Darts and Letters: Pew Research Center
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***We’re continuing to play the first few episodes of our new show, Darts and Letters. If you like Cited, you’ll like this. So subscribe today.*** You’ve seen hilarious videos of the evangelicals for Trump. You might be inclined to ignore them, mock their excesses, or dismiss their threat. But the evangelical right is a force to be reckoned with, even with Trump on his way out. So, who are these evangelicals? What do they believe? For years, evangelicals have been plotting a political course, a far-right “theology” that includes Christian nationalism and spiritual warfare. It’s paying off. And we need to understand why it works, and for whom. This is the first in a series of episodes we’ll be releasing that examine the political philosophies of radical right-wing movements. * First (@8:16), Andre Gagne is a former evangelical, once “saved,” who turned away from the light of the Church to become a professor. He talks about what he found in the church, the power of “narrative theology,” why he left the church, and why so much of the evangelical experience is powerful – and disconcerting. * Then (@37:24), Chrissy Stroop is an author, activist, and former Christian who has gone from Jesusland to Twitterland. She shares her journey with Gordon, including her creation of #emptythepews, a hashtag that marks the stories of people leaving the church. She warns of the power of fundamentalist enclaves, powerful ecosystems that exist on their own but also reach into the world to draw entrants into them. * Finally (@1:03:21), Bradley Onishi is a pastor turned professor turned podcaster who Ben Shapiro calls “that religion professor.” He takes on the so-called intellectuals of the far right through his academic research and the podcast he co-hosts with Dan Miller, Straight White American Jesus. Onishi doing his part to keep the discourse honest, a job that is as essential as it is Sisyphean. ——————-SUPPORT THE SHOW——————- We need your support. If you like what you hear, chip in. You can find us on patreon.com/dartsandletters. Patreon subscribers get the episode a day early, and sometimes will also receive bonus content. Don’t have the money to chip in this week? Not to fear, you can help in other ways. For one: subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. It helps other people find our work. —————————-CONTACT US————————- To stay up to date, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. If you’d like to write us, email [email protected] or tweet Gordon directly. —————————-CREDITS—————————- This week, Darts and Letters was produced by Jay Cockburn and Gordon Katic. The lead research assistant on this episode was Isabelle Lemelin, with support from David Moscrop, and consulting from Andre Gagne. Our theme song and music was created by Mike Barber, and our graphic design was created by a href="https://www.dakotakoop.