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Carel van Heerden
Craving Wolves Addiction Podcast
The podcast to help you battle the everyday struggle with addiction, cravings, dependency and bad habits but also give you some helpful tips and good habits that helped me. This podcast will give my struggles and triumphs with addiction some life and hopefully assist you in your own battle regarding addiction. The reason for the name and artwork of this Podcast is based on the Yin Yang sign from Taoism, depicted by two wolves, a good wolf and an evil wolf. A concept of addiction is that these wolves live inside you and you have to choose which one to feed… Addiction effects everyone in a...
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Self talk is really important even if You are 'Just Joking' the Universe doesn't know if You are joking or not. Be Kind to Yourself and be kind to others as well. Please connect with me below:
Published 01/22/24
Rule 1: Don't be a dick. There are a lot of things that life throws at You, it won't help to make it even harder for Yourself. You are all EPIC. Enjoy Life, it is Beautifully Complicated.  Please connect with me below:
Published 01/15/24
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