Published 12/16/17
Have you ever noticed how important food is in our world? We use it to celebrate, we use it to show wealth, we constantly invent new ways to cook and create new plants to eat.  Charlie asked me to talk about all of this with him and see what a dogs perspective on food and the consumption of food is. Do we require as much food as we are eating? What do our bodies ask for when it comes to nutrition? Is eating a habit? A necessity? An Obsession? Truly what else might be possible if we created...
Published 12/16/17
Have you ever noticed that your dog seems to be able to read your mind? When you are totally congruent with your thoughts and your energy, your dog responds. You can create miracles and havoc with this. If you think at your dog that he will be aggressive with this dog coming towards him, guess what? Your dog will not see another possibility but to act the way you are projecting at him. And, so what if you could also use this to change your dogs' way with things? What if it was possible to...
Published 09/07/17
When it comes to pet food there are lots of things to be aware of these days. Recalls, bad ingredients, unhealthy byproducts and just a lot to choose from. Are you overwhelmed by the ingredients on the label of your pet’s food? And once you found the best food, should you stick to it for the duration of your animal's life? What are the truths and lies about pet food? Can pat food ingredients be demystified?  Would you like to have more ease with all of that? What is required information and...
Published 07/27/17
You just adopted a pet from the shelter and now you are dealing with some issues your pet is having. You start wondering if these issues have been created by the previous situation the animal was in, you might even explain the behavior with speculations about the animals past. Do animals function from the memory of their past? Do they behave based on these memories? What can you be or do to change behaviors that are not working for the animal or you?
Published 07/13/17
Are there moments in your life where you have felt like you did not treat animals respectfully? Like when you were a child and the animal was there to take the brunt of your frustration or emotions you did not have the tools to deal with at the time? Are those moments still bothering you today? Have you been wondering about how to say "I am sorry" even if that animal is no longer alive? Can this animal hear you now? And are they still stuck with these moments too? What is possible or...
Published 05/23/17
When your pet gets ill, you start to be stressed over many things. What is happening? Is your pet distressed, or in pain? What is required to ‘fix’ this situation? Do you search out veterinary care, or are you more into alternative medicine? What is all this like for your pet? How do they perceive the disease they are having? Find out what Charlie’s perspective on ailments is and how we can maybe relax more in the face of disease, even if we are not understanding what exactly might be...
Published 05/04/17
Charlie and I were on a farm for 5 days and it was a big challenge for Charlie. He had a hard time adjusting to being around chickens, a peacock, donkeys, horses, cows, pigs and calves. As we know so well from him, he likes to chase things that are moving fast and watching these animals moving was huge motivation to chase after them all. So most of the time he was on a leash and being asked to behave. Which really made me look at what it is we are asking of our animals and what it is they...
Published 04/19/17
Do you have one of these dogs that pulls you along on a walk? Are you frustrated with that behavior? What have you tried to stop it so far? Or do you not even know where to start?  Charlie is a great leash walker. So let us ask him what made him be that way and let’s find out from a dog’s perspective the value of nicely walking on a leash, and how to achieve that. Or is it that dogs dislike the leash all together and see no value in it at all? I know there are so may people that have all...
Published 04/08/17
Animals live in the present moment, yet they are totally aware of the future and adjust their lives accordingly. They migrate to find food and water, they breed according to the availability of food, in other words, they are totally willing to be on and with this planet. When I look at how people live their lives, it seems to me that most people lack the ability or desire to know what the planet requires. We overpopulated, pollute and behave in a way that makes sustainability a challenge....
Published 03/29/17
How do our animals perceive ownership? Do they feel owned by us? Or do they own us? After all we go to work to feed them and house them, so who really owns who? Join Charlie and Suzy for the exploration of an animal’s perspective on ownership. What makes an animal choose you? How do animals see us? And do they define ownership in the same way we do? What is living together from their point of view? Charlie has a unique way of seeing the world and so we are all curious to what he will say to...
Published 02/21/17
What motivates a dog to dig themselves out from under the fence, or jump over it, or destroy a barrier to run off? Is he being lonely, or unhappy in the place he lives? Is he driven by a sense of adventure? Is he driven by an urge to run, hunt or explore? Can a dog like that ever be ‘cured’? Is it something that is part his genetic makeup? Join Charlie and Suzy in the exploration of what created this situation and what if there are possibilities to change it. What contribution can we be to...
Published 01/31/17
Is your pet getting older the topic that you dread the most? Pets lives are a lot shorter than ours and often the loss of a pet is a dramatic experience, which many times will stop us from choosing to have another pet in our lives. Let us find out what getting older actually is like for them. Let us let go of the ideas we have about this subject and our projections about it! Let’s hear Charlie’s perspective on getting older! Join us for this live call that might just change your point of...
