In this episode I share with you how to pick yourself up after being fired and how to turn it into something beautiful. This can be the beginning of new, wonderful chapter of your life. You may not see it this way just yet (I get it) but after listening to this episode you'll feel inspired and empowered to turn your life around in no time. Links from the show: Grab Free E-mail Course: "Boost Your Confidence" here: www.alexgrzybek.com/5days/ Grab Free Cheat Sheet: "3 Fastest Ways to Get...
Published 06/12/23
Published 06/12/23
In this episode my guest is Ewa Pietrzak - Business & Mindset mentor helping female entrepreneurs scale to 6 & 7 Figures with less hustle. Ewa is one of top 1% Bob Proctor's Consultants Worldwide. She's truly passionate about helping millions of women feel fulfilled & taken care of while making an impact in the world. In this episode we talk about money mindset behind successful business and how to scale your business to 6 and 7 figures In this episode we talk about money mindset...
Published 04/17/23
In this episode my guest is Hannah Cremona - a business strategist and mindset mentor who is on a mission to empower others to live to their fullest potential through their social-impact, soul-aligned, purpose-led business. Hannah coaches and consults with entrepreneurs and small business owners on business and marketing strategy, leadership and mindset to build a long term sustainable and profitable business. In this episode Hannah shares how you can break the burn-out and broke battle and...
Published 03/13/23
In this episode my guest is Sarah Needham - a leader & the voice for transforming businesses to create a more sustainable future for life on earth! She has built Unique-U Coaching as B-Corp certified coaching business to hold her values of sustainability, equality & technology to the highest standards. She compassionately helps tech leaders & teams make the most of their unique strengths! Sarah's ability to connect & create trust with her clients allows her to help leadership...
Published 03/06/23
In this episode my guest is Sally Prosser - a voice and public speaking coach with 12 years' experience in media, including TV and radio news reporting. She helps professionals and business owners speak with confidence - from stepping on stage to speaking on podcasts to showing up online and in the boardroom. In 2020 she was named Young Entrepreneur of the Year for PR & Media in Queensland and has a TikTok following of more than 340K. In this episode Sally empowers you how to have a...
Published 02/27/23
In this episode my guest is Caroline Bellenger - a self-esteem coach, business coach, award-winning entrepreneur, mental health advocate and wellness warrior. As the founder of "Be The Impossible" Caroline has dedicated her life to empowering other women through inspirational keynotes, books, coaching programs, and online education. In this episode Caroline shares her very powerful story how she overcame trauma, addictions and turned the most challenging times in her life into a blessing....
Published 02/20/23
In this episode I'm giving you a toolbox of 3 things that will increase your confidence straight away. Any time when you need to feel more powerful, whether in business, career, personal life, have an important meeting, presentation, speaking gig - use these and you'll rock. It's simple, and IT WORKS. Links from the show: Grab Free E-mail Course: "Boost Your Confidence" here: www.alexgrzybek.com/5days/ Grab Free Cheat Sheet: "3 Fastest Ways to Get Paying Clients" here:...
Published 02/13/23
In this episode my guest is Raimonda Jankunaite - a visibility expert, speaker mentor, and founder of Women Thrive Media. She started Women in Business events in London in 2017 as a passion project to bring likeminded women together, and since, the passion project has turned into a global thriving community of female entrepreneurs of over 600k followers worldwide. Since 2020 Raimonda has been hosting Women Thrive Summit - a largest global women empowerement event hosting 40+ speakers every...
Published 12/12/22
Have you started your business but struggle to get clients? Or you've been running your business for a while but consistent clients are not there yet? At times you have plenty of clients, while later for weeks or even for months they are not there? Let's be honest, we all need clients in our businesses. If we don't have clients, we have no business.  So, in this episode I share with you 4 reason why you might be struggiling to get clients in your business and how to stop it once at for...
Published 11/28/22
Recently I got a reward from one of my mentors - Golden disc for results in online sales. It made me reflect - where I was just couple of years ago and how I got to the place where I'm now. You see, it wasn't all rainbow and roses, there were actually a lot of obstacles and challenges on the way. So how did it happen that I went from hitting rock bottom to building a profitable business and creating the lifestyle I can work from anywhere in the world. I've decided to share more behind the...
Published 11/07/22
People often don't know how to make decisions. They want to make sure that's going to be a good decision before they take action. It doesn't work this way. We have no guarantee. It can go one way or the other, fifty fifty. I'm no different. In this episode I share with you 3 decisions, which changed my life forever. They were scary as hell and difficult to make. However they all taught me very important lessons on how to make decisions. Links from the show: Grab Free E-mail Course: "Boost...
Published 10/10/22
Why is that we want something really bad, we have this desire in our heart, logically know it's best for us, yet we don'g go for it. Why is that some people get all what they dream of while others only dream and never get it in a tangible form. In this episode I share with you 3 biggest dream killers which get in the way of what you want and how to eliminate them.  Links from the show: Grab Free E-mail Course: "Boost Your Confidence" here: www.alexgrzybek.com/5days/ Grab Free Cheat...
