Join us for a powerful sermon that will inspire your heart and ignite your spirit! “Greetings from Prison - Philippians 2" is a soul-stirring journey into the lives of believers facing trials and triumphs with unwavering faith. Discover the transformative power of Christian leadership, the importance of unity, and the call to live out the Gospel with courage and purpose. This message isn't just a reflection, it's a clarion call to action. Tune in and be empowered to elevate Christ's mission...
Published 01/28/24
Tune in for a Live Recording of Cornerstone Conversations! Pastors Herrell and McNair answer your questions about Angels and dive into the scriptural evidence of their presence and involvement in our lives. Be encouraged and challenge your understanding as you listen!
Published 01/21/24
Dive into this uplifting sermon exploring how to navigate life's challenges with a faithful heart. Discover the profound lessons from Paul's epistle to the Philippians, touching on the transformation of adversity into spiritual growth and the importance of Christian unity. This sermon is a must-listen for anyone seeking to live purposefully, love deeply, and remain hopeful in the face of suffering.
Published 01/21/24
Tune in for a powerful sermon exploring the value of perseverance through trial and trusting God in our weaknesses. Listen as Pastor Herrell reveals the great suffering Paul experienced and challenges you to recognize how it resulted in spiritual resilience. Uncover the mysteries of ancient Ephesus, witness the trials of the Apostle Paul, and explore the paradox of empowerment through spiritual surrender. Learn how our greatest vulnerabilities, guided by faith, reveal the mighty power of...
Published 01/14/24
Discover some keys to transformation and spiritual growth in our latest sermon: “Greetings from Prison - Acts 19”. Tune in and follow along through the weeks ahead as we dive deep into the teachings of Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and Ephesians. In this week’s message Pastor Herrell discussed how leadership skills are crafted, not just inherited. Witness the journey from Apostle Paul's chains to the powerful messages that continue to shape lives today.
Published 01/07/24
Join us for a profound sermon on faith, parenting, and personal growth as we step into the New Year. This message on God’s provision offers an enlightening perspective on navigating life's challenges with scripture as our compass. Delve into the art of trusting God to provide, relying on His guidance, and seeking spiritual renewal. Whether you're a parent, seeking direction, or simply looking to deepen your faith, this sermon is a beacon of hope and encouragement.
Published 12/31/23
Journey alongside the Magi, discover their origins, and understand their essential role as Kingmakers in ancient cultures. From his family line to his position as firstborn, Christ’s birth was intentionally and perfectly orchestrated. God’s plan unfolded so beautifully that even the stars pointed to his earthly arrival! Join in for an insightful journey celebrating our newborn King and the powerful kingdom reign he brought to earth.
Published 12/24/23
Join us for a powerful sermon that embarks on a journey through history, exploring the reigns of two iconic figures: Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ. This Tale of Two Kings offers a profound look at leadership, faith, and the transformative power of the gospel. Discover the conflict between these two kingdoms and how Jesus’ kingdom turned the world’s ideas of rule and power on their heads. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking reflection on freedom, faith, and the true King of Kings.
Published 12/17/23
Welcome the spiritual essence of the holiday season with our latest sermon, “The Newborn King - Mary’s Song.” While our modern holiday celebrations often revolve around festive songs, the original biblical stories are also woven between songs of praise. Listen to the profound stories of Mary and Elizabeth and accept an invitation to embrace the Holy Spirit in your life. Don't miss out on this harmonious blend of yuletide joy and sacred wisdom. Tune in to transform your Christmas experience!
Published 12/10/23
Embark on a transformational journey as Pastor Herrell unveils the lesser-known depths of the Christmas story! This isn't just about the birth of Christ. It's a thrilling exploration of God's grand narrative from creation to restoration. Pastor expounds on how Christmas is a significant chapter in God's tale of redemption, not the beginning. Pastor Herrell’s message may revolutionize your understanding of Christianity and God’s great story.
Published 12/03/23
Feeling discouraged in your Christian journey? Join us in our latest sermon where Pastor Herrell delves into the lives of Priscilla, Aquila and Paul, uncovering the extraordinary faith lived out in the midst of their ordinary lives. Pastor shares personal experiences and the universal struggle of walking the Christian path, reminding you that your impact in Christ's mission is worth celebrating. Tune in for the discussion of overcoming fear, trusting God, and the legacy we can leave behind.
