Episode38: Mid-Autumn Festival
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Mid-Autumn Festival Welcome to this edition of China Lifestyle Journeys, the series that brings you chats, discussions and insights on all aspects of Chinese living. We will cover festivals, food, traditions, customs and much, much more. I’m your host Jocelyn… and I’m Mat, just an English guy with lots of questions. So, Mat, what’s your big question today? (Mat) Hello and welcome again to another episode of China Lifestyle Journeys. As usual, in today’s episode we will be looking at one unique and interesting aspect of Chinese culture. Now as you can tell from the episode title,today we’re talking about Mid-Autumn festival. Now, personally, I’ve got to admit that I don’t know much about this festival, except that it’s in the autumn (in the middle ofautumn I think – because of the name) – and on this festival – I know that people eat mooncakes. So I guess thatwill be the best place to start with the origins. So Jocelyn, tell me something about the origins of this festival. (Jocelyn) Sure, Mat. The Mid-Autumn Festival has its originsrooted in1 ancient Chinese traditions and beliefs. It dates back over 2,000 years and is closely tied to agricultural practices and the lunar calendar. The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, when the moon is believed to beat its fullest and brightest2. It was originally a time for people to give thanks for a successful harvest3, and to pray for the good fortune. Over time, it has evolved into a celebration of family reunion and the appreciation of the moon’s beauty. The festival has deep cultural significance and holds a special place in Chinese folklore and traditions. (Mat) OK, so it’s linked to the lunar calendar, but you just made a point about“the appreciation of the moon’s beauty” – isn’t the moon like the same at any time of year? Is the moon more beautiful during this festival? And you know what’s the significance of the moon in this particular Mid-Autumn Festival? (Jocelyn) OK, let me explain. While the moon itself may not physically change in its beauty throughout the year, its symbolism and significance during the Mid-Autumn Festival are what make it special. The full moon during this festival is seen as a symbol of unity, completeness, and family reunion. It represents harmony and serves as areminder4 of loved ones who may be far away. The moon’s round shape also signifies prosperity and good luck. During the festival, families and friends gather to admire the moon together, appreciating itsserene5 beauty and using it asa focal point6for storytelling, poetry, and heartfelt wishes7. The moon holds deep cultural and emotional significance, fostering8 a sense of connection and warmth among people. (Mat) Oh right, I see. Actually you’ve just reminded me. I think I remember a story about the moon, something about a moon goddess, some beautiful goddess who lived in the moon. Does that story have any connection with this festival? (Jocelyn) Well remembered, Mat. You’re actually right. You’re talking about the popular Chinese legend of Chang’e, the Moon Goddess. According tothe ancient legend, Chang’e was a beautiful woman who consumed a specialelixir9, to make her immortal (to live forever), she drank the special elixir and floated up to the moon, where she still lives to this day. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people pay tribute to10 Chang’e by offering her fruits,incense11, and mooncakes. The story of Chang’e adds a touch of12 magical charm andmythology13 to the festival, deepening its cultural significance. It’s a great story that has been passed down through generations and continues to be cherished during the Mid-Autumn Festival.   (Mat) Ah, mooncakes, finally we get to mooncakes. This is going to be my favourite part of the episode, because we are talking about cakes. Now I’ve had mooncakes on many occasions, and I always think they are quite varied, there are so many
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