Darts and Letters: Trump, interrupted
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***We’re continuing to play the first few episodes of our new show, Darts and Letters. If you like Cited, you’ll like this. So subscribe today. We’re now up on all the places.*** We can breathe a sigh of relief with Biden’s victory, but it ain’t time to check out and go to brunch. Because Trumpism is not going anywhere. In a razor-thin election, Trump expanded his base—despite his bungling of COVID-19. In light of that, we have to accept this plain fact: Trump is more popular than we thought, and to more people. And again, the DNC, the pollsters, and elite media establishment clearly missed the mark. So, what is Trumpism actually, and how can we defeat it? * First, in host Gordon Katic’s opening essay, he sort of defends Trump. The media’s attacks on him were all wrong, because they often missed the true dangers of Trump. Now, Trumpism is only interrupted, and little has been done to blunt its underlining appeal. * Next (@9:08), Mark Blyth is the plain-talking political economist for everyone. He has the superpower of predicting terrible things, including: the 2016 election, Brexit, and he even said of this election “Trump has a lot left in the tank.” Mark tells us that Trumpism is a dangerous tribal anger; but there’s another more productive side of anger, righteous anger. We find ways out of Trumpism in his new book, Angrynomics, co-written with Eric Lonergan. * Then (@39:13), Professor Andrea Benjamin gives us the view from local politics; she takes us from city council to the DNC, asking: how do minority voters mobilize on the ground, and what do they actually want? She tells us, the Democratic establishment better start asking those very same questions. * Finally (@55:14), Luke Savage is one of the most exciting voices in the Jacobin-left, and he breaks down the election results and what they mean for the future of the party. We also talk about the emerging left intellectual commentariat, and why it is so exciting right now. —————————-SUPPORT THE SHOW—————————- We need your support. If you like what you hear, chip in. You can find us on patreon.com/dartsandletters. Patreon subscribers get the episode a day early, and sometimes will also receive bonus content. Don’t have the money to chip in this week? Not to fear, you can help in other ways. For one: subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. It helps other people find our work. —————————-CONTACT US————————- To stay up to date, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. If you’d like to write us, email [email protected] or tweet Gordon directly. —————————-CREDITS—————————- This week, Darts and Letters was produced by Jay Cockbu...