As an inbound marketer, what marketing news matters to you ... if any? And how can you even tell the difference?
Published 08/12/21
Published 08/12/21
The core thrust behind They Ask, You Answer is that buying behavior has changed a lot in the last 10 to 15 years. On top of that, however, the pool of your ideal customers is a lot more diverse than ever before.
Published 07/29/21
In less than 2 months, Google has rolled out six different updates. Is Google trying to hurt us content marketers? (Also, during the conversation, I made a mistake. I inadvertently said the new page performance report is in Google Analytics, when it is actually in Google Search Console. Sorry!)
Published 07/15/21
Let's say you want to get started with inbound marketing and creating the content you need to establish yourself as the No. 1 authority in your space about what it is that you do or sell. However, there's just one eensy, weensy problem – you don't have anyone on staff who can be a dedicated in-house content manager. What do you do? Is outsourcing really the right answer?
Published 07/01/21
When I was given the gift of running IMPACT's video program, I was not thrilled. I always viewed myself as a writer and editor, and video was for... someone (anyone) who wasn't me.  Clearly, today is a different story.  How did we launch a robust video program during a pandemic? And how can other content and marketing leaders like you get their own video marketing program off the ground, no matter how limited your time, resources, or experience is?
Published 06/17/21
We're all in the business of attracting our ideal buyers through our content. But how do you actually make the right people fall in love with your words?
Published 04/25/21
When you're asked to make your content "more accessible" to your audience, it can feel like you're being asked to "dumb down" something you're an expert in... and that's not a great feeling.
Published 02/08/21
Countless business leaders say their people are their greatest asset... so, why does everyone's content sound the same?
Published 01/25/21
You need to create content about your competition. But how do you do it in a way that makes sense and doesn't feel... awkward?
Published 01/11/21
Oh, what a decade this year has been, am I right?
Published 01/02/21
In this episode, John and I delve more deeply into the ways content interviewing can go wrong — both in terms of your mindset as a content manager, as well as your execution in the interview and post-interview content creation processes. Festive tunes from Scott Holmes Music of freemusicarchive.org.
Published 12/28/20
This throwback episode was originally recorded in October, but we think it's a good one to listen to as you evaluate your content approach for 2021.
Published 12/21/20
Recorded May 2020. It's a lot harder to not be self-absorbed in our content creation, wherein we focus almost exclusively on the positive, "look at me!" messaging.
Published 12/07/20
If you'd like to know what Millard Filmore, Rasputin, Keanu Reeves, and Genghis Khan all have in common, you'll need to listen to this wild, hilarious, and heartwarming episode.
Published 11/26/20
While there are a lot of variables and factors that drive your conversion rates on a landing page up and down (videos, form placement, and so on), one of the most important components of your landing page is the copy. (Originally recorded May 2020.)
Published 11/23/20
Starting out as a first-time content manager can be an exciting adventure. It can also present a lot of challenges, as you're often the first person in your role... and the only one with your specialties.
Published 11/16/20
"Words... words... words!" Love 'em or hate 'em, words are the lifeblood of every video script you'll write, every website page you'll craft, and every blog article you'll ever publish. Choose them wisely.
Published 11/09/20
John and I love our jobs, truly. But this Halloween, we're taking a moment to be honest about the spooky-scaries of being content managers, and those commas that go bump in the night.
Published 10/30/20
In this episode, I pull back the curtain on my surprisingly easy process for creating video scripts, and integrating the creation of video for sales and marketing into an existing content strategy. 
Published 10/26/20
While I was excited to share my experience with John of how I pulled this piece together, it wasn't until the end of the conversation that I realized how illuminating and educational this kind of deep-dive into a single piece of content can be.
Published 04/24/20
We spend a lot of time talking about creating content for your audience. But during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we at IMPACT have learned first-hand how important the content you create for your own team really is.
Published 04/18/20
A content style guide is a documented set of guidelines and rules that break down your brand personality, and how it is (and isn’t) expressed through your content. That sounds straightforward enough, right? But while content style guides don't seem particularly sexy or complex, it will be one of the most important documents you’ll ever create for your business. To understand why, however, you need to learn the true purpose of a content style guide, beyond its surface-level definition.
Published 04/04/20
"I could use some pointers on how to prioritize my growing content calendar. I’ve suddenly become one of the busier employees at my office since content marketing is very much needed in an office supply company. Suddenly, home office equipment is in high demand." In this episode, we answer this question for all industries.
Published 03/27/20
There are a lot of things digital marketers and content marketers need to pay attention to, SEO-wise every single day. But what are the most important SEO principles and best practices we should be focusing on this year?
Published 01/07/20