This message explores the profound mystery of how God, through the gospel of Jesus Christ, has united Jews and Gentiles as one people - heirs together, members of one body, and sharers together in His promises. We learn that each of us, no matter our background or perceived limitations, has a vital role to play in God's kingdom mission. Like the apostle Paul, who despite his past and imprisonment boldly proclaimed the boundless riches of Christ, we too can approach God with freedom and...
Published 06/16/24
In this powerful message, we explore the profound spiritual truths found in Ephesians chapter 2. The central theme is how God, through Jesus Christ, has broken down the barriers that separate humanity from Him and from each other. We learn that no matter how far we may feel from God, or how unworthy we think we are, His love and grace are always reaching out to us. As we grasp the reality that believers are living temples of the Holy Spirit, it should transform the way we live and interact...
Published 06/09/24
Pastor Herrell lead his message with a story to share the thesis of his message, “When you realize you’re going the wrong way, turn around." The Bible is full of examples, like David, Abraham and Moses, of people who made mistakes but turned back to God and found His love and forgiveness. Jesus' death on the cross made it possible for us to change course, no matter how far we've strayed. The resurrection proves there is more to life than just this world - it gives us hope for eternity and a...
Published 06/02/24
This message from Ephesians 1 delves into the profound truth that the power of God resides within us as believers. We are reminded that knowing about God is not the same as truly knowing Him. As we draw closer to God through a deep, personal relationship, the Holy Spirit illuminates our understanding and enables us to grasp the magnitude of God's love and the power available to us. Pastor Herrell emphasizes that this power is not for trivial pursuits, but for advancing God's kingdom and...
Published 05/26/24
Pastor Herrell delves into Ephesians 1, highlighting the profound spiritual truth that God has a grand, cosmic plan to rescue and restore all of creation through Jesus Christ. We learn God has chosen and adopted us as his children, not because we are worthy, but because of his lavish grace. The blood of Jesus has redeemed us from slavery to sin and sealed us with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our eternal inheritance. As we grasp the depths of God's love and the mystery of his plan...
Published 05/19/24
Tune in for a powerful sermon that takes you on a transformative journey exploring the pivotal role of women in ministry and their undeniable impact on social justice. 'Bold and Beautiful" delves into scripture and personal transformation, championing equality and inclusivity in Christian leadership. Discover how the daughters of Zelophehad from the Old Testament inspire modern advocacy for equity, and how biblical narratives resonate with today's quest for gender equality in the church....
Published 05/12/24
Dive deep into the heart of Christian living with our latest sermon, with Pastor Josh Martin. Tune in as we uncover the power of grace, the strength of trust, and the journey of forgiveness that can transform our lives. This sermon will take you through the ancient wisdom of the Apostle Paul's letter to Philemon which offers guidance into healing and unity. Whether you're navigating the complexities of relationships or seeking a path toward peace, this heartfelt exploration is for anyone...
Published 05/05/24
Joins us for another live recording as Pastors Bobby Herrell and Jeremy McNair answer more listener questions in this final episode on angels.
Published 04/29/24
Join us as we wrap up our Colossians study and watch as Paul celebrates his co-laborers in Christ, upholding their God-given purposes.
Published 04/28/24
Delve into the transformative power of prayer as Pastor Herrell takes us through Colossians 4. Dive into the revitalizing essence of devotion, learn how to restructure your schedule to give God the authority, and discover how you can experience a renewed sense of unity and spiritual resilience. Join us as Pastor Herrell shares practical tips and personal insights into a prayerful life that will foster love and grace of Christ in every home. Tune in now and be inspired to cultivate a stronger...
Published 04/21/24
Pastor Herrell presented a thought-provoking sermon on the enduring essence of Christian marriage and family values. He took us on a cultural journey through the shifting cultural expectations of matrimonial rites and the profound Christian perspective on love and household dynamics. Discover how ancient practices shape our modern understanding of unity and commitment. Join us as we explore the transformative power of the Gospel in reimagining traditional roles and fostering a home filled...
Published 04/14/24
Pastor McNair takes us on a deep dive into the heart of spiritual maturation calling us all to honor the instruction of Colossians 3 and commit to living out a transformative faith formed by Holy Spirit. We must choose to shed our former ways, transformed by Holy Spirit’s guidance, and drawn together in unity. We'll unpack the profound impact of Christ's resurrection on our daily spiritual walk, learn to navigate the changes of life with grace and righteousness, and embrace unity within our...
