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Cory Doctorow
Computer and Internet Regulation - Audio
What is it about computers and computer networks that makes them so much more powerful and flexible than most other technologies? And why do these qualities seem to drive regulators and vested interest groups to demand illogical regulation? In this invited seminar, Open University Visiting Senior Lecturer Cory Doctorow discusses the consequence of overzealous technology regulation in a talk entitled: A little bit pregnant: Why it's a bad idea to regulate computers the way we regulate radios, guns, uranium and other special-purpose tools.
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Recent Episodes
What is it about computers and computer networks that makes them so much more powerful and flexible than most other technologies?
Published 07/06/11
Cory gives examples of some seemingly impossible demands regulators might make for special purpose computing and goes on to show how general purpose computers and networks benefit a wide range of society.
Published 07/06/11
With examples from software radio, broadcast and recorded media, handheld games consoles and hearing aids, Cory Doctorow shows how prior restraint regulation will not work.
Published 07/06/11
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