In this sermon, Pastor Mike Schumann expounds upon Philippians 3:15-19 in which Paul entreats the Philippians to think in a way that says: ‘I’m a member of God’s true people, because of Christ, who is my treasure. And I’m not there yet, but I am pressing on.’ A mature Christian thinks this way. Paul entreats us to imitate those who have walked the Christian life well.
Published 04/28/24
Published 04/28/24
In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon Philippians 3:12-14. There are three things here that the Christian should remember as we progress and mature in our journey of the Christian life. Let’s press on to lay hold of Jesus Christ.
Published 04/21/24
In this sermon, Pastor David Mathis expounds upon Philippians 3:9-11 in which Paul teaches justification by faith alone. We are fully accepted by God in Jesus, and we will one day fully know Jesus and be satisfied in him forever. We know Jesus even now, and we want to know him more. Knowing Jesus will change us. We become more like him. In triumph and sufferings – we want to echo Christ’s heart and mind.
Published 04/14/24
In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon Philippians 3:3-9 in which Paul counts everything as loss because of Christ. Jesus Christ is the only true savior. We cannot be righteous by our own merit. The only way God accepts you is by looking at you and seeing something not of you. Jesus is the only one who gets you God, if it’s God that you want.
Published 04/07/24
In this sermon, on Resurrection Sunday, Pastor David Mathis expounds upon Philippians 3:1-3. Easter is the highpoint of our rejoicing in the risen Christ. These verses have three threats, and so here are three safeties for us as we put our confidence in the risen Christ.
Published 03/31/24
In this sermon, on Palm Sunday, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon Philippians 2:25-30 in which Paul gets really personal. Paul shows his honesty is three ways in this passage by how he makes practical ministry decisions, how he shows honor to Epaphroditus, and how he talks about the sorrows of death.
Published 03/24/24
In this sermon, Pastor Mike Polley expounds upon Philippians 2:19-24 in which Paul gives instructions regarding Timothy. Paul was like a father to Timothy, living out a Godly life to be imitated by Timothy. And Timothy was faithful to receive this well. Paul commends Timothy to the Philippians and encourage them to follow his Christ-like example.
Published 03/17/24
In this sermon, Pastor David Mathis expounds upon Philippians 2:12-18 in which Paul turns from Jesus's obedience and reward to ours. We have God in us not only to will, but to work! And all this stands on the rock of God’s own joy, his delight, his good pleasure. He is not reluctant in helping us fight sin and pursue Christlikeness.
Published 03/10/24
In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon Philippians 2:5-11 which has been called not only the centerpiece of Philippians, but even the centerpiece of the entire New Testament. We must look to Jesus to know humility. The example of Jesus shows us true humility and it changes the way we see life in this world
Published 03/03/24
In this sermon on Philippians 2:1-4, Pastor Mike Schumann expounds further upon the topic of church unity by focusing specifically on unity amidst opposition from within. In humility, we should count others more significant by remembering whose blood was spilled for them, remember how much God desires to bring that person all the way home, and look to the interests of others by praying for them and showing up for them even when you don’t feel like it.
Published 02/25/24
In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell focuses in on just two verses in which Paul describes why real church unity is so important for the local church. In these verses, Paul provides 3 marks of real church unity. Real church unity means our church will be ready for battle: to hold our ground, to fight for gospel advance, and to be courageous when it costs.
Published 02/18/24
In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon Philippians 1:27-30 in which Paul tells the local church how they should be doing. There are things in this passage that are especially relevant for Cities Church as we enter our tenth year of life together as a church. The main exhortation from this passage is: It is absolutely necessary that our church’s life together in this world witness to the all-satisfying value of Jesus.
Published 02/11/24
In this sermon on Philippians 1:19-26, Deacon Marshall Segal expounds further upon the implications of Paul’s passion for the glory of God magnified through the advance of the gospel. In this passage, verse 21, Paul writes a verse familiar to many of us ... “for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” But do we really understand both sides of this precious, life-altering (and death-altering) verse?
Published 02/04/24
In this sermon on Philippians 1:12-18, Pastor Jonathan Parnell’s exposition shows how Paul’s passion for the glory of God magnified through the advance of the gospel shaped his outlook on: how he was doing, how he understood the impact of his witness, and the way he viewed other ministries. This same idea of our passion shaping our outlook is still true for us today.
Published 01/28/24
In this sermon, Pastor Mike Schumann expounds upon Philippians 1:9-11 in which Paul prays for the christians in Philippi to grow as believers – by abounding more and more in love with knowledge and discernment so that they will approve what is excellent, be pure and blameless, and filled with fruit – all for the day of Christ. So let’s also aim to present our very best to Jesus on that day; it will be excellent.
Published 01/21/24
In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon Paul’s words to us in Philippians 1:3-8. Paul loved the church at Philippi, which begs the question: Are there lessons we could glean from Saint Paul’s love for the church in Philippi that might shape our love for our church in St. Paul?
Published 01/14/24
In this sermon, Pastor David Mathis introduces our Philippians sermon series by expounding upon Philippians 1:1-2 and explaining four reasons why we love Philippians and will spend the next 5 months preaching through this letter here at Cities Church.
Published 01/07/24
In this sermon, on Christmas Sunday, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon the benediction in Hebrews 13:20-21 which points to God equipping us to worship Him. We exist to be worshippers of God because the most important thing we can do with our lives is to magnify the glory of God. Worship is the goal, and it applies to all of life.
Published 12/31/23
In this sermon, on the fourth and final Sunday of Advent, Pastor Mike Polley expounds upon Hebrews 13:10-13 which highlights the purpose for which Jesus came and walked on this earth. Jesus came into the world to save the world, Jesus went outside the camp to save the world, and we must go to Jesus to be saved.
Published 12/24/23
In this sermon, on the third Sunday of Advent, Pastor Jonathan Parnell looks at Hebrews 5:1-10 and expounds upon the suffering of Jesus in the days of his flesh. And in this passage, the author of Hebrews answers the question: How does Jesus’s excruciating prayer in Gethsemane make him get us?
Published 12/17/23
In this sermon, on the second Sunday of Advent, Pastor David Mathis expounds upon Hebrews 2:10-18 which is a “he get us” passage. But not only does he get us, he helps us. In Advent, we celebrate that he became man, fully human like us, not just to be one of us but to save us.
Published 12/10/23
In this sermon, on the first Sunday of this Advent season, we return to Hebrews 2:5-9. Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds this passage in light of our current reality that Jesus reigns because “for a little while [he] was made lower than the angels”, yet we still live in a land of darkness and ashes. The future world has been introduced, but we are still waiting for Jesus’s second advent.
Published 12/03/23
Published 11/26/23
In this sermon, on Hebrews 13:1-17, Pastor David Mathis expounds this passage which seems to offer a vision for practical life that is pleasing to God. So then, what does it look like to live such a life, pleased in God, believing that and enjoying that Jesus is better?
Published 11/19/23