Episode30: Acupuncture
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AcupunctureWelcome to this edition of China Lifestyle Journeys, the series that brings you chats, discussions and insights on all aspects of Chinese living. We will cover festivals, food, traditions, customs and much, much more. I’m your host Jocelyn … and I’m Mat, just an English guy with lots of questions.So, Mat, what’s your big question today?(Mat)  Hello and welcome back to another episode. Today, we're exploring the world of Chinese acupuncture, a traditional healing practice that I know almost nothing about. So Jocelyn, for someone like me who knows absolutely nothing about this acupuncture, where should we begin?(Jocelyn) Well Mat, I can’t believe you know ‘absolutely nothing’ about acupuncture. I’m sure you know something. Let me ask you a question, have you ever tried acupuncture?(Mat) Yeah, I tried it once, but that was about 15 years ago I think. I remember I had a muscle pain in my leg (I think from too much cycling), and someone recommended I try acupuncture, so I gave it a try.(Jocelyn) OK, then. So you actually have some experience of acupuncture. Tell me what you remember about it.(Mat) Well, all I can really remember is an old man got some very sharp needles, and he stuck them into my leg, then he got some cotton on the end of the needles, and he set fire to the cotton. So there was like fire and the needles got hot and then I moved my leg and it really hurt. That was it. I never tried it again.(Jocelyn) Ah, I see. Well, that's just one experience (and it doesn’t sound so pleasant) but you have to understand that acupuncture is much more than just heating needles. Let’s start with the basics. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that dates back over 2,000 years, and it has evolved into a highly refined and effective method of healing. It's based on the belief that the body has a network of energy pathways known as meridians, when the flow of energy, or qi, in these meridians becomes disrupted or blocked, illness or pain can occur.(Mat) OK, so let’s stop here for a minute. I think you need to tell me more about these, what are they called, meridians and this qi thing.(Jocelyn) Sure, let me explain. According to traditional Chinese medicine, qi is a kind of energy that flows through the body along these invisible pathways called meridians. And when this energy, ‘qi’, is flowing smoothly, the body is healthy, but if there is any kind of blockage or imbalance in the flow of qi, it can lead to illness or pain. So the main idea behind acupuncture is to stimulate specific points along these meridians, and these invisible lines, to unblock or rebalance the flow of qi in the body.(Mat) I see, so the idea is to unblock and free the flow of this energy, called qi, in the body by stimulating specific points along these special lines, these invisible meridians. That sounds interesting. But if these meridians are invisible, how does an acupuncturist (I’m guessing that’s a word), how does an acupuncturist know where to put the needles?(Jocelyn) That's a good question, Mat. Acupuncturists (yes, that is the right word for someone who does acupuncture), they are trained to locate these specific points along the meridians. And they use a combination of knowledge of the body's anatomy, many special techniques, and knowledge of the meridian system to find these points. These points are located on the surface of the body and are often connected to underlying structures, such as muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Once the acupuncturist locates the correct points, they insert very fine needles into the skin at those points, to stimulate the flow of qi and promote healing. It's actually a very precise practice that requires a lot of knowledge and skill. And the skill is not so much about knowing how to put the needle in, it’s about knowing where to put the needle, finding the exact right spot, being able to locate the meridians. And it’s this that can take many years t
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