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Chinese Learn Online (CLO)
Chinese Track Level 3
Level 3 (lessons 121 to 180) of our progressive Mandarin course. Get all 7 levels (420 lessons), flashcards, exercises and additional resources at
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Published 12/21/07
Dialogue 1: Numbers A: Ni3 ming2tian1 ke3yi3 gen1 wo3 yi1qi3 qu4 dian4zi3 shang1dian4 ma? Wo3 xu1yao4 mai3 yi1 tai2 xin1de dian4nao3. B: Dang1ran2 ke3yi3. Ke3shi4 ni3 wei4 shen2me xu1yao4 wo3 gen1 ni3 yi1qi3 qu4? A: Yin1wei4 wo3 dui4 dian4nao3 de dong1xi1 bu2 shi4 hen3 liao3jie3. Suo3yi3 wo3...
Published 12/21/07
Dialogue 1: Numbers A: Wa1,ni3 zen3me mai3 le na4me duo1 dong1xi1! B: Wo3 jin1wan3 yao4 qing3 wo3 tong2shi4 lai2 wo3 jia1 chi1fan4,suo3yi3 wo3 jin1tian1 dou1 hui4 hen3 mang2. A: O,ni3 xu1yao4 bang1mang2 ma? B: Xie4xie4, ni3 zhen1 ti3tie1. Ni3 ke3yi3 bang1 wo3 ba3 zhe4xie1 dong1xi1 fang4 zai4...
Published 12/19/07
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