Published 06/09/23
The breath between form and formlessness shapes our humanness. Dissolving to show up fully in life, brings folding and unfolding queries with the tides. Who is this creature? What are elemental and foundational expressions that support and nourish being human? Why is it vital to dissolve to reappear? How does tracking wild bio-intelligence enhance all life?  Liz Koch, author of Stalking Wild Psoas, introduces Sarah Byrden of The Elemental Self and invites all of us to consider meaning-making...
Published 08/07/22
The breath between form and formlessness shapes our humanness. Dissolving to show up fully in life, brings folding and unfolding queries with the tides. Who is this creature? What are elemental and foundational expressions that support and nourish being human? Why is it vital to dissolve to reappear? How does tracking wild bio-intelligence enhance all life?  Liz Koch, author of Stalking Wild Psoas, introduces Sarah Byrden of The Elemental Self and invites all of us to consider meaning-making...
Published 08/07/22
Together Liz Koch and Anasuya (BEING TOO MUCH ATM) conjure what it means when women are told they are TOO MUCH... or not enough...and everything in between. Modernity, Patriarchy, Paternalism, Colonization, Capitalism, Racism, Religion all continue to define "Woman" – her value and her place in the world. But what if we unlock the "shoulds" and become truly who we are? What if we as women have the AUDACITY to embrace the immensity of our divine creative possibilities to nourish the WILD and...
Published 02/22/22
Maya Luna is an Oracular Poet and teacher of Feminine Wisdom whose work focuses on the lost feminine ways of knowing and perceiving reality. Together we meander through WILD ways of knowing lost, denied and suppressed by the dominant paradigm of patriarchy and colonization to fall back into the larger nourishing field of truth and renewal.
Published 10/01/21
Dr. Darrell Sanchez is a licensed somatic psychotherapist, Rolfer, and dancer who has designed a tool for exploring vertical fluidity. By attuning with gravitational flows the Original Tuning Board offers a psycho-kinetic tool for activating a free flow of sensory and motor possibilities. Liz Koch and Dr. Sanchez discuss how engaging with our fluid verticality changes our state of being, grows our confidence, and fosters our human potential. 
Published 08/17/21
Nourishing our inner Wilderness through direct knowing, Liz Koch, author of Stalking Wild Psoas joins Wise Woman guide Kristy Taylor M.Ed., C.C.C for a conversation about mothers; the ones who sacrifice themselves, abandon their daughters, and become destructive forces in their daughter’s lives. Through our mother we have our first experience of life and it is from our mother's direct transmission that we learn "correct" behavior, experience shame, and even fear. Like a mama bear, our mother...
Published 06/02/21
Rachelle Singh, a psoas savvy movements educator from southern Quebec, has direct lived experience with hyper-mobility. Being professionally trained at the young age of four years old, Rachelle's love of movement has been her creative expression and life's passion. She was first diagnosed with hypermobility at the age of fifteen after having dislocated her elbow four times and her ankle twice. Born hyper-mobile offers a person expansive possibilities and serious challenges. Psoas often...
Published 03/15/21
Rachelle Singh, a psoas savvy movements educator from southern Quebec, has direct lived experience with hyper-mobility. Being professionally trained at the young age of four years old, Rachelle's love of movement has been her creative expression and life's passion. She was first diagnosed with hypermobility at the age of fifteen after having dislocated her elbow four times and her ankle twice. Born hyper-mobile offers a person expansive possibilities and serious challenges. Psoas often...
Published 03/15/21
This free-flowing conversation emerged out of a need to discern the difference between our inner wild knowing and our savage, feral, and fawning in both gesture and intention. Stalking Wild Psoasauthor/educator Liz Koch and Activating Inner Jaguar author/educator Kimberly Johnson track their personal understanding as two white women who not only grew up in different generations in disparate regions of the U.S., but also experienced very different family conditioning. Together we sniff out and...
Published 10/28/20
Kimberly Ann Johnson is a birth doula, mom, and author of The Fourth Trimester. Activating Your Inner Jaguar is her online course concerning embodied consent, healthy boundaries, and real-world understanding of your nervous system. Kimberly and I discuss expression, coherency, self-actualization, creativity, play, and our wild animal bodies. 
Published 04/20/20
Tonio Epstein of The Magical Mystery Tour, which features interviews creative and leading edge thinkers who are contributing to the “more beautiful world our heart knows is possible,” interviews Liz Koch about Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence.   
Published 07/30/19
Acupuncturist & Holistic Self Care Strategist Brodie Welch (host of Healthy Curiosity) interviews Liz Koch about the psycho-emotional-somatic dimensions of the psoas from a Chinese Medicine perspective.  
Published 07/30/19
Mark Walsh of The Embodiment Podcast interviews me as the "Psoas queen" to discuss psoas as the muscle of the soul, body as process, language of the body, cannibalism, anatomy vs embryology, fight-flight, car seats, birth, sex, modern disconnection and more. 
Published 07/29/19
Wild Woman-counselor Kristy Taylor interviews Liz Koch about the symbolism and authenticity found in the Bones and how kinesthetic awareness of psoas supports both creativity and agency.
Published 04/01/19
Small Changes Big Shifts creator Dr. Michelle Robin interviews Liz Koch and discusses psoas, well-being, and the importance of nourishing our whole being.  
Published 03/15/19
Biological Dentist and Health Advocate Dr David L. Biles DDS interviews Liz Koch
Published 02/27/19
Personal Growth & Healing Coach Evrim Numanoglu Ozgen interviews Liz Koch for her Be A Self Made Goddess online Masterclass about how I developed CoreAwareness and became an international author and educator on the Psoas.   
Published 02/27/19
Acupuncturist & Holistic Self Care Strategist Brodie Welch interviews Liz Koch
Published 02/27/19
Wild Woman and Birth Doula Kimberly Ann Johnson (Activate Your Inner Jaguar) interviews Liz Koch
Published 02/26/19
Dr. Susan Eirich is a licensed psychologist, biologist, educator, and the director of the Earthfire Institute. Her goal is to widen the conversational circle around conservation to include the voices of all living beings. She summons us to hear other species so that we may tap into a broader, deeper nourishment of life, self, and other. Liz Koch and Susan Eirich discuss the mutual life supporting benefits of a dynamic multispecies initiative toward finding new ways of being on the Earth....
Published 06/02/18
Jaap Van der Wal M.D., Ph.D. is a Dutch phenomenological embryologist, teacher, and author who provides a counterweight against the reductionist scientific vision of human existence and the embryonic journey that each of us has taken. Exposing the dogma of anatomy as false, Jaap reshapes our mainstream objectification of self to expose the truth of being human as a lifelong process performed. Liz Koch and Jaap Van der Wal met in the Netherlands informally at the kitchen table to talk about...
Published 11/20/17
Krista Jarrard is a dynamic force as a facilitator, trainer, and pioneer in the evolution of the Systemic Family Constellation work. For over 14 years Krista has passionately supported the current shift in consciousness by working with people to transform their ener-genetic family inheritance. Observing that most lingering issues originate in the past, the systemic constellation process addresses transgenerational trauma by accessing enduring solutions through inclusion. Liz Koch and Krista...
Published 02/16/17