Remember when ChatGPT was just fun novelty tool? How things have changed! But did you go along for the ride or strategically integrate AI in your business?
Published 05/24/24
It's hard to find a small business owner who doesn't have tons of ideas every day. So why is there so little innovation?
Published 05/23/24
The trend right now is to go back to solopreneuring. But the outsourcing that requires has some risks that are often ignored in the time, cost saving and flexibility benefits.
Published 05/22/24
How do you transform the core values that you so lovingly came up with into a useful framework for your team and business?
Published 05/21/24
We are not born thinking. We learn how to think and what to think about for the people and world around us. But we rarely takethe time to think about how we could think better in our business.
Published 05/20/24
When you think about your contribution to the financial success of your business, do you automatically think sales and marketing and maybe amazing delivery to your clients? If so, you're missing a key piece of the puzzle.
Published 05/17/24
CEOing is hard so we need to find as many ways to motivate ourselves as we can so that when one fails another steps in.
Published 05/16/24
If you want a strategy that compunds your results from each move you have to pay attention to the connections and these are far from linear
Published 05/15/24
We all want a team that can work without needing us…just as ling as they do everything exactly like we would have and don't make any mistakes in the process. Time for a reality check
Published 05/14/24
Considering the many faces of a CEO and the numerous factors that will influence the future of business, what skills and qualities will you need to develop to lead effectively in the next5 to 10 years?
Published 05/13/24
We've been taught that we need to keep our eyes on the prize, stay in our own lane and keep our eyes on our own work. But what if that is hurting you more than it's helping?
Published 05/10/24
There's a whole lot of risk in your business and choosing to ignore it and just stay positive is not a great strategy.
Published 05/09/24
Your style and strategy can either work together to push you toward your goals or grate on each other until everyone in the business is exhausted.
Published 05/08/24
When you're aiming for sustainable growth, it's not enough just to chase new customers. You have to protect the customers you have and your reputation.
Published 05/07/24
We spend a lot of time in our business trying to maximize things like revenue and profit and time off. But what if we've over-maximized and it's holding us back?
Published 05/06/24
It's lonely at the top but you know where it's also lonely? On your remote team. And that loneliness could have a direct impact on your bottom line
Published 05/03/24
The customer might not always be right but even, when they are wrong, their friends will still believe them and make buying decisions accordingly
Published 05/02/24
Green is the new black and customers are voting for more sustainable businesses and offers with their wallets and this applies to online businesses too.
Published 05/01/24
The key to doing the right things for your business lies in the feedback you get from it. Without feedback, you'll be left disappointed in your profit line.
Published 04/30/24
Flexibility is great but have you ever tried to schedule a meeting across 3 or more timezones? Timezones aren't going any where so we need to adapt our business to minimize the impact.
Published 04/29/24
Does your strategy mean you need to make a profit right now or is there something more important?
Published 04/26/24
To create sustainable success, your business needs a team with the inventiveness of Apple, creativity of Google and Innovation of Meta
Published 04/25/24
Some people will love what you say and some people won't and that's okay. You just have to start the conversation
Published 04/24/24
As small business owners, we know that the only constant in our world is change and we can either be reactive to that or proactive about it.
Published 04/23/24
If you're flying by the seat of your pants, you should expect the next speed bump coming down the corner to knock you off course. So you need to get better at predicting and adapting to the future.
Published 04/22/24