Published 11/26/23
Pastor Herrell celebrates the transformative power of prayer in the rapid spread of the gospel in this message! Journey into Paul's letters to the Thessalonians and consider the supernatural power of prayer. Understand how faith is fortified in tumultuous times and how unity in the church is akin to a well-choreographed dance. Explore the ancient church's triumph amid evil and the expansion of God's Kingdom.
Published 11/19/23
Dive deep into the ancient texts of the Bible with Pastor Herrell. We pray this study helps you to better understand the significance of context for accurate interpretation and explore the church's role in today's society. From dissecting biblical prophecies to challenging the spirit of Antichrist, this sermon is a journey into faith, commitment, and discipleship.
Published 11/12/23
Join pastors Bobby Herrell and Jeremy McNair as they walk us through the first chapter of 2 Thessalonians.
Published 11/11/23
Join us as we traverse Second Thessalonians one and two, arguably the two most complex chapters in the Bible. Pastor Herrell delves into Paul's intentions, his profound love for the Thessalonians, and his mission to encourage young believers. He tackles the thorny questions about the second coming of Jesus Christ, providing a comprehensive examination of Paul's comforting words on what happens when a believer dies, and the unpredictability of the Lord's return. Through this message, we hope...
Published 11/05/23
Join Pastors Bobby Herrell and Jeremy McNair as they walk us through the final chapter of 1 Thessalonians.
Published 11/04/23
Tune into Pastor Jeremy McNair’s message from 2 Thessalonians as he explores the power of intercession, prayerful gratitude, champion other believers, faithfulness, and trusting in God’s judgement. Navigate what it looks like to commit to faithful prayer, boasting in God's goodness, and maintaining faith during trials. This message is a journey of perseverance, gratitude, faith, and love. You don’t want to miss it!
Published 10/29/23
Join Pastors Bobby Herrell and Jeremy McNair as they walk through chapters 2 and 3 of 1 Thessalonians.
Published 10/29/23
Join Pastors Bobby Herrell and Jeremy McNair as they walk through the context of the the first chapter of 1 Thessalonians.
Published 10/25/23
Delve into the profound truths of faith, hope, and the promise of resurrection as Pastor Herrell finishes preaching through 1 Thessalonians 4. Discover the comfort and clarity that comes from understanding you were made for life and Christian hope is attached to the resurrection! Because of these truths, Christians ought to be shining beacons of faith, courage, and hope. Join us as we explore what it truly means to live in light of the resurrection.
Published 10/22/23
Join Pastors Bobby Herrell and Jeremy McNair as they recap our current Sunday morning sermon series, To The Ends of the Earth.
Published 10/20/23
Join us for a thought-provoking sermon on navigating crisis with your Christian faith. Pastor Herrell delves into the role of believers in tumultuous times, the dilemma of Gentile believers during the Apostolic Council, and the core of Christian ethics. We unpack biblical insights from Paul's mission to Thessalonica, explore the role of love as a Christian ethic, and discuss the significance of gratitude for God's constant presence. Tune in and learn how to be a spirit-filled problem solver...
Published 10/15/23
Join us as Pastor Herrell walks us through 1 Thessalonians 2-3.
Published 10/08/23
Pastor Herrell helps us discover the inspiring strength and perseverance of early Christians in Thessalonica in our latest sermon! Explore the remarkable journey of Timothy, the early disciples, their trials, and the joy they found amidst difficulties. Tune in as we delve into the wisdom of Paul and his team, learn about the transformative power of prayer, and reflect on the importance of living a life that glorifies God. Don't miss this heartfelt reminder to find joy in every circumstance.
Published 10/01/23
Pastor McNair walks you through the extraordinary journey of Paul's second missionary trip to Philippi. Discuss with us how aligning with God's calling can significantly shape our purpose and the indispensable role of faith and generosity in spreading the gospel. Delve into the riveting saga of Paul and Silas' unshakable faith and devotion amidst their imprisonment. Tune in as we reflect on the power of faith and devotion in influencing others and how it laid the foundation of the Philippian...
Published 09/24/23