A brief summary of this episode
Published 02/23/24
Can you talk about motivation . If there is no other, no reality then why would we do anything? Why are you doing this podcast for example? 
Published 02/22/24
I sat down with a child one day to ask   how does it feel for him. he had become violent to another Child I said we need to discuss this as this behaviour is not acceptable, I asked him why he became angry and violent he looked at me for a while and said these words to me It feels like I'm in Disgrace land as i sat there taking those words in, I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time because I know disgrace Land only too well but I've never heard anyone say it quite like him so my only...
Published 02/21/24
A conversation with Helen Amery and Amy Johnson about the Enlightenment Event. For information about how to join the Event, click here For information about Dr Amy Johnson's work click here 
Published 02/20/24
I was listening to a video where a teacher was describing his understanding of "free will". The teacher was sharing that freedom comes from awareness. He went on to say that before awareness, we are programmed to operate from the conditioned mind. We are identified with it and in that state there is no free will. Once we begin to wake up, it appears we can choose not to operate from our conditioned mind or a thought but we can choose differently from presence, awareness.  From what I've...
Published 02/18/24
I would love to hear your thoughts on this ‘choice/no choice paradox’. “It is equally true that we have every choice and that we have no choice. (That is one of those famous Zen paradoxes we must grow into.) Through awareness practice, we come to see that our world continues to be the same not because that's the way the world is but because we continue to make the same choices. Making the same choices is the result of unquestioningly believing the same beliefs and assuming the same...
Published 02/18/24
I came across your podcast about a year ago and love your take on non-duality and the crucial piece of allowing the experience to be had rather than using a non-dual conversation to bypass it. I have a question regarding the 15th February episode where you talk about going in deeper where there is discomfort or anxiety, and in the case of your friend with the anxiety about driving, to drive as much as possible. Over recent years, I have come to see that there was narcissistic abuse taking...
Published 02/17/24
A brief summary of this episode
Published 02/16/24
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Published 02/15/24
A brief summary of this episode
Published 02/14/24
A brief summary of this episode
Published 02/13/24
I am trying to break down my fears and understand what is behind then. Maybe due to my upbringing and environmental factors an learned behaviour, it seems I've always compared myself, been too self conscious, low self worth, self critical, etc. But behind it all I think i protect myself from being judged, found out; humiliated. It's all about the presence of others. It is such a strong force that it keeps me from doing stuff for fear of all those very things. I know we are all equal but it...
Published 02/12/24
A brief summary of this episode
Published 02/11/24
A brief summary of this episode
Published 02/10/24
Is there such a thing as a healthy ego?: listener question
Published 02/09/24
Thank you so much for the reply to my question in the Podcast "Protection" 2 February.   It's taken me a while to let your words settle and really start to look deeper into the separate "me" that is still lurking!  Initially my body/mind wanted to reject and ignore what you were saying - there was quite a visceral response in my body - punch to the stomach, anger and annoyance.  So slowly and with a few days in between, I have listened to the episode a few times now over the last week and...
Published 02/08/24
What I have realised is that up to know and all my life is this huge separation of me from others self blame and self discomfort. Wishing I was one of my friends (growing up). I've just labelled myself all my life. I am this, I am sensitive, its my upbringing, I was lonely, I wasn't the popular one, she, hated attention, wanting to fit in. It goes on and on.  Feeling I am abnormal,  that i have a problem, I can't do this or attend that and standing out like a sore thumb for fear of...
Published 02/07/24
Published 02/06/24
Just reflecting on connection being a biological imperative to ensure survival as a newborn. Could this tie in with why as we mature we replace the secure attachment needed from our primary caregivers by trying to secure the experience of being ?
Published 02/05/24
Published 02/04/24
My sister has recently 'gaslit' me more than once and has now 'ghosted' me.  She did pull me in originally ... until I stepped back and realised. But now there's silence because she won't talk to me, saying it stresses her out. So I feel stuck.  Yes, I did want something from this other person - and now I must not.   Am I looking for where "I am" doing this (or have done this) in some area of my life please?  
Published 02/03/24
I just wanted to let you know that the Energy Course was brilliant how much it has opened up and deepened my curiosity and inquiry into "Who am I".  Thank you so much for your wonderful guidance and help in opening up the cracks, enabling me to see so much more. My question relates initially to Day 28 "Takeaways" video and then secondly to the Podcast question from 30th January regarding Energy and Capacity. You spoke about social situations and the use of alcohol as a coping tool in the...
Published 02/02/24
I'm going a little round in circles with the being movement and the document. I found great value in creating the document and identifying negative self beliefs that were under the surface and creating I am statements. However something is holding me back from speaking the document each day as it feels like "doing" being. When I am connected to my being, it feels like nothing else is required.  I would love your input on this as I can see people have enormous value from this , however I want...
Published 02/01/24
A little while back you mentioned Human Design (which I know very little about), and it made me wonder how a system like that can fit with the understanding you talk about here. I would have thought trying to fit our experience into some system would only take us several steps further away from reality. But maybe I misconstrued what you were saying in the first place, or else there's something I'm not seeing (very likely) that renders such systems helpful even in this understanding. Is it...
Published 01/31/24
Was wondering about the connection between capacity & energy?  Is there a certain amount of energy that is in the body-mind and is distributed/needed for different tasks and processes. And in body mind fortresses were built through conditioning, shocks, trauma ets. with closed doors on which is written STOP PAINFUL - DO NOT ENTER. And energy is spent to keep those doors closed & protected and nothing is left for capacity.
Published 01/30/24