Does a day pass when you don’t need to juggle work and life demands? Let’s forget balance. Balance doesn’t exist. Instead, let’s look at how small adjustments can keep everything on track and ourselves sane. Join us as we talk with Cali Yost, the CEO and founder of Work+Life Fit and author of Tweak it: Make what matters to you happen every dayabout how to create a functional work+life fit. Here's a link to the Introduction and Chapter One of Yost's new book, Tweak It:...
Published 02/06/13
One in five adult workers is also an adult caregiver. As our population ages, this number will only grow, and so will the need to support employees. Helping employees understand they are caregivers is the first important step. Assisting them in taking care of themselves as they care for others is second. Flexibility is also key, as caregivers routinely report needing to come in late, leave early or request some shift in typical work schedules. Using the moment to help people sort through...
Published 01/02/13
Susannah Fox is the woman behind the curtain for many of the Pew Internet & American Life Project studies of our habits when it comes to health, mobile technology, patient communities and living with chronic conditions. Join us as we speak with Susannah about Pew's recently released Mobile Health 2012 study as well as her former explorations into the the social life of health information.  Information: http://bit.ly/Xy5iEx  
Published 11/30/12
Ron Kessler is the McNeil Family Professor of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School and the most widely cited researcher in the world in the field of psychiatry for the past 10 years (http://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/people/hcp_core_faculty/ronald_kessler). But don't let Ron's resume intimidate you. While Kessler is world-renowned for his work in mental health, his research expands well beyond those borders (http://www.hreonline.com/HRE/story.jsp?storyId=533344473). Kessler's recent...
Published 11/07/12
BJ Fogg is the founder of Stanford's Persuasive Technology Lab, annual Mobile Health Conference and several behavior change models. He's also the author of the book "Persuasive Technology: Using Computers To Change What We Think and Do." He joins us to talk about how his thinking about behavior change has gotten "more direct, more practical" since he wrote the book. 
Published 09/27/12
  More employers are offering health incentives for achievement and not solely participation. In Aon Hewitt's 2012 Health Care Survey, for example, 58% of companies say they offer such outcomes-based incentives for completing a tobacco cessation program, losing weight or lowering cholesterol. With PPACA’s allowance for larger incentives, the use of outcomes-based incentives is expected to increase, despite our not having a large body of research proving their effectiveness. In response, six...
Published 09/05/12
Adam Wootton is an all-things expert on the topic of playing games at work. The Australian native dovetails game theory, social media and behavioral economics to create new approaches to motivating and educating employees. Wootton, the director of social media and games at Towers Watson, recently patented the online game Swift-ee to educate employees about their health and well-being. He'll join us to talk about Swift-ee, the 5 types of corporate game players (no, not the political kind) and...
Published 07/30/12
  Jane Sarasohn-Kahn is a health economist, consultant, and respected author and blogger. She has her finger on the pulse of mobile health, social health, health reform, health care consumerism and public health initiatives that impact workplace wellness. Listen in on CoHealth's second radio show as we talk about the forces shaping everything from benefits design to wellness strategy. 
Published 06/26/12
With open enrollment sneaking up on us through the hazy days of summer, take a lunchtime break with CoHealth to get your mind in gear. Intel's health communication manager Michelle James joins us on the first aired episode of the CoHealth Checkup to talk about Intel's open enrollment and their award-winning strategy for educating employees about high-deductible health plans. 
Published 06/06/12