Contentment in Singleness: Why You Should Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others
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Are you content in the single life? Do you compare yourself to others? Our podcast for the day is just on this subject.  Contentment in singleness is a real gift. So how much contentment do you have living this Christian single life? Does your single life consist of daily drudgery, loneliness and boredom, or do you live with joy and a positive expectation of what today may bring? If we were honest, most of us would say it’s pretty much a “mixed bag” of both extremes. Contentment in Singleness Story Recently I spoke with one of my single Christian friends. She stated earlier that day she had experienced lots of contentment, just lounging in her backyard, and worshiping the Lord for all the beauty around her. Yet, less than four hours later as she was walking on the boardwalk with friends,  and the mere sight of a dating couple walking hand in hand caused all that contentment to ooze out of her. As my single friend recounted the incident she stated: “I immediately started getting these negative thoughts like, ‘What could he possibly see in her?’ and ‘It’s just not fair; when is my turn coming?’ I started the day in such a contented mood; I returned home that evening a discontented and depressed single woman, thinking I was doomed to be a childless old maid.” Does this sound familiar? In the Scriptures Paul writes: “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content”. (Phil. 4:11) Hello? The guy was in jail when he wrote this. Is that remarkable or what? So just what does it mean to be content? The gist of this word means to have a sense of sufficiency and contentment with one’s lot, regardless of external circumstances. Wow! I wish could I could have the kind of contentment Paul spoke of, but too often I allow circumstances to choke it out of me. Like my single friend with her story, many Christian singles, men and women alike, also tend to struggle in this area as they wait on the Lord for a mate. When we don’t see anything happening externally, we fret and worry. Yet, our Lord desires us not to react to every single twist and turn of life, but to proactively step out in faith, expecting His grace to be sufficient for us. Contentment in Singleness Life Tips If contentment is a touchy issue for you, here are some practical points that may help: Don’t compare what others have, or what they are doing. In John 21, Peter made this mistake when he looked at John’s life. “Hey, Lord, How about this guy?” Jesus’ response? “Don’t worry about John. You follow me.” When we stick close to Jesus and stay focused on Him, He’ll take care of our every need. Be thankful in all circumstances (1Thes. 5:18) It’s really simple: You can’t have discontentment and be thankful at the same time. Remember, contentment in singleness is a learned response. (Phil 4:11) It’s a mindset you need to practice, so don’t beat yourself up when you fall. It didn’t happen overnight for Paul, it won’t happen for you. It takes time to learn how to be happy as a single person. Are you a Christian single with something to share about contentment and the single life. Help other singles by making a comment.   Related Posts: Why am I Still Single a href="
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