Richard Kerr, Senior News Writer, Science Magazine, speaks on the Global Warming Crisis and his thoughts on its future.
Published 08/17/10
Wealthy countries that emit most of the greenhouse gases should compensate poor countries for the damage inflicted by climate change.
Published 08/17/10
Professor Florencia Montagnini discusses Climate Change and Global Policy in Spanish.
Published 08/17/10
Nobel Laureate Dr. R. K. Pachauri, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, addresses the Governors' Climate Change Conference, hosted by Yale. This Conference reviews state-level programs to combat global climate change and to develop a strategy for future action. The gathering will also celebrate the centennial of President Theodore Roosevelt’s landmark 1908 Conference of Governors, which launched the modern conservation movement. Governors who plan to attend the...
Published 08/17/10
California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger addresses the Conference of Governors on Climate Change, hosted by Yale University on April 17 and 18th.
Published 08/17/10
Freeman Dyson, Princeton physicist, has been roundly criticized for insisting global warming is not an urgent problem. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Dyson explains his iconoclastic views and why he believes they have stirred such controversy.
Published 08/17/10
Connecticut Governor, Jodi Rell, delivers the Welcome Address for the Yale Governor's Conference on Climate Change. Governor Rell emphasizes the great impact just one person can have in making difference for the Environment.
Published 08/17/10
A national policy to cut carbon emissions by as much as 40 percent over the next 20 years could still result in increased economic growth, according to an interactive website that reviews 25 of the leading economic models being used to predict the economic impacts of reducing emissions.
Published 08/17/10
Published 08/17/10
Michael Donoghue, the G. Evelyn Hutchinson Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology discusses evening primroses and the survival of plants in the face of rapid climate change.
Published 04/08/09
Anthony Leiserowitz, director of Yale Project on Climate Change, discusses results of recent opinion polls on climate change and global warming.
Published 08/13/08