Minimalism is a tool that helps us unpack our thinking habits. It's a great visual tool to understand what Thoughts we are allowing or ignoring and can help us gain more control and openness to new thoughts.
Published 05/04/20
https://clearyourmindset.com Let's talk about why your self worth grows with letting go of your stuff. Minimalism and decluttering can stop impulsive shopping habits.
Published 04/25/20
There's another trend happening where people are getting rid of everything since they're bored in quarantine. I discuss where this behaviour can leave regrets and how to avoid that!
Published 04/21/20
I struggled to find a simple routine because I didn't realize my mind was trained to panic. Here's how I changed it, and how my new routine works.
Published 04/17/20
Do I regret letting go of my stuff during a pandemic crisis? Actually, it's made my life easier.
Published 04/09/20
Minimalism is mistaken as an extreme lifestyle, but it's actually a great way to upgrade your life!
Published 04/09/20
From hoarder to minimalist, let's discuss how to be happy with less during quarantine. Now that we're stuck at home, we can't chase after the indulgences of marketed consumption as easily. So how do we enjoy simple living?
Published 04/09/20