Bernhard Kerres shares with you the very secret CCB formula, providing you with endless happiness and unlimited success. Bernhard Kerres is a coach based in Vienna, Austria, who works with clients from around the world. If you are interested in working with him, come for a free Coffee Meeting. Find more about Bernhard on ⁠www.bernhardkerres.com⁠. To find out more about the Penguin Club, go to https://book.bernhardkerres.com/penguin-club-signup/ All the book titles Bernhard read out at the...
Published 03/31/24
In this episode, Bernhard explores the question of whether we are good enough. He discusses the Imposter Syndrome and how it affects our self-perception. Bernhard delves into development psychology and the shift in perception as we grow older. He emphasizes the importance of developing filters to navigate feedback and judgment from others. Bernhard also highlights the need to trust our inner compass and seek guidance from supportive individuals. He concludes by encouraging listeners to...
Published 03/20/24
Published 03/20/24
Sometimes, we resonate with others, and sometimes, we don't. And often, it is a mystery to us why. Bernhard takes the example of music to explain the concept of resonance. Even the best violinist playing the best violin in the world might not resonate with each other. Bernhard Kerres is a sought-after executive coach and keynote speaker based in Vienna, Austria. He was the first opera singer to become a C-level executive of multi-million Euro tech companies. And he was the only artistic...
Published 02/26/24
How can we focus on what matters to us in a single day? Bernhard suggests having a morning notebook and scribbling down every morning what really would make a difference for that day. Bernhard Kerres is a coach based in Vienna, Austria. He focuses on leadership, teamwork, entrepreneurship, and career coaching. Find out more about Bernhard at: www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 02/25/24
What are you doing when you wake up? Are you also grabbing your phone immediately? Bernhard Kerres suggests spending time on your spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being before being drawn into the virtual world of re-acting instead of acting. The book he is referring to is: Sharma, R. S. S. (2018). The 5 Am Club. Jaico Publishing House. You can find it in any good bookstore or on Amazon. To find out more about Bernhard, go to www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 02/19/24
How can we continue and grow our love and partnership over time? Bernhard Kerres ventures into a territory he usually does not speak about or coach on. Still, he developed a model many people found helpful for developing love partnerships. What do you think about it? What do you think keeps a partnership going over many, many years? Join the conversation on the Revibration App! Find more details on the Revibrations App, which you find in the Google Play and Apple App...
Published 05/01/23
Ikigai is a beautiful concept for finding your purpose in your professional life. But what if we take that concept to our recruiting efforts - regardless of hiring a new employee, adding someone to our team, or getting a new ensemble member? In hiring, we focus on skills, expertise, and experience. This is, in Ikigai terms, "What we are good at." We also speak about money. But wouldn't it be good for teams to understand each other's passions and the worlds we care for? That could be a game...
Published 04/25/23
Can you remember the last time you received good feedback? Feedback conversations are often mixed up with appraisals, judgments, mentoring, and other forms of top-down communication. But a good feedback conversation is about "us." Listen to Bernhard Kerres talking about good feedback conversations. Find more details on the Revibrations App, which you find in the Google Play and Apple App...
Published 03/30/23
The Johari window concept was developed by psychologists Joseph Luft (1916–2014) and Harrington Ingham (1916–1995). It is an excellent way to understand that we need others to learn about ourselves. It lays the foundation for the importance of feedback, vulnerability, coaching, and curiosity. Find more details on the Revibrations App, which you find in the Google Play and Apple App...
Published 03/08/23
It isn't about getting from good to great. It is all about getting from good to magic! Bernhard speaks in this podcast about a project he did with Q595 in 2022. He brought four musicians together for a concert. It was part of a corporate training program on teams. When you bring four professionals together, you can expect a good outcome. But how do you create magic? You need to use tools from outside their world. You need to reach into everyone's emotions. And you need to integrate as...
Published 03/01/23
What is harmony? We all strive for harmony, but we often are content with artificial harmony, simply avoiding conflict. Our brain has the unique ability to put different notes together and hear them in harmony, even if the instruments are entirely out of tune. That also happens in real life. We need to stay away from false harmony and thrive for real, magic harmony.  More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, Austria, on www.bernhardkerres.com. Feel free to come for a...
Published 11/10/22
November is a month focusing on men's health. The Movember foundation brings our attention to testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and suicide prevention. In today's episode, Bernhard Kerres talks about Movember's ALEC model: Ask, Listen, Encourage, Check-in. It is a great model for good conversations, especially but not only with men. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, Austria, on www.bernhardkerres.com. Feel free to come for a free coffee session in person or...
Published 11/03/22
Bernhard shares his gratitude in this last episode of the El Camino sequence. Seeing the cathedral of Santiago di Compostela after five days of hiking was a unique and intensive moment.  More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 10/27/22
A personal reflection on what makes us as people - body, mind, heart, and spirit. And a reference to The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma: https://amzn.eu/d/cHhwfqw - if you are interested in exploring working with Bernhard Kerres, join him for a free coffee session in Vienna or online (ok, there is also tea…). Book it here: https://book.bernhardkerres.com/coffee/
Published 10/20/22
When do we reach flow? And how often are we actually allow ourselves to get into flow? Walking for many hours a day achieves flow naturally. It allows us to open our minds and hearts to things we have never experienced before. You find the book Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly in all good bookstores and on Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/4vUnHCk Interested in working with Bernhard? Join him for a free coffee session in Vienna or online: https://book.bernhardkerres.com/coffee/
Published 10/13/22
How often do we actually compete every day? We run to be first at the next street crossing. We want to be first giving a good answer in a meeting. We want to be seen as best among peers from our boss. When walking El Camino competition was there at the beginning. But then it changed. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 10/06/22
While walking El Camino to Santiago de Compostela I had the opportunity to think about many subjects. One was another reflection on tempo and the importance of finding our own tempo even among many other people. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 10/03/22
The war in Ukraine continues. Coping would mean accepting. Instead of accepting, Bernhard believes that many small steps can lead back to respect and peace. If you want to support Ukrainian musicians, please go to: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/help-musicians-ukraine. The money will be used to buy train tickets, COVID tests, and other basic necessities for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 03/15/22
The war in Ukraine affects so many of us. While our love and care go out to the victims, we deal with our anxiety and fear. Bernhard Kerres shares his personal way of dealing with his helplessness, anxiety, and fear. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 03/09/22
The COVID19 pandemic has made our comfort zones smaller and smaller and smaller. With the world slowly opening up again, it is time for us to increase our comfort zones again, stepping out of them, but without putting us in danger. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 06/02/21
With the pandemic going for a year now, many people re-think their career choices. Some consider jobs they view as safer. Others are thinking about a Plan B. Bernhard Kerres uses a metaphor to explain that a Plan B might be the absolutely wrong choice. He suggests to rather focus on the one and only Plan B. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 03/18/21
A year of lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social distancing has limited our experiences. Life has become boring and monotonous. Bernhard has a few tips on how to spice up monotony during a time where you still cannot do much. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 02/25/21
The ongoing COVID19 pandemic leads to many people feeling lonely and depressive. Checking in with people, asking them, how they really are, listening, and encouraging action can make a huge difference. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 02/04/21
The COVID19 crisis requires us to learn social distancing. This leads to significantly less people we have in-depth contact with. We therefore do not get the full chatter around any topics which form our opinions. Our thinking and daily learning becomes limited. We need to actively seek these conversations over new channels which is challenging. More about Bernhard Kerres, a Leadership Coach based in Vienna, on www.bernhardkerres.com.
Published 01/21/21