Published 01/04/17
Most dog bites occur with a dog that is familiar to us. And often children are the one’s that are bitten. Charlie and Suzy will explore what can avoid these incidents especially in the upcoming Holiday Season. Dogs are often a little neglected in this busy Season, their exercise level might be decreasing, while excitement levels rise in the family! What tools and tips and tricks are available to make sure the Holidays do not end in a bite? Please join us in the live show so you can ask...
Published 12/22/16
People caring about the environment and the treatment of animals are all concerned about the election of Donald Trump. How does Charlie see this change of leadership and what we can do or be? Are there tools we can use to have this change be ease filled, and is there action we have to take? Let Charlie lead the way in the discussion of human leadership from the perspective of animals.
Published 11/24/16
Have you ever noticed that your pet is extremely aware of your mood? The response to our moods will vary with each animal. A shy animal might hide weather you are happy or sad. Another might get very playful and celebrate your happiness with you, or approach you to change your sadness. Either way, there will always be a response to your state of mind. If you are a person that is guarded all the time, your pet will also be guarding. What tools are available to be more in charge of these...
Published 11/10/16
Aggression in animals is often seen as anger. But can we truly use our definition of anger when it comes to the actions of animals? What it it when dogs have a scuffle? What makes them choose that and are they capable of changing it? What if we started to look at this in a different way? If your dog is one that has these scuffles going on, do you call him aggressive? What makes for an aggressive dog? And do our definitions of the behavior influence the behavior? Let us find out from...
Published 10/26/16
What makes a dog a Service animal? With all the controversy lately and people having service dogs that other people do not see as the 'real' thing, what does all of that mean? And what goes on for the dogs that are? What are we asking of them and do they like doing what they are doing? Does the dog know what the job is and do the understand the extend of it? What makes a dog a good service dog and are all dogs capable of this job? What does Charlie know about this line of work? Please join...
Published 10/12/16
Charlie does not like cats. Why? Let's ask him during this show where we talk about the fun and difference cats are! We will tune into them as well, so we do not just get Charlie's point of view on the pets that know that they rule the house! Or better, the world! We all know cats and dogs are so different and we even define ourselves as cat or dog people! So what fun can we have asking them about using our furniture for scratching posts, bringing us dead or almost dead critters as gifts and...
Published 09/28/16
Everyone you ask has a different opinion about what a good dog is. To me it would be a dog that has some basic etiquette about interacting with others, responding to simple commands and happy to be with me. For others it's about loyalty, protection and the fact that the dog will not talk back when asked t do things. And there are tons more opinions depending who you ask!  Here is a fun read by a dog trainer exploring the...
Published 09/14/16
I used to get so sick to my stomach when I would see an animal in distress.  I lived next to a man who regularly beat his dog that was chained up and I would have all sort of thoughts, like stealing the dog, or reporting him to authorities. And yet, something stopped me doing any of these things. Somewhere I knew that this dog was contributing to this man not beating his wife. And the dog was happy to see him, which was hard for me to fathom. So what is all this stuff that goes on in the...
Published 08/31/16
People have created different breeds of dogs for a long time. The dog has been our companion for over 16,000 years. We have been counting on them, living with them and working with them. Breeding dogs was done to improve certain skill sets. Pointing, Hunting, Sniffing, Retrieving, Pulling Sleds, Tracking, you name it.  Later also fashion and emotional traits became a reason to create a certain kind of dog. So what happens when a certain breed all of a sudden becomes 'out of vogue'? Is it...
Published 08/17/16
What is driving animals to chase other animals? Can that be changed? We know that dogs and cats and rabbits can get along, but why are some dogs set on chasing them? Is it a personal preference they have?  Sometimes a dog might like the one cat, but is out to kill another?  Is it a choice animals are making? A habit they have? Or are they trained that way? Where are these behaviors coming from? Have you ever been told that you cannot add another bitch to your household when you already...
Published 08/03/16
We have lots of points of views and judgements about our bodies. Every morning we wake up, look in the mirror and judge ourselves. Animals have the gift of no judgement. What can we receive from them? Please join Donnielle Carter, Charlie Yesdog and Suzy Godsey in exploring the possibility of magic with our bodies! Is your body in pain? Have you made yourself and your body wrong for that? What does Charlie have to say about pain in the body? Donnielle runs the Access Consciousness® Specialty...
Published 07/20/16
We so often get stuck when the behavior of our animals do not change no matter what we do. So what can change them? Or is there something else at play? Are our pets trying to communicate something if they are misbehaving? What other options do we have? Charlie has some insights about destructive behavior that is definitely different from how we people see 'things'! Listen to the facilitation for a dog that barks at strangers and after the radio show was so relaxed that he totally fell asleep...
Published 07/06/16