Episode31: Pavilions
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Pavilions Welcome to this edition of China Lifestyle Journeys, the series that brings you chats, discussions and insights on all aspects of Chinese living. We will cover festivals, food, traditions, customs and much, much more. I’m your host Jocelyn… and I’m Mat, just an English guy with lots of questions. So, Mat, what’s your big question today? (Mat) Hello and welcome to another episode of China Lifestyle Journeys! Today, we’re going to explore the topic of Chinese pavilions. Now, pavilions are a very typical Chinese architectural structure. I guess that most people have seen a pavilion but maybe they are not so familiar with the name “pavilion”. So, let’s start with a description. (Jocelyn) OK, a description, no problem! Chinese pavilions are these awesome architectural structures that you often come across in China (and possibly in other countries too, especially in parks or maybe in one of the Chinatowns around the world). They have special designs with open sides and lovely roofs held up by pillars. They can be built either of wood or stone or bamboo and may be in any of several plan figures - square, triangle, hexagon, octagon, a five-petal flower, a fan and so on. But all pavilions have one thing in common: they have columns to support the roof, but no walls.  As I said, you generally find them in parks, gardens, and other scenic spots where the environment is really peaceful and nice. And people can go to these pavilions to relax and enjoy the natural surroundings. It’s a calm and quiet place where you can take a break, or think, or admire the beautiful views. Chinese pavilions are really important in Chinese culture and architecture, and they are loved by many people for their peacefulness and charm. (Mat) OK, so the function is like a covered platform where I can relax and enjoy scenery. So what’s the story and history behind these pavilions? (Jocelyn) OK, Chinese pavilions have a long and rich history that dates back thousands of years. They were initially built as part of palace complexes during ancient times, where emperors and nobles could go to relax and appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. Over time, pavilions became more accessible to the general public and were constructed in parks, gardens, and scenic areas. They served as gathering places for social activities, such as poetry recitals and tea ceremonies. And Chinese pavilions are not only architectural structures but also symbols of elegance and harmony with nature. They continue to be cherished today as cultural landmarks and places for contemplation and enjoyment. (Mat) As you know, I love a good story, so hopefully there’s a famous story or legend related to pavilions? (Jocelyn) Ah, yes! There is a famous story in Chinese literature called "The Peony Pavilion," which is closely associated with pavilions. It is a romantic and tragic tale written by Tang Xianzu during the Ming Dynasty (in the year 1598). The story follows the journey of a young woman named Du Liniang, who falls in love with a scholar in a dream after visiting a pavilion. And the dream becomes a profound experience that affects her deeply. “The Peony Pavilion” is considered a masterpiece of Chinese literature and highlights the significance of pavilions as settings for love, longing, and spiritual awakenings. It has captured the hearts of readers for centuries and continues to be celebrated as a cultural treasure in China.    (Mat) I’ve seen quite a few of these pavilion structures in public parks all over China. Are there any really famous ones with some kind of cultural or historical significance? (Jocelyn) Well obviously, there are some that are more or less famous or well-known but most pavilions are fairly common, very functional structures. They are intended to be used by people for everyday leisure activities, like singing in the park or playing traditional musical instruments, so they aren’t famous structures like towers or temple
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