FInd your purpose and unwrap your gift.
Published 04/06/21
Sometimes we lose focus of what we have and we can become ungrateful because we want more. There's nothing wrong with wanting more but when we lose site of what we have, we will not receive more.
Published 04/01/21
In order for our energy not to be trapped and stuck into a repetitive cycle, we must forgive and move on. What I mean is, we forgive the situation that we allowed ourselves to be in, forgive ourselves and let it go. So that we maybe free in our mind, body, and spirit. Although it may not be forgotten but the emotions of it can be released in due time. Which will allow for us to grown and move on.
Published 03/18/21
The only excuse to not accomplishing a goal is because we dont want it bad enough! When it comes to accomplishing goals there is a process involved. The good, the bad, and what the hell just happened moments! This process is teaching us how to overcome obstacles, so that when we achieve our goal, we wont lose it. It is not the time to give up and walk away from it. We must stand firm and steadfast if we are looking to become sus
Published 03/16/21
We all want to be financially abundant. But there are blockages that are preventing us from achieving financial success. We have to change our thought processor and emotions of how we feel about money. If we think we are broke, then we will stay broke. If we pay our bills late, then our financial situation will stay behind. We have to believe it and act upon it in a positive manner before we can receive it.
Published 03/11/21
In order to know where we are headed, we must have a plan. When we create plans, we set a course for manifestation to happen. Things may not always go according to plan but it is a blueprint and a guide to point us in the right direction.
Published 03/09/21
It is time to let go of the old and be reborn into the new. We can be a possum and play dead, while life just pass us by. We can rise and let go of the new and create a new future because we were not given the spirit of fear. We were given the spirit of power, love, and self discipline.
Published 03/04/21
Distractions are constant, if we wait for distractions to end, we will never accomplish our goals. We have to fight through distractions, work through distractions, and stay focused through distractions. When we persevere through distractions we become an unstoppable force and the goal gets accomplished!
Published 03/02/21
Energy does not die, it merely transfer. If we are giving 50% effort to our job then we are going to give 50% effort towards our goal. In order to achieve success we have to apply it towards every area of our lives. It is easier said than done, but necessary towards being the best versions of ourselves.
Published 02/25/21
What do you want to be when you grow up. That was the question that were asked as children. As we get older, the dream is lost, and we're stuck working jobs that does not fulfill our higher purpose. It is time to dig deep and resurrect the dream that is still within us. It is time to let go of the opinion of others and begin to live our life purpose.
Published 02/23/21
Published 02/16/21
"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we don't see" - Hebrews 11:1. Seeing is not believing, manifestation happens in the dark, before it comes to light. Become a risk taker and a believer, chin up, chest out, walk in confidence.
Published 02/11/21
Take 100% ownership of your goals Become accountable for your actions. No one should want your goal more than you do. Know that your goal has value and purpose and it must get done.
Published 02/09/21
When the Grind Get Tough, The Tough Keep Grindin. There will be a lot of opposition that will come our way. We MUST remember our "Why" in order to accomplish our goal. Distractions cant be avoided, excuses should NOT be validated.
Published 02/04/21
What better time than now, to go after our goals. Sometimes we need that extra push that will allows us to propel forward. It maybe scary in the beginning by stepping into the unknown. But once we become acclimated we see that it is worth it.
Published 02/02/21
Faith is NOT, I will believe it when I see it. Faith is believing something will manifest, even though we cannot see the outcome. Which is also defined as blind faith.
Published 01/28/21
Fulfillment comes from going after your life purpose. Do NOT seek others approvals when it comes to achieving your goals. Always remember your "why" and continue to visualize the goal: Think it, Feel it, Say it, Have it!
Published 01/26/21
Its time Grow, Let Go, and Move Forward. We must focus on ourselves in order to overcome trauma and blockages that are holding us back. One step towards self care is meditation. Meditation allows us to release the old in order to make way for the new.
Published 01/21/21
You have to show up to practice if you expect to play in the game. Too many times we are afraid to fail, afraid of the process, and don't want to be patient.
Published 01/19/21
So as a man speaks, so is he. How we feel about ourselves is the energy that we will put out. Our first love should be ourselves, which will release to the outside world. We have to let go of old programming that has been placed upon us.
Published 01/14/21
Old Foundations MUST be torn down, in order to build a NEW Foundation. Let Go and Grow, so that you can create Forward Movement in your Life.
Published 01/12/21
There is No Plan B, There is ONLY Plan A. If you are giving your energy away to Plan B, then you cannot give your ALL to Plan A.
Published 01/07/21
It is time to save yourself and release the safety net. Nothing in life is guarantee and situations are always changing. We have to become comfortable being uncomfortable.
Published 01/05/21
Set yourself apart from the Competition. Find your niche and discover what makes your talent unique.
Published 12/31/20
Its time to Fall back so that we can Spring Forward. It is time for a New Season and I am calling it, Winning Season.
Published 12/29/20