Indonesia is a truly mystical place with more islands than one can count, a rich culture, beautiful sites and home to some of the most tectonically and volcanically active places. Hence the reason it is a Geothermal wonderland, but with plenty of complexities. Even in a region with rich Geothermal potential there are still hurdles, economic, political, technical etc. I sit down with Maxwell Wilmarth, Geoscience manager for Jacobs and talk about the many facets of bringing Geothermal to life...
Published 07/20/22
Advancing Geothermal will take a massive effort globally there is no denying that. This effort will entail de-risking drilling, grants, insurance, research, international corporations and entities, community engagement and beyond. Sounds like a tall task huh? Well, the Inter-American Development Bank is up for the challenge and is actively targeting Central America and the Caribbean trying to make Geothermal a reality. Christiaan Gischler talks about how the IDB hopes to harness the 60-70 GW...
Published 07/13/22
East Africa as the Qatar in the Green Hydrogen space? Geothermal can play a major role in the broader hydrogen economy. If we strip it down to the very beginnings, one thing we must do to get there is de-risk development. This is where an often overlooked, but extremely common form of financing comes in. Insurance is key to bringing geothermal projects forward and lowering the cost of capital and ultimately making them financeable and bankable. I sit down with Julian Richardson of Parhelion...
Published 07/06/22
Subsurface complexities exist both in Oil and Gas and Geothermal. Mitigating risks is a regular practice in Oil and Gas and Geothermal. What makes the subsurface risks similar and different for Geothermal and Oil and Gas? Are we sharing knowledge across industries? I sit down with Pawl Victor, Technical Sales Rep/Geothermal Champion for the Eastern Hemisphere for NOV to talk about these topics among others.
Published 06/29/22
What is sustainability and why is it important to have a standardized method of evaluating how sustainable an energy project is? The word sustainable gets thrown around quite a bit, but there is more to this word than just being a renewable energy. There also is value in having a global database of projects that are assessed using the same protocols to create best practices, provide education, secure stakeholder buy in and be useful in attracting investment. I had the honor of attending the...
Published 06/22/22
Central America is home to some of the most beautiful countries with some of the most amazing people. It also happens to be home to amazing resources be it hydropower, wind, solar, or of course Geothermal. One country in particular, Costa Rica procures 98% of its electricity from renewable sources currently. They are in many ways a leader in sustainability practices, so it was an honor to be in person for the first ever GSAP training.
Published 06/15/22
With any type of energy production whether it be oil and gas, solar, wind, coal, nuclear, or geothermal it is of the utmost importance to keep your facilities operating or be able to fix them quickly and economically. I sit down with John Gilliland, Director of Operations for JRG Energy and talk about the nitty gritty of Geothermal operations and their similarities to O&G and some of the main challenges to maintaining power production.
Published 06/08/22
An underground heat exchanger that is location independent, can be scaled to meet demand, tailored to deliver energy needs in the form of heat and electricity. Sounds too good to be true, but this in fact is the aim of the Eavor loop technology. I get to sit down with Christian Besoiu, a Technology Development Engineer for Eavor to talk about their "product" the Eavor loop and how they plan to scale it to meet global needs.
Published 06/01/22
Financing is often a hurdle to developing new technologies or in this case deploying new Geothermal power plants worldwide. How can we accomplish both of these things in a pragmatic way so that Geothermal can scale globally? Good news, I sat down with Alexander Helling, CEO of Baseload Capital to discuss exactly that and how their business model aims to do just this in targeted markets so that Geothermal can make waves in the global energy economy.
Published 05/25/22
Using the Earth to save the Earth. How do we make Geothermal simple and understandable for all stakeholders? This is what Geothermal Rising asked itself recently and concluded that in order to get Geothermal into the general public we must simplify and message outward. I sit down with Will Pettitt, the Executive Director of Geothermal Rising to talk about the new brand, their purpose, new initiatives, GRC 2022 and the outlook for Geothermal in the coming decade.
Published 05/18/22
With over 40 years in the Geothermal industry working everything from temperature profiles in slim wells to greenfield exploration, plant management and utility power purchase agreements Catherine Hickson is a wealth of knowledge. I sit down with her today to talk about her most recent adventure, heading up the Alberta No. 1 project which aims to tap into conventional geothermal in a sedimentary basin and provide both heat and power to the grid.
Published 05/11/22
Closed loop Geothermal. What is it and why should you care? It is also known as an Advanced Geothermal System (AGS) in which a well is drilled and sealed off from the surrounding formation, fluid is pumped through this wellbore conducting heat as it travels down and then is produced to generate electricity or simply heat. It has been in the news quite often lately thanks to one company in particular, GreenFire Energy who has a patented technology that can be used in existing fields where...
