China Lifestyle Journeys
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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Welcome to this edition of China Lifestyle Journeys, the series that brings you chats, discussions and insights on all aspects of Chinese living. We will cover festivals, food, traditions, customs and much, much more. I’m your host Jocelyn… and I’m Mat, just an...
Published 10/19/23
中国古代科学内容丰富。随着时代的发展,其中大多数已经融入了现代科学体系。而目前仍然自成体系并且拥有强大生命力的,当属中医药学。 中医药学是利用中国古代的阴阳五行体系,来说明人体的生理现象和病理变化,阐明其中的关系并进行诊疗的学科。 中医的生理病理学以五脏六腑、经络气血为基础展开。中医的五脏六腑是人体脏器的总称。“五脏”包括肝、心、脾、肺、肾。 肝的主要功能是疏泄和藏血。疏泄是指肝可以疏通全身之气,使身气和畅,情绪稳定。藏血是指肝可以贮藏血液和调节血量,防止出血。 心主血脉和神明。心脏与血脉密切相连,调控着全身血液的运行。同时,心脏主管思维、感觉、记忆等与意识相关的活动。 脾的主要功能是运...
Published 10/19/23
Tai Chi Welcome to this edition of China Lifestyle Journeys, the series that brings you chats, discussions and insights on all aspects of Chinese living. We will cover festivals, food, traditions, customs and much, much more. I’m your host Jocelyn… and I’m Mat, just an English guy with lots of...
Published 10/12/23