The Google Ads Certificate (Part 3)
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 In today's episode, we dived further deep into how you can write and pass your Google Ads Certificate exams. The pass mark for getting the Google Ads certificate is 80% and not 70% as I said in the show. As always, this show is supported by Kaeme Body Care, producers of 100% Natural Shea butter Cream and Black Soap for your skin.  In Conclusion:The Success of  your Google Ad Campaign lies solely on the Quality score of your Ad Campaign. Research or read more about how to improve the Quality Score of your Google Ad Campaign.Again, With every Campaign you run, try as much as possible to follow your customers along their journey. Here's an article about the Customer's journey, you can read more about it. Basically, the customer's journey includes these stages Awareness Consideration Purchase Service and  Loyalty Expansion  In all these stages, the Google Ads platform have strategies to help you have the full benefits of Google Ads. A typical example is when the customer reaches the Consideration stage, you can use the Maximize Click strategy to reap the full benefits of Google Ads. If you found value in today's episode, go ahead and share it with your network or share on your favorite social media platforms. I produce and edit this show by myself and a share goes a  long way to help me bring new episodes every week.If you're on Anchor and haven't subscribed or Favorited my show yet, kindly do so. Or you can subscribe on wherever you're listening to this episode from. My name is Enoch Appiah. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.InstagramTwitterFacebook Share - Comment - Like