Published 05/04/22
Geothermal is not a one trick pony and in fact one of the major markets available for Geothermal to make major noise is the heating and cooling space. How so you may ask? Geothermal by definition is heat so using the ambient temperature of the earth at shallow depths is what is referred to as a geothermal heat pump. Heating and cooling account for around 40% of the GHG emissions globally, so geothermal ground source heat pumps can play a major role in the march towards net zero. I sit down...
Published 04/27/22
Geothermal in Texas?! Texas is the top producer of oil and gas in the US and if it was a part of OPEC it would be the 4th or 5th largest producer. So why care about Geothermal? Texas wants to be the leader in energy, not just oil and gas and on the backs of winter storm Uri, one of the most competitive electricity markets in the country started looking for clean reliable energy sources. The recently formed TXGEA is a trade association aimed at educating both the public and legislators as well...
Published 04/20/22
New Zealand is a wonderland full of many treasures that keep you in a constant state of awe as you travel around the islands. One of those treasures happens to be the indigenous Maori people who play a very important role in society still to this day. In fact, they have a major role in the development of the land's resources; one of which is the vast geothermal resource that exists just beneath their feet. I sit down with Andy Blair, the Co-Founder and Director at Upflow to talk about the...
Published 04/13/22
There has been a recent flurry of investment into the Geothermal industry. How do we keep the momentum going, ensure we deploy it properly in order to de-risk development and ultimately lead to bankable projects/companies? Well, I sit down with Bridget Silva, Business Development Lead at Criterion Energy Partners who recently announced a strategic investment from Patterson-UTI to talk about how they plan to attack just that.
Published 04/06/22
What do Geothermal and the US Navy have to do with each other? Well, as it turns out there are department of defense lands that happen to be on top of Geothermal resources. One in particular is the Coso Geothermal field where the Navy has mineral rights which enables them to receive revenue from the sale of electricity allowing them to oversee the operations for the field.
Published 03/30/22
The energy transition is a hot topic today and will undoubtedly be one of the biggest challenges we face as a human race. Not only are new breakthrough technologies needed to solve this issue, but arguably one of the biggest drivers will be CAPITAL. Not just any capital, but patient capital will be crucial especially in the Geothermal market. This episode highlights an amazing individual in Magnus, partner at Gullspang invest and chairman of Baseload Capital who is ready and willing to...
Published 03/23/22
Ushering in the Geothermal Decade. That is what many in the space refer to when they talk about the current state of the Geothermal industry and the revived efforts to make it available ubiquitously across the globe. Baker Hughes is squarely in the middle, developing new technologies, investing in new start-ups and helping to spread the word on why Geothermal deserves more attention especially within the Oil and Gas industry. Taylor Mattie, Geothermal Innovations leader with Baker Hughes is...
Published 03/16/22
The global market for Lithium Carbonate equivalent is going to expand by over 14 times in the coming decade. What if there was a way to produce a domestic source, while also being a clean sustainable source of lithium? Wouldn't we want to go after that resource as quickly and urgently as possible? Well Vulcan Energy Resources is doing just that in the Upper Rhine Valley with their Net Zero Carbon Lithium project. I sat down with Francis Wedin to chat about their project aiming to provide a...
Published 03/09/22
The International Geothermal Association (IGA) is the leading global platform on geothermal energy. With its four pillars Visibility, Sustainability, Partnerships and Authority, it is committed to push geothermal as a gamechanger for achieving Sustainable Development Goal #7 providing affordable, clean, baseload energy for all. The IGA connects the Global Geothermal Community, serving as a hub for networking opportunities aimed at promoting and supporting global geothermal development. With...
Published 03/02/22
Heat Power. The future of sustainable energy will no doubt have a large portion coming from heat power systems. Climeon is working on converting heat into clean electricity in a modular approach in order to provide reliable, cost efficient and quick deployment.
Published 02/23/22
Paul Thomsen, Vice President of Business Development at Ormat Technologies and I sit down to talk about how Ormat is unique in that they design and manufacture equipment to sell to third parties all while owning and operating over 1 GW of generation globally. Geothermal in California is not new, but there is a new interim order calling for 1000 MW of long lead, high capacity factor renewable electricity generation aka Geothermal. Can we do it?
Published 02/16/22
Heating and cooling account for over 40% of the GHG emissions globally so this is an area that has a lot of room for innovation and development to lower emissions and provide low carbon alternatives. Geothermal heat pumps are one of the best options for this space both residential and commercial. They use the ambient temperature water just beneath our feet coupled with a heat exchanger to provide low carbon heating and cooling. Dandelion is a leader in this space currently working in the...
Published 02/09/22
Need the latest news on Geothermal? Well you're in luck, there is a one stop shop with all the latest updates on Geothermal from all around the world. ThinkGeoEnergy which was founded by Alexander Richter out of a desire to help prop up the industry and it has now become the main news source for Geothermal across the globe. Along this journey Alex has held many different roles across the industry and has an immense knowledge on the subject and we cover the full breadth of Geothermal on this...
Published 02/02/22