Published 09/20/22
Are you guilty of comparing yourself with others? When you look at others, do you feel motivated or inspired or rather not good enough? Do you feel ready to go for your dreams or rather keep procrastinating even more?  In this episode I share with you 5 reasons why and how to stop comparing yourself with others and what to do instead.  Links from the show: Grab Free E-mail Course: "Boost Your Confidence" here: www.alexgrzybek.com/5days/ Grab Free Cheat Sheet: "3 Fastest Ways to Get...
Published 08/08/22
Is investing in yourself an act of self-love or rather waste of money? What's your experience here. Have you been investing in yourself or always putting yourself last? Do you think that you can do everything best when you figure it out by yourself, or maybe there're people out there, who can guide you? In this episode I'll share with you 5 lessons I learned on my journey and what I do believe about investing in yourself.  Links from the show: Grab Free E-mail Course: "Boost Your...
Published 06/07/22
This year in January I decided to quit drinking. Even though I was an occasional drinker, was not drinking a lot and had no alcohol problem whatsoever, I made a decision to stop drinking alcohol altogether. In this episode I'm sharing with you why I did it and what I discovered on the way. Links from the show: Grab Free E-mail Course: "Boost Your Confidence" here: www.alexgrzybek.com/5days/ Website: www.alexgrzybek.com Website in Polish (Career/Job Interviews):...
Published 05/05/22
If you're currently looking for a job and feel frustrated because your phone is quitet and inbox empty - don't worry, you're in good hands. In this podcast episode I'll walk you through the things that get in the way to land you your dream job. It's time for your success story!!! For my Polish speaking community, I walk you through the whole recruitment process step by step in my online course: Job Interview Success Pack. Now available with amazing bonuses and my direct support in...
Published 03/28/22
Are you a coach, online entrepreneur struggling to get consistent clients? You want to know how to get paying clients, how to fill your programs, sell your products and/or services with ease and having a waiting list of potential clients, who can wait to work with you?  In this episode I share with you why webinars can be a game changer in your business and how using the power of webinars you can reach far more people at once. And yes, you can do that even if you're not tech savvy. Weather...
Published 02/21/22
We're in the second month of the year. Many people set up their New Year's resolutions in January, but statistics show that most people give up on their resolutions by January 20th. How about you? Did you set your goals up? Are you on track? Or have you decided to abandon them all together? You see, when it comes to goal setting, a lot of us get it all wrong. We don't know how to set the goals up properly, no wonder why we can't reach them.  So, in this episode I share with you 6 most...
Published 02/07/22
We've just started New Year. Everyone is full of motivation and New Year's resolutions. Do you have big ones? Do you know how to make them happen? In this episode I share with you my 5 biggest lessons from 2021, which helped me accomplish my goals and how to use them to be successful with your goals in 2022. Links from the show: Free Cheat Sheet: "3 Fastest Ways to Get Paying Clients" here: https://alexgrzybek.com/free-cheat-sheet-get-clients/ Free E-mail Course: "Boost Your...
Published 01/10/22
What's the difference between success and failure? Why some people succeed, while others keep struggling over and over again? What differentiates the ones, who reach their goals in business, career, relationship, health, finances, life in general, from the ones, who don't. And most importantly what can we do to succeed as well? So, in this episode I share with you 4 main differences between success and failure based on my personal experience.  Links from the show: Free Cheat Sheet: "3...
Published 12/13/21
In this episode my guest is Florencia Zulberti - professional Chef and founder of Tribusana. She has over 20 years of international experience in public health as well as a chef in prestigious wellness clinics. She is a nomad on a mission to change people mindets on how their own quality of life is really in their hands. We talked about how to regain confidence in your kitchen and turn it into family favourite playground. This is your health, quality and length of life. Links from the show:...
Published 11/08/21
Each of us has that little voice inside our head (which very often is not so little), which tells us "you can't do this", "you're not good enough". Your inner dialogue will either fuel your success or prevent your from reaching your full potential. What you think has a huge impact on how you feel, behave, what action you take, and therefore what results you have in your life. While your inner critic can help you recognise where you may improve, harsh negative self-talk will cause you to...
Published 10/18/21
I'm starting a new series of episodes - Behind the scenes of my business. From time to time I'll be sharing with you what's going on in my business, how I got to where I'm now and what has brought me here. I'll be pulling up the curtain, sharing my mistakes, learnings, wins and successes to inspire you on your business journey. In this episode I share with you major shifts I made to start making money in the business. 2 years ago I was with zero job, zero business, zero income and zero...
Published 09/27/21
A lot of people want to start their own business however they're afraid of doing so. They think about all the risks and fears, which stop them to make it happen. They forget that deep inside they have a calling - a desire in their heart that is screamin out loud and want to be turned into reality.  So, in this podcast episode I'm sharing with you the benefits of running your own business - risks versus rewards and how to turn your attention into rewards.  Links from the show: Grab Free...
Published 09/13/21