Welcome to the first podcast episode in 2021!Todays podcast is about helping you to not only stick to your new years resolutions but to turn them into new routines and habits and not to fail in the intention already by the mid of January. How many of you have experienced it?In this episode you will learn:✅ Why most New Year's resolutions fail✅ What is the difference between a resolution and an intention✅ Why to start small✅ And why your goal should be to enjoy the process.I wish you an...
Published 01/15/21
Published 01/15/21
¿Te gustaría ser tu propio jefe?Seguramente dirás que sí, pero pensaras que es muy complicado o que necesitas mucho dinero para ello. Es una idea que está pasando por la cabeza de muchas personas en las ultimas semanas, dado a la situación que hemos vivido o todavía vivimos.¿Y si intentas ser tu propio jefe y montar tu proyecto?Esa pregunta se la hizo Juan Manuel Caro @juanmilloneti también hace mucho tiempo cuando leyó un libro de Robert Kiyosaki que le cambió totalmente sus planes de futuro...
Published 06/11/20
How to master times of change!That is the big question these days. The world never experienced a moment of change like this before.The last couple of weeks invited all of us to face changes, small or big.This moment invites us to a transformation that first of all require awareness and therefore I want to share in this new podcast episode 3 powerful tools how to master times of change.You will learn:✅ How to shift your fear to gratitude✅How to use your words to change your emotions✅How to...
Published 04/02/20
Today I am super excited about my first podcast interview incredibly inspiring woman from Montreal, Canada, who fearlessly combined her mental health training and the experience of being a suicide attempt survivor to transform her message into a worldwide movement.Sophia Manarolis is a mental health counsellor and coach and moreover, she is a very big proponent of gratitude, due to a life-changing experience of surviving a suicide attempt as a result of depression. Today she is not only a...
Published 03/09/20
Cuéntame, ¿cuál es tu visión para este año 2020? ¿Cómo te ves? ¿Cómo te quieres sentir? ¿Qué quieres crea?¿Estas preguntas te cuestan? ¿Es difícil para ti tener una visión o imaginación de tu futuro? “Visión es el arte de ver lo que es invisible para otros” dice Jonathan Swift y exactamente en este primer episodio de mi podcast EN ESPAÑOL vamos a hablar exactamente sobre el poder de una visión - de tener una visión,  col alguien, quien es para mí un ejemplo de un gran visionario.Dani...
Published 02/26/20
One day my personal life changed when I started to ask myself the question: What vision do I have about me and my life?How do I see myself in the future, how do I imagine my life to look like?In my daily work, I see one of the biggest challenge people are confronted with in life, due to a missing vision and exactly that is the reason why I dedicate today’s episode to:Why having a vision can change your life - TOO?I will share with you:✅ 7 powerful reasons, why having a vision changed my...
Published 02/19/20
Ich freue mich heute mit Dir mein erstes deutsches Interview mit einer sehr inspirierenden Frau, Hannah Panidis, teilen zu können.Hannah ist eine kraftvolle Gestalterin ihres eigenen Lebens, als Mama, glückliche Ehefrau und Empowerment Coach, die es nicht nur geschafft hat, ihr eigenes Licht zu entdecken, sondern vielmehr gelang und gelingt es ihr auf eine ganz authentische Weise, ihr eigenes Licht zu teilen und vor allem Frauen dabei zu unterstützen, ihr persönliches Licht im „ganz normalen...
Published 02/11/20
Have you been able to stick to all your new year’s resolutions, goals, objectives?How did your first 5 weeks of 2020 look like? How do you feel?"But Sara, what happened was…. Sara, you don’t imagine what happened to me…but Sara, you don’t understand, I could not do it, because of that…"These are very common messages I am receiving, when I ask people about their last weeks and their experiences regarding their goals and new years resolutions.And you might say and think, “nobody understands me,...
