Choogle on Podcast, a great place to wander off... . .
“And I do mean "OFF"!! Uncle Weed leads you through the underbelly of the Vancouver Pot scene to the boardrooms of the high-tech companies, to the beach and mountains of the west coast, as well as occasional world travel reports. Uncle Weed is at this best when telling some long-rambling story about his travels and adventures therein, including his hasty trip to Belize after his corporate "Human Resources Incident", or just hang with him and Cosmo after smoking too many spliffs, and playing musical stones in south Seattle. As always, watch out for werewolfs. World Renowned as the originator of "cannabis" podcasts, he aptly deserves the title "Uncle" (not yet grumpy) for his travel and experience in the hemp/cannabis world. Being a Cannabis Cup 2002 Attendee and Special Judge, his best stories are of his wanderings in Amsterdam and Europe, in an "amnesia haze." :-)”Read full review »
The Unabonger via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“We found Uncle Weed's podcast after returning to the US from our first trip to Vancouver, B.C. Some places are great to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. Vancouver is different. From our first day it became our home in our hearts. Listening to Uncle Weed brings back all of the best...”Read full review »
Anne Bonny via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·