The Church is called to embrace the crucified life and walk in Galatians 2:20. Only then can we inherit spiritual Zion with the fullness, glory and power of Christ. 
Published 06/20/24
We often think of victory in war, but not the spoils that accompany it. If we do not take back the spoils, the enemy will. Restitution gives us what we need for the extraordinary plans of God.
Published 06/15/24
Join us to hear a word on balancing service with spiritual growth. Understand the importance of nurturing your inner life, serving with humility, and ensuring God’s Presence is at the center of all endeavors.
Published 06/05/24
When you got born again, you were born into two things – firstly, a FAMILY and you’re no longer an orphan nor a slave, but part of a royal family. Secondly, you were born into a KINGDOM. Your born-again status automatically qualifies you to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, and the moment that happened, you were immediately marked out by Satan. One of the great battles we’ve to war against is the MIND. How do we overcome the enemy’s influence in our minds?
Published 06/04/24
God’s instruction in Ephesians 6 for us to honour our father and mother was the first Scriptural commandment with a promise. It shows the premium He places on our relationships with our parents. But what’s the difference between honour and obedience? Ps. Peter shares from his personal experience in his father-son journey and how the Spirit of Fatherhood can help bring healing to our relationship with our fathers.
Published 05/29/24
When God sees something, He has an intended end in mind – He sees the end to the beginning. We’re all works in progress being fashioned as God’s craftsmanship. When we understand the destination, it’s easier to embrace the process. Does it seem that bits of your life are being chipped off? Take heart! God is at work to make you into His masterpiece!
Published 05/28/24
It’s a new era, a new dawn! There are significant transitions in the Bible that show the end of one era and the beginning of another. God works in eras and the Church needs to move together with Him into a new wineskin. He wants to pour out new wine, new oil and fresh fire in this divine hour. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying!
Published 05/21/24
It’s amazing the role and influence mothers have played in the Bible. Consider Hannah and her influence over the prophet Samuel; Manoah’s wife over Samson; or Bathsheba over Solomon. And most of all, Mary’s godly influence over Jesus. Why is this important? Because the issue of gender has always been a divisive matter, even up till the time of Jesus. But the coming of the Holy Spirit was the game changer. If you do not yet know this, mothers, you’re God’s secret weapon!
Published 05/14/24
In this powerful prophetic declaration over Singapore, Prophetess Emma Stark shares the heart of God and His mandate over our nation from the foundations of this country. He desires ‘Strategy with Compassion’ and for us to partner with His Spirit and compassion that His Kingdom might be further advanced. 
Published 05/08/24
The Kingdom of God is living and revolutionary. It’s a counter-culture kingdom that challenges our traditional ideals, and seeks to shake away religiosity and complacency. It’s better to be an amateur in the new wine, than to be an expert in the old. Have we allowed the coffin of conformity to sneak up on us? It’s time to lay down the familiar and embrace the revolutionary Kingdom of God! 
Published 05/07/24
Very often, when God gives us a vision, there comes a tension between that and the outworking. The Land Between is a place of transition, chaos and unsettling to take us to the place of transformation. 
Published 05/03/24
Success is not measured by great wealth and honour, but by the degree we follow God’s commands fully. In this message, Dr. Chee shows us through the life of King Jehoshaphat the pitfalls and dangers of partial obedience.
Published 04/24/24
We will all come to the end of our race someday, where we will have to ask ourselves the question – 'What really matters?' In this poignant and sobering message, Dr. Chew gives us nuggets of truth to think about. Will we end up in the Rogues Gallery, or will we choose to be in the Roll Call of Honour? 
Published 04/23/24
A plane has a limit on how much it can carry, depending on the size of the carrier. Its maximum take-off weight is calculated ahead and strictly adhered to so that it does not end in tragedy. We all have load limits, and the God who knows our load limits is the same God who limits our load. He has created us with limitations and ignoring the warning signs on our dashboard can be detrimental.
Published 04/17/24
At the Last Supper, Jesus told His disciples He wouldn’t drink of the vine until they did so together in the Kingdom of God. Yet, at Gethsemane, He fervently prayed to avoid another destined cup. Was Jesus avoiding pain and shame, or was there more? What was in the cup?
Published 04/09/24
Psalm 103, written by King David, is a well-loved psalm of praise and thanksgiving, recounting and declaring the goodness and mercies of God. Embedded within this psalm is a contrast that seeks not to confuse, but bring clarity so that we find purpose and meaning to our daily lives. The outcome of this is the key to meeting God, face-to-face.
Published 04/09/24
Do you know what the problem is for most of us? Respectability. Especially in our Asian culture, we care too much about what people think of us. If we don't break through the barrier of respectability, we're going to miss some of the most amazing encounters and miracles in our lives. Just read your Bibles. The ones who were most willing to lose their respectability were the ones most likelyto receive their miracle!
Published 03/26/24
The Church has primarily focused on the Gospel's core elements: the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and rightfully so. However, there's another crucial dimension often overlooked - the higher realm Christ died for us to enter. Without grasping this elevated dimension of living, our spiritual walk and warfare will lack effectiveness.
Published 03/20/24
Judges 2 is a sobering chapter in Israel’s history where the baton was passed from one generation to another after the death of their leader, Joshua. Sadly, they failed to uphold his legacy, resulting in a generation that did not know the Lord nor His works. We’re living in a season of transition and there’s a divine exchange zone in the spirit realm. Christine Caine emphasises the critical importance of not allowing sloppiness, fatigue, or carelessness to disqualify us and cause us to drop...
Published 03/13/24
In this year’s Combined Service message, Ps. Yang reiterates the importance of having an inter-generational perspective and vision. Though each generation has its distinctive characteristic, we’re all interconnected in what is called, ‘The Synergy of Ages’. As David served God’s will in his generation, we must also ensure that each generation accomplishes what God has for it. How do we steward a multi-generational move of God and serve and honour the other?
Published 03/13/24
Psalm 73 is an honest and heartwarming story of a psalmist’s faith and inner struggles through life’s perplexities. Rev. Edmund Chan takes us on an exegesis of this psalm, where Asaph discovers that only by entering God’s sanctuary can he experience a shift from superficial understanding to a profound revelation of God and His ways.
Published 03/05/24
This is a special weekend where we talk about and honour the caregivers in our midst. The only thing worse than losing someone you love suddenly is losing them slowly. Oftentimes, there are no miracles – just surgery, chemo, or the loss of memory, mobility, speech and even hair. Until the person you once knew doesn’t even look familiar anymore. That’s why the Church is essential in such a circumstance. If you’re a caregiver, here are two words – JESUS REMEMBERS!
Published 02/28/24
This is my 34th year in full-time ministry and I can’t think of anything else I want to do for the rest of my life. I love 100% what I’m doing and I’d not exchange it for anything in the world! But I think the role of a senior pastor is probably one of the most intense and difficult jobs there is on the planet. So how in 34 years of ministry have I kept a semblance of sanity? That’s the question I want to ask and seek to answer.
Published 02/21/24
I don't ever want to be guilty of feeding you with sugar water, nor have a church full of people with rotting and decaying teeth. The Pentecostal Church today is guilty of fostering a culture of spiritual babies who crave sugary words of destiny while their teeth are rotting. Prophetic conferences are packed with children who are malnourished because they've never been taught the strong Word of the Lord. They like to laugh, shake, fall, but they do not tremble at the Word. May we always be...
Published 02/06/24