Bruce Ackerman, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science, Yale Law School, discusses his new book, The Decline and Fall of the American Republic, with Stephen Skowronek, Acting Chair of the Political Science department, Yale University. This podcast was recorded on October 20, 2010.
Published 02/08/17
American Constitution Society sponsored debate with Peter Schuck and Akhil Amar discuss birthright citizenship.
Published 09/27/10
NYU Professor Samuel Issacharoff discusses the future of campaign finance reform after the Supreme Court's groundbreaking decision in Citizen's United. Sponsored by the American Constitution Society at Yale Law School.
Published 08/17/10
Professor Heather Gerken's inaugural lecture as the J. Skelly Wright Professor of Law. Professor Gerken specializes in election law, constitutional law and civil procedure. Also, an expert in the role of groups in the democratic process, and the relationship between diversity and democracy.
Published 08/17/10
Huffington Post EIC Arianna Huffington discusses the future of jouralism and the first amendment online, including topics such as net neutrality and citizen journalism.
Published 08/17/10
Joel Hyatt, a 1976 graduate of Yale Law School, is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Current Media. In 2005, Hyatt and Al Gore launched Current TV, a news service for young adults with viewer-created content. In this talk, Hyatt discusses the First Amendment and how it played a huge role in his various careers—from his pioneering efforts to create new delivery systems for legal services, to his current goal to democratize the delivery of news via television and the Internet.
Published 04/30/09
Published 04/30/09