Published 02/04/20
How can you turn obstacles into the opportunity to become the superhero of your life?This is the main focus of today's very inspiring interview with Renate Mueller, a Life & Women Empowerment Coach, Free Wandering Soul, World Traveller, Podcaster,Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner from Germany, who is living in New Zealand now.Let's talk together about the serious stuff occurring in all our life paths: obstacles - big or small.They are the reason why often we quit in the middle of our path,...
Published 01/27/20
2020 has started and the motivation for big goals and new years resolutions is big.My question to you: Does everything you are planning really matter to you, or is it more a self-made obligation. Often we run into this trap of self-made frustration, standing up for something that really does not matter for us. We are sometimes just too afraid of going for the things, which are really important for us.Especially when nowadays everyone is sharing what their path is and how they are walking it,...
Published 01/17/20
What lessons did 2019 gifted you?Less than 2 weeks and we are officially closing 2019. I am using these days to slow down a bit, preparing time in family, to close 2019 consciously and as well to visualize my 2020. Today I want to share with you 4 powerful ways to rap up 2019 creating your very own powerful annual review to not only close consciously 2019 but mostly get ready to set yourself straight for an amazing 2020.I want to use this episode to share with you my very personal review and...
Published 12/21/19
What can you forgive to finally let go of pain this Christmas?Forgiveness mostly means for me giving up the suffering of the past and is welcoming the willingness to move forward with the intention to find inner freedom.I feel that the Pre-Christmas time is a wonderful opportunity to really practice forgiveness and today I want to share with you 5 reasons WHY forgiveness is such a powerful way of letting go and moreover 4 steps to activate your power of forgiveness.Check it out and share with...
Published 12/12/19
I can´t believe it, that we are almost closing 2019. We entered into December and the days of 2019 are counted. And, what a year it has been!   While we look back at the year that has passed by and create our summery of this year, it’s also worth taking a few minutes to think of all the things that you want to let go of before welcoming a new year with a fresh mind - open to receive the new with welcoming open arms.Here are 7 things you definitely should let go of to liberate yourself and a...
Published 12/05/19
Today is Thanksgiving, a beautiful tradition in the US, which I want to use as an invitation to all of us to connect with the immense power of Gratitude. We are in the closing of the month November, Christmas, the closing of the year and 2020 is waiting around the corner. It is a beautiful time to make an inventory of the gifts 2019 brought to us, to give thanks and to shift our focus on the abundance in our life…so let’s talk today about the power of gratitude.And today I want to express...
Published 11/28/19
Do you struggle constantly in one or more areas in your life, feeling stuck, exhausted, unhappy, simple unsatisfied and you do not know how to change it?Let me tell you you are not alone. I have been there too and therefore this week's episode is about a very powerful Coaching Tool I got taught in several different times in my life to, first of all to identify, where exactly your wheel of life is not rolling or flowing and how to start to change it.Welcome to the 3. episode of my Creator's...
Published 11/20/19
Have you felt paralyzed, when you don’t know what's going to happen next, that you're doing something you've never, ever done before, or you are in total shock about a change in your work, or in your personal life? Have you ever suffered feeling terribly scared starting a new journey and, when you get into an airplane you are not only terrified because of the fear of flying, more because you are super anxious because you don’t know what will expect you? Today I dedicate this episode to...
Published 11/15/19
I am so happy to start with you today officially this podcast with it's very first episode dedicated to all of you, who for a very long time wanted to start a new project, start to travel the world, finally close your master thesis or even finally quit your job or a toxic relationship that is draining your energy. Procrastination is one of the most common reasons why people are not into their creator's light, not connected to their creative power. Believe me, I was in procrastination in...
Published 11/08/19
Welcome to the Creator's Light Podcast! In this short intro, I am sharing what will await you in this podcast. I am so excited to have you around and to accompany you to create again light within you, to connect you with light around you and to contribute with your light to the world. Thank you so much for existing! Yours Sara For more information about me: www.sarabaltus.com  
Published 11/02/19