A lot of people are happy with their jobs. Maybe you're comfortable with your current status and have no plans to change anything. But what happens when the unexpected occurs? Have you given any thought to what comes next? In today's episode we talk about why you should be thinking about "the next thing" and how to prepare yourself for your future. 
Published 01/14/21
Published 01/14/21
The future. We're there...or are we? Much has changed in the work landscape over the years, and it seems with every passing year the evolution of working from home continues on in new and unexpected ways. In today's episode we sit back and speculate and dream about what the future of working from home could look like.
Published 01/05/21
Everyone wants to keep their job. Even if you hate your job, there's a reason you have it. We want to keep our jobs, and most people want to be good at their jobs. Is it possible to be both valuable and invaluable? How do you become the best type of worker that builds value for the company and future proofs your own career? That's exactly what we want to talk about in this episode.
Published 12/31/20
Is discouragement an inherently bad thing? How can we go from being discouraged to using it as a tool to accomplish our goals? This is the second part of a conversation about discouragement and how to overcome it when working from home.
Published 12/15/20
Working from home means you have a lot of freedom. You can work almost anywhere, live almost anywhere, and change the scenery around you. But it can also be isolating, and with isolation comes some feelings we may not be expecting. Today we want to talk about discouragement and how we can overcome it.
Published 12/08/20
Working from home comes with different challenges depending on your situation, but one of the universal problems to solve is trust building between the employer and employee. How do you handle working with an employer that wants to track your every click and keystroke? How do you produce work that not only gets the job done but showcases your capabilities? In today's episode we welcome our good friend Cory McCabe to talk about all these things and more.
Published 12/01/20
Sleep is something we all need, and we know it... so why do we so often make it the lowest priority? Everyone has the same amount of hours in their day, but there is such a discrepancy in the amount of sleep we get. How do we manage our sleep if we often feel like we have so little time to dedicate to it in the first place? Let's talk about it.
Published 11/24/20
Giving and receiving feedback is difficult enough in person, but how do you handle it when working remotely? When is the right time to provide feedback and what should we keep in mind during a feedback discussion? In today's episode we dive into the topic of feedback and how you can tailor your feedback to achieve the best results.
Published 11/17/20
It can be difficult to find time to continue your education in life, whether it's in an official university sense or just on your own. In our work, however, if we stop learning about our industry, we can quickly be left behind. Even if the type of work you do is virtually unchangeable, there's still much you can learn to better yourself.
Published 11/10/20
Going from working in a huge building with hundreds of co-workers to a work-from-home environment can be scary. How do you stay disciplined? How do you take advantage of the fact that you actually now have no commute? How do you stay creative in your home space? On today's show we welcome designer and YouTuber Charli Marie Prangley to talk about her thoughtful approach to work space, how she manages side projects and full time work, and how she manages to stay disciplined through her workdays.
Published 11/04/20
If you're a content creator, you might find yourself needing to record audio or video for your content, which has its own challenges, but what if you needed to livestream? What if you're whole job is based on streaming live events but you don't have a professional studio? And what if you need to travel? On today's show, we welcome Angel Marie, Creator Educator at ConvertKit, to talk about the processes she's developed to produce live events for thousands of people all while working from home.
Published 10/27/20
What do you think working from home will look like in 5 years? What about 15 years? The landscape could look comletely different, so why not get some insight from someone who has worked from home that long? On today's show we welcome our good friend Sean McCabe of seanwes to talk about automating processes, setting up systems, and developing a work environment over the better part of 15 years.
Published 10/20/20
Working from home means you're the one who ultimately manages your own time and structure. Without solid practices and habits in place, you can very easily get overwhelmed by the sheer number of things that have to be done. In this episode we take a closer look at how to break down tasks and get things done.
Published 10/13/20
Sitting at a desk all day can really take a toll on your health in many ways, and when you work from home that is really easy to do. In this episode we take a deep dive into ways you can stay active and healthy without being overwhelmed. We are by no means health experts but we have learned some tough lessons along the way and want to highly this topic. It often gets pushed to the side but is truly vital when working from home, often in isolation.
Published 10/06/20
It seems like everyone and everything is trying to get a piece of your time and attention. Notifications, emails, family, co-workers, deadlines, side-projects, and a hundred other things pull at you from all directions. How do you decide what can stay and what needs to give? In this episode we discuss how we manage our time and energy so that the most important things in life get the attention they need.
Published 09/29/20
Imagine you're sitting at home, minding your own business, getting your work done, when suddenly the power goes out. No electricity, no internet. For most people this means being unable to actually do any work, or at least any of the critical things. Do you have a plan? What steps will you take if everything breaks down? Are you prepared to handle the unexpected? In today's episode we discuss how we're preparing for worst case scenarios and how you can prepare your own work environment for...
Published 09/23/20
Working from home is a mix of structure and chaos, routine and unknown. Life has changed for a lot of people this year, and our work environments seem to keep shifting as well. Every few episodes we pretend like we're not recording and just have a conversation like we're catching up at a coffee shop, and on today's show we talk about some of the ways we keep focused even when life is constantly changing around us.
Published 09/15/20
We sat down with Jeff Sheldon, the founder and designer of Ugmonk, to chat about how he stays organized while running his lifestyle brand from home. With over 10 years of experience working from home, Jeff shared valuable insights about working from home with a family, getting things done, and what the future of working from home may look like.
Published 09/08/20
In an office setting there is more control over where you are and when you are there. Even other small factors are delegated, that just comes with the territory. But when you work from home there is a dynamic shift. Where you are and specifically when you are there are less important in many cases and the focus falls more on your output. Working from home affords us some flexibility, so what does it look like to stay healthy and on track when you can set up some rules for yourself?
Published 09/01/20
In the previous episode we talked about different types of software we regularly use when working from home. Software is only half of the puzzle, and at some point you have to start thinking about the physical items you have to assist you in your work. In today's show we talk about the "hardware" we have to work from home better, even some of the not-so-obvious ones.
Published 08/25/20
It's almost inevitable that if you work from home you're going to be on a computer of some sort. The software you use on a daily basis becomes the means by which you get your work done, and so we think you should be using the best software you can. In this episode we talk about some of our favorite apps and services and how we use them.
Published 08/18/20
There are a lot of podcasts out there about leaders and how they manage employees. It's not hard to find articles and interviews by business owners and managers about how they manage teams. In this episode we thought it might be interesting to talk about the other side of things, from the perspective of a remote worker up.
Published 08/11/20
One of the challenges with working from home is building trust and relationship between you and your coworkers. It's easy to occupy the same digital space and get work done without knowing anything about your team. Better relationships leads to better work, and so the challenge is worth it. As a follow-up to the previous episode on the downsides of working alone, we discuss some practical ways to get to know your coworkers when working remotely.
Published 08/04/20
There's really no way about it: when you work remotely, you're going to work alone more often than not. A lot of really great focused work can come from the lack of distraction, and there are a lot of reasons why this sometimes produces really great results. There is, however, a significant downside, one that can damage your team and company culture in significant ways. Let's talk about how to break the cycle of working in a vacuum.
Published 07/28/20