Published 04/07/24
Tune in for a Live Recording of Cornerstone Conversations! Pastors Herrell and McNair answer more of your questions about Angels and dive into the scriptural evidence of their presence and involvement in our lives. Be encouraged and challenge your understanding as you listen!
Published 04/02/24
Join us for a powerful sermon that will guide you on a journey through faith and scripture, revealing the redemption and victory of Jesus Christ. Dive deep into the heart of Christian belief as we move beyond rituals to discover how transformative a relationship with Jesus can be, from the unfolding story of redemption in Eden to the joyous resurrection. Embrace the promise of new beginnings and the triumph over death as we celebrate the eternal promise of Jesus.
Published 03/31/24
Pastor Herrell likens your spiritual walk to a voyage as we study through Colossians 2. Uncover the greater riches that lie beyond the tales of pirates and the high seas, as we delve into the profound wisdom of the Apostle Paul. Discover how our faith in Jesus will anchor us in our quest for meaning and guide us toward spiritual maturity. This sermon is a heartfelt invitation to all seekers of life's truest treasure. Join us and find the inexhaustible riches that await in a life lived in...
Published 03/24/24
Join us for an enlightening sermon that invites you on a reflective journey into faith, God’s glory, and servant leadership. Discover how your unique story weaves into the divine narrative and how embracing your individuality will serve God's kingdom. Dive into the sacred unity and diversity of the church, the plan of Christian individuality, and the call to service that transforms lives. Tune in and find inspiration to live out your God-given mission with purpose and joy.
Published 03/17/24
Join us for a soul-stirring sermon that will guide you through the challenges of maintaining focus in a world brimming with distractions. Dive into Colossians 1 with Pastor McNair as he helps us explore the transformative power of Jesus and the gospel, consider the depths of our worship, and reflect on the centrality of Christ in our lives. Take the opportunity to self evaluate and continue in your journey of personal and spiritual growth while affirming the preeminence of Jesus in your...
Published 03/10/24
Join us for a soul-nourishing introduction to Colossians. Pastor Herrell explores the parallel journeys of cultivating a vibrant garden with deepening our spiritual resilience. Dive into heartfelt stories of transformation, the profound wisdom of scripture, and the art of practicing gratitude. This sermon will inspire you to sow seeds of thanksgiving and bloom with hope in your community. Tune in to be uplifted and find guidance for rich and flourishing spiritual life.
Published 03/03/24
Join us as Pastor Herrell teaches through Chapter 4 of Philippians. In this teaching we learn what it means to live out having the mind of Christ. Don't miss this encouraging sermon!
Published 02/25/24
Join pastors Bobby Herrell and Jeremy McNair for another live episode as they answer several more listener questions on angels.
Published 02/19/24
Discover the ancient approach to spiritual growth with our latest sermon! Listen as Pastor Herrell delves into the importance of tailored teaching methods, the vital role of spiritual discipleship, and the example set by Timothy and Epaphroditus in servant leadership. Pastor also tackled Paul's teachings on legalism vs. righteousness, igniting hope and inspiring change within our faith communities. Don’t miss the enlightening message from Philippians 3!
Published 02/18/24
Join us as we continue our study of Philippians 2. Discover the profound role of fellowship and unity in our spiritual journey and how "every believer is an extension of the life of Christ". Be inspired to live with intention, navigate life with Christlike grace, and embrace the ripple effects of camaraderie and friendship in your community of faith. This message is an inspiring call to action for anyone who struggles to see beyond their circumstances. Tune in and be encouraged!
Published 02/11/24
Join us as we journey through the paradox of Jesus Christ as both God and man, and uncover the transformative power of humility and service. Together, let's seek spiritual solidarity as we embrace the mindset of Christ spoken of in Philippians 2. Tune in and be inspired to live a life of unity and humble sacrifice.
Published 02/04/24
Join us for a powerful sermon that will inspire your heart and ignite your spirit! “Greetings from Prison - Philippians 2" is a soul-stirring journey into the lives of believers facing trials and triumphs with unwavering faith. Discover the transformative power of Christian leadership, the importance of unity, and the call to live out the Gospel with courage and purpose. This message isn't just a reflection, it's a clarion call to action. Tune in and be empowered to elevate Christ's mission...
Published 01/28/24