came across a mannequin that brought you horrifying nightmares?  In this episode, join M as she reads true tales of people who encountered everyday items that were haunted or cursed including one from her own parents.  Story One: The Haunted Manequin by TheEduki Story Two: Trunk by...
Published 01/30/24
The average person will spend about 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. But what if their work was haunted?  In the first episode of seasons 2, listen in as M reads true stories of people who had to work in haunted workplaces and offices.  Story One: The Elevator Story Two: The Library   Story Three:  The Newspaper Story Four: The Downtown Victorian Story Five: His Name Is Gus  Story Six: The Movie Theater ...
Published 01/15/24
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!” - Ebenezer Scrooge, “A Christmas Carol” In the spirit of the season, this episode will feature true warm hearted stories of people’s encounters with passed family members, Guardian Angels, protective entities and more.  This is the final episode of season 1, but Chillers...
Published 12/15/23
“Just because you’ve never seen a ghost, does not mean a ghost has never seen you”  - Ivan Karhoff When we think of ghosts, we imagine faceless and nameless spectress making strange noises in the night and bringing feelings of dread upon us.  But what if a ghost to a special liking to you or someone you loved? What if they formed and attachment to you, and made sure you not only knew they were there but also knew their name?  In this episode, M recounts five true stories of people who have...
Published 11/30/23
Dopplegängers have been part of German folklore and used a plot devices within film, television and books for centuries. The tale goes that a dopplegänger is a person's spirit-double, but seeing your own self can be an omen of bad things to come. Then there are Mimics, what many people believe to be demonic or Skinwalkers - paranormal entities that mimic the sound and appeareance of other humans for devious reasons. Listen in as M read six true stories of people who encountered...
Published 11/15/23
🎃 It's the spookiest time of the year! Join M for the Chillers & Thrillers Halloween Special! One hour of true creepy tales of people's experiences with the paranormal and unexplained in the great outdoors. Turn down the lights, get your treats and get comfy for a spooky night 👻 Story 1: The Shack by devine_interface Story 2: Scott & Cameron by sockhermom Story 3: The Whistlerby  bingbong1234 Story 4: The Montana Air BnB by evalostagain Story 5: The Man on the Trail by...
Published 10/27/23
What is it about basements that terrify people? Is it the dark unknown corners? Or perhaps the underground location shifts the energy of the area to make people feel more sensitive? Listen in on this bonus episode that covers three true stories of people who had unnerving experiences in basements.  Story 1: My Basement was Haunted by UpperOnion6412 Story 2: The Voice  in the Basement by AnnieB Story 3: The Viewing by seabassy  Thank you for listening! 👻 Submit your own stories or...
Published 10/18/23
"....Last night I heard the dogs again, this side of the crick. This morning another window’s smudged and her bitty footprint’s in the skift. Ma wipes her eyes and the glass, takes the broom out to snow-sweep. Pa’s painting the fence blue like a river she can’t cross. Tonight he’ll throw salt on the coals..."  - "Haint" by Eve Ellis In this episode, we take a trip down to the Appalachia region of the USA to get scared by some haints, boogers and strange encounters. A big thank you to the...
Published 10/13/23
“Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space. If you can bend space you can bend time also, and if you knew enough and could move faster than light you could travel backward in time and exist in two places at once.”- Margaret Atwood Have you ever wondered what would happen if you accidentally took a wrong turn in your dimension? What if you suddenly found yourself in a different place in time? In today’s episode, listen as M reads 6 true stories of matrix glitches, time...
Published 09/29/23
Echoes in the Dark  In this episode, get comfortable as you listen to M read four true stories of people’s encounters with strange entities and unexplained occurrences outside of their home, down the streets they know so well.  Follow along in late night walks where strange shadow people stalk the shadows, and have your pulse quicken as you listen in to a young retelling the tale of a strange neighbour.  Story 1: The Shadow People r/Fancy_Leshy Story 2: The Backwards Walking Man Tub of...
Published 09/15/23
"...from ghoulies and ghosties and long leggedy beasties, and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord deliver us.” For many of us, our first introduction into the paranormal was through haunted house stories and things that go bump in the night.  Hauntings can take many forms - curses, poltergeits, apparitions and residual hauntings - what do you make of these hauntings? In this episode, listen in as your host, M, reads four stories of different types of hauntings and cursed homes....
Published 08/30/23
"Beyond the veil lies what our eyes cannot see. Beyond the veil lies what our skin cannot feel. Beyond the veil lies what our consciousness cannot absorb." Children seem to be closer to the veil and more sensitive to paranormal occurences than their adult counterparts. Listen in as your host M reads eight true tales of childrens experiences with the paranormal and past live experiences.  Story one: "The boy under the table" credited to Parasite Eve  Store two: "The man in the well"...
Published 08/15/23
In this episode, listen as your host, M, reads true scary stories of people who were leading their regular day-to-day live when they encountered someone who wasn't what they seemed to be..... A gym teacher picks up a hitchhiker on the side of the road in Montana, a young girl is traveling cross country with her mother and a woman receives an unexpected visitor while moving into her new home. What do these three stories have in common? Listen to find out.  Story one: "The Zootsuit...
Published 08/01/23
"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist".... In this episode your host, M, reads three terrifying true tales of people who met a demon, or even possibly the devil himself......Two teenage boys who go out seeking if the legend of Robert Johnson was true, a young college student encounters a strange young girl, and a man at a bar causes nightmares and paranoia to this day. Story one:  "The man at the crossroads" credited to Reddit user...
Published 08/01/23
Coming soon ....a paranormal podcast about true stories of the strange and the unexplained. Join your host, M, and she reads true stories of people who have experienced the paranormal.  Thank you for listening! 👻 Submit your own stories or theories to [email protected]. Please subscribe, follow and rate "Chillers and Thrillers" on your preferred podcast provider. Find me on Instagram and Youtube
Published 07/20/23