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Published 10/27/22
Published 10/27/22
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Published 10/20/22
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Published 10/13/22
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Published 10/06/22
Do you keep attracting the same type of person into your life? And wondering WHY you keep attracting the type of person that you don't really want? What if I told you that ONCE you learn the lesson of WHY this keeps happening, your energy will shift & you will start to attract a more aligned type of person into your world. I always say relationships are not about the other person, they are a MIRROR for us to look at ourselves & take responsibility for what we have called in. In...
Published 09/22/22
Oh man, triggers are the f*cking worst. AND I know (from too much experience) they can also be the f*cking best! Feeling energetically activated in your body by a trigger is actually a SIGNAL to you! Yes, it feels really uncomfortable to be triggered by a person or experience... It's also an invitation for you to experience LIBERATION from the things that are ultimately weighing you down. In today's coffee talk, I am guiding you through a simple process that will transform the way you...
Published 09/15/22
What do you value in your relationships?? What do you prioritize as your top three values or beliefs when it comes to your love relationships? Are you currently in a situation where your values are in alignment with your partner? I know these are BIG questions to sit with And may even be challenging to answer... So I'll pose this to you- do you think love is ENOUGH to keep you in a relationship that is OUT OF ALIGNMENT? A lot of my clients struggle to connect with their partners...
Published 09/08/22
Transition is a necessary part of life. Sometimes you initiate the transition & sometimes life just throws it at you. Either way, it can be a very unsettling time shifting from the KNOWN to the UNKNOWN.  HOW you move through such an unsettling time will determine how much you suffer or how much joy & magic you experience. I find myself in another transition in life & the Universe is showing me that this is a ripe time to ground down even more into my truth & trusting that...
Published 09/01/22
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Published 08/25/22
Creating closure in your relationships is necessary for healing, but is not something that most of us have been taught. When closure doesn't happen, the loop isn't closed in a connection.  And when the loop is still open, it drains your energy & steals the present from you. Even though it's natural for most connections to end at some point, it can be really challenging to let go if it's not something you wanted to end in the first place. Creating closure not only sets you free, but it...
Published 08/18/22
Relationships are about becoming the best version of yourself. They create opportunities for you to give & receive. If you are someone that is a natural giver, most empaths are by the way, it can be very uncomfortable to learn how to receive. On the flip side, if you are someone that is really good at receiving,  you may not really know how to show up & give without expecting anything in return. No matter what side of the fence you're on, the imbalance creates disconnect,...
Published 08/11/22
Communication can make or break a connection. It all comes down to your intention & HOW you choose to communicate. Toxic communication, such as being passive aggressive or gaslighting, can be  effective... BUT... can also leave a trail of destruction. Communicating to connect can not only elevate the connection, but create NEW possibilities for what's possible. Tune in to today's Coffee Talk episode to gain insights on how you are showing up & what's a more effective way for you...
Published 08/04/22
I stopped attaching to the outcome of my relationships and this is what happened... I started to trust myself, instead of b******t myself. I quickly let go of connections that made me feel like shit. I let people show me who they truly are & not who I (secretly) want them to be. I communicate from a place of authenticity instead of toxic communication like being passive aggressive or not speaking up. Detaching from the outcome of a relationship has been one of the MOST liberating...
Published 07/28/22
I went live on my Instagram last week to dive deeper around the question of whether or not you're attached to being asexual. Sexual attraction isn't important to everyone. Some people don't care at all about expressing themselves sexually. And that's OK. What's not OK are those that secretly desire to be connected sexually & claim the identity of being "asexual" because of their circumstances. Being fully expressed in your world, means that ALL things in your life align to your...
Published 07/21/22
A cheater is NOT always a cheater. More than 50% of men & women cheat in their monogamous, committed relationships. Most people don't talk about it. They carry the secrets, shame & guilt with them hoping they'll never get caught. Here's the thing... Cheating is not the problem. The root source of WHY people cheat is the problem. Tune in today on Coffee Talks if you want to know WHY people hide & cheat & HOW one can elevate themselves out of a situation that seems...
Published 07/14/22
Recently I attended my 20-year high school reunion in Minnesota & it was hands down one of the most amazing experiences of my life!! I wanted to share this experience with you on today's Coffee Talks episode because there was so much healing & beauty that blossomed from remembering parts of myself that got lost along the way. Maybe you can relate? Sit back, grab your favorite beverage & get ready to go down memory lane with me!! XO, Roddy Support the show
Published 07/07/22
My mother has been teaching me about universal laws since I was a little girl. Anytime I would try to fight against the law or try to ignore it, I would feel frustrated & trapped. Learning to live in accordance with the universal laws, I've learned will bring you a happier & more fulfilled life.  You’ll find less struggle & way more flow.  You’ll find more certainty & less confusion.  And you’ll feel supported by the Universe as you let these laws help you navigate...
Published 06/30/22
Self-sabotage kills your vibe. It drains your energy- It takes your focus away from what you really want to be present to- And it creates A LOT of unnecessary suffering  in your life & those close to you. I know self-sabotage is normalized. EVERYONE self-sabotages in their life. But not everyone stays stuck in the loop of such destructive behavior. Wanna know why? Those that ELIMINATE self-sabotage in their life, are able to do so because they notice the pattern, realize what it's...
Published 06/23/22
Embodiment is the practice of taking knowledge & ideas & epiphanies & transmuting them into a way of being that feels supportive to you. It's a simple practice that gets lost when we don't take the time to INTEGRATE what we are learning from all the self-development. On today's Coffee Talks episode,  I am sharing with you HOW to be fully embodied in your life & what it looks like to... Slow down & let all the wisdom soak in... Give space for you to practice what you're...
Published 06/16/22
Twin flame energy is often misunderstood. This type of soul connection can create a lot of pain & suffering because the main purpose of this relationship is to help you to grow & heal. Part of understanding that each relationship & soul connection we experience has truth for us to tap into, is knowing the types of soul connections that exist & what to do when you experience one. In today's Coffee Talks, I'm diving into the signs that you have met your twin flame & how...
Published 06/09/22
Cultivating fantastic F-ing energy is a skill y'all! And you are deserving of having energy that supports you & elevates your experience. There are a shit ton of people walking around this planet completely UNAWARE of how they show up energetically & the destructive impact their ignorance has. I used to be one of those people... I would leave a trail of destruction with the toxic energy I would exist in. No one ever told me that it is possible to release ALL the dead weight &...
Published 06/02/22
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? Whose stamp of approval do you need?? How many opinions & statistics do you need to feel ready to take the leap?? What would it FEEL like to give yourself permission to follow your heart & act from a place of trust?? What would you have to shift in order to TRUST yourself fully?? You don't need permission from anyone. You don't need others weighing in on HOW you get to live your one precious life. You get to color outside of the box & create a...
Published 05/26/22
Sexual repression is a recurring theme amongst women  who have been raised in strict religious cultures, have been sexually assaulted or not given the permission to be fully expressed. The reason I am talking about this, is because SO many women are bound by their traumas & belief systems & they are not able to experience true liberation & empowerment. This is a TABOO conversation that I am bringing to the forefront of this community of incredible women who DESERVE to have it...
Published 05/19/22
It's ok to have standards. It's ok to be specific. It's ok to see your time & energy as sacred. It's ok to raise the bar & keep it high. It's ok to be honest & fully yourself. It's ok to want to feel like you've won the f*cking lottery. It's ok to be patient & wait. It's ok to BECOME the person you want to attract... In fact... It's vital that you do... That YOU start behaving, thinking & being the standard you deeply desire to experience in your life. Tune in...
Published 05/12/22