What are you selling or giving your worth for? Do you know and understand that everything has a cost and are you aware of what that cost is? In this episode we will talk about your self worth and what value you have placed on it.
Published 05/07/24
Published 05/07/24
In this episode I discuss some of the most common misunderstanding when it comes do boundaries. Often we think and believe we know and understand them, but more often then not, we are missing some really important parts.
Published 04/09/24
In this episode I will discuss some of the most common behaviors and actions to try and avoid as they are not helpful and in fact will cause more pain and damage in the long run. I want to help you learn from my mistakes.
Published 03/05/24
What is codependency? Am I codependent? Is it really a bad thing? These are just some of the questions I had. Recovery is about learning and growing in a healthy way. Therefore we must look into all avenues of our lives to find what may need adjusting or help.
Published 02/20/24
Why is change so hard and why do we push against it so much? In this episode I will discuss and answer those questions along with many others. Change doesn't have to be something we avoid and fear but can be the greatest gift we have access to.
Published 02/06/24
What is people pleasing and what does it have to do with betrayal? Join me for this episode to learn the answer.
Published 01/23/24
Do you know someone who is struggling with betrayal? Then this episode is for you. This is a guide of what not to do when someone you love or care about has experienced betrayal. This situations is very difficult and if we are not careful we can unknowingly make it harder.
Published 01/16/24
Are you seeing things clearly or are you looking through a lens that may change what and how you see the world before you? In this episode we will talk about the different type of lenses we may be looking through and how to process the evidence before us.
Published 01/09/24
Is it love that is motivating you or is it fear? For most of my life I thought I was acting and showing up because of love, but I have since learned that it was actually out of fear. In this episode we will discuss what it actually means to love instead of what we think love is, but isn't.
Published 11/28/23
Listen to part 2 of my interview with Heidi Bartle. We dive a little deeper and continue the discussion of vulnerability. You don't want to miss it.
Published 11/21/23
With special guest Heidi Bartle. In this episode Heidi shares her personal experiences and uses her voice to reach and help others. Anxiety, depression and all other mood disorders are something we need to talk about and be aware of. Anxiety and depression are a part of betrayal, but what if it is more? How do we know, what do we do and where do we get help.
Published 11/14/23
Is porn really that bad? If you ask me, yes, it really is. Pornography causes lasting damage to so much more than I even knew. Let me share with you some of the insights I have learned about the effects of pornography and masturbation.
Published 11/07/23
After betrayal it can be difficult to know what is real and what is not. Many times in our desire for healing we hold on to hope. But is our hope a good thing or are we just chasing an illusion?
Published 10/31/23
What are some of your fears? Where do they come from but more importantly, where are they leading you? Our fears can stop us from moving forward or they can hold us hostage. Learning how to break free from the hold fear has over you will be one of the most empowering things you could do for yourself.
Published 10/24/23
Are you crazy or are you a victim of manipulation? Gaslighting is a form of abuse where the manipulator is trying to get someone else to question their own reality, memory or perceptions. Gaslighting is a tool used so that the manipulator can avoid their own destructive behaviors, addictions and issues. It is used to keep the spotlight on you so you are unable to see anything else. In this episode I will discuss ways to recognize gaslighting and how to over come it.
Published 10/17/23
Let me tell you my story, what I know and why I want to help others.
Published 10/10/23
Published 10/01/23