Today, we talk about the plot to keep power and destroy progress
Published 09/06/24
Published 09/06/24
Hoy hablamos del complot para mantener el poder y destruir el progreso.
Published 09/04/24
Today, we talk about the plot to keep power and destroy progress
Published 09/04/24
Hoy hablamos de cosas que debemos evitar cuando personas que conocemos están pasando por momentos difíciles.
Published 08/14/24
Today we talk about things we should avoid when people we know are going through hard times
Published 08/14/24
Hoy hablamos de qué hacer para creer en nosotros mismos y cómo Elohim nos guiará a las cosas correctas en el momento adecuado.
Published 08/13/24
Today, we talk about what to do to believe in ourselves and how Elohim will lead us to the correct things at the right time
Published 08/13/24
Today we talk about how Elohim's love is unconditional, and that His love is everlasting.
Published 08/06/24
Hoy hablamos de cómo el amor de Elohim es incondicional y que Su amor es eterno.
Published 08/06/24
Hoy hablamos de cambio climático
Published 07/10/24
Today, we talk about climate change
Published 07/09/24
Hoy hablamos de la obra del pecado y del pago que éste cosecha, la muerte. Y como podemos evitarlo.
Published 07/01/24
Today we talk about the work of sin and the payment that it reaps, death. And how we can avoid it.
Published 07/01/24
Hoy hablamos de cómo Elohim conoce nuestros corazones y nuestras intenciones y siempre está observando.
Published 07/01/24
Today we talk about how Elohim knows our hearts and our intentions and is always watching
Published 07/01/24
Hoy hablamos de venganza y de cómo debemos dejarla en manos de Elohim, incluso cuando estamos enojados.
Published 06/11/24
Today, we talk about revenge and how we should leave it up to Elohim, even when we are angry.
Published 06/11/24
Hoy hablamos de cómo incluso cuando nosotros, como personas, hacemos planes para ser disfuncionales, Elohim los convierte en su beneficio.
Published 06/04/24
Today, we talk about how even when we as people make plans to be dysfunctional, Elohim turns it to his benefit
Published 06/04/24
Hoy hablamos de arrepentirnos y dejar todo lo que sabemos atrás para buscar el arrepentimiento y seguir a Elohim.
Published 05/31/24
Today we talk about repenting and leaving all we know behind to seek repentance and follow Elohim.
Published 05/31/24
Hoy hablamos de los hijos de Jacob, y de cómo el liderazgo y la primogenitura pasaron a Rubén y fueron dados a otro hijo, sin embargo, incluso después de todo esto, Elohim eligió a otro.
Published 05/31/24
Today we talk about Jacob's sons, and how the leadership and birthright passed over to Reuben and were given to another son, yet even after all this Elohim chose another.
Published 05/31/24
Hoy hablamos sobre las tradiciones que rodean la cena del Seder de Pesaj, de dónde vienen y si deberíamos seguirlas.
Published 04/22/24