Episode Synopsis: John Seward’s inmate, Renfield, has taken to collecting flies in his room. He agreed to get rid of them if he was given three days to do so. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 06/06/24
Episode Synopsis: Jonathan Harker discovers that the Count has stolen away all of Jonathan’s paper, notes, and maps.  He has also stolen his traveling suit. Harker fears a treacherous scheme is upon him.   Episode Synopsis: Jonathan Harker discovers that the Count has stolen away all of Jonathan’s paper, notes, and maps.  He has also stolen his traveling suit. Harker fears a treacherous scheme is upon him.  
Published 05/31/24
Jonathan Harker seizes upon a chance to pay some visiting Szgany workers to send letters home- one to his employer, Peter Hawkins, and a coded shorthand letter to Mina. However, these workers turn them over to the Count, who opens them. He sends on the letter to Hawkins, but destroys the illegible letter to Mina. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/28/24
Arthur Holmwood accepts Quincey’s invitation and hints at having news to tell. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/26/24
John Seward picks up the pieces from his rejected proposal to Lucy Westenra by returning to work. He begins to study one of his inmates, R.M, Renfield. Quincy Morris invites his dear friend Arthur Holmwood to an evening of drinking and revelry with himself and John Seward. He cautions him not to gloat excessively about winning Lucy’s hand. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/25/24
Lucy Westenra writes to Mina Murray that she has just become engaged to Arthur Holmwood, but not before she rejected two heart-breaking proposals, one from John Seward, and the other from a Texan friend, Quincey Morris. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/24/24
The Count convinces Jonathan Harker to write and postdate letters that say he has left the Castle Dracula and arrived safely in Bistritz. Jonathan obliges, but fears that these letters portend his doom. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/19/24
Jonathan Harker investigates the room wherein he saw the three supernatural women two days prior, but finds that the door has been secured from the inside, and forcibly shut against his entry. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/18/24
Having fallen asleep in a strange room in the Count’s Castle, Jonathan Harker awakes to the sight of three ethereal ladies watching him. Pretending to be asleep, Jonathan waits while one of them presses her lips to his neck before the Count appears in a rage driving the women away from him. The Count produces a bag containing a human baby, which the women fall upon as their prey before disappearing. Jonathan faints in horror and awakes in his own room. Small details about his clothing and...
Published 05/16/24
Lucy Westenra writes to Mina Murray about the latest gossip. She is spending a lot of time with Arthur Holmwood, and her mother thinks him a fine fellow. Arthur introduced her to a man named Dr. John Seward, owner of his own lunatic asylum, who Lucy thinks is remarkably resolute. She feels that Seward is trying to read her, but she evades him. Lucy reveals that she is in love with Arthur Holmwood, and hopes for a bright future with him. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles,...
Published 05/15/24
Jonathan observes the Count climbing down the wall from his window several more times, and notices that the Castle is built on an outcropping so it is only accessible from one side. Once the Count was out of the castle, Jonathan goes exploring and finds the the front door was locked, and the key missing so he might not escape. He discovers a door which appeared to be locked, but which gave under pressure. The view from the window is breathtaking, and the furniture suggested that he stumbled...
Published 05/15/24
Jonathan Harker continues to be a guest of the Count. The Count begins to ask questions about how business is conducted in London, and whether he might employ multiple solicitors so that the whole of his business isn’t known by one man. He then asks Jonathan to write to his loved ones and tell them that he will be staying with the Count for a full month. Jonathan understands that protest is futile, so he does as he is asked. He notices that the Count is conducting business of his own, and has...
Published 05/12/24
Mina Murray writes to her best friend, Lucy Westenra. Mina tells Lucy that she is learning shorthand so that she might assist her fiance, Jonathan Harker, once he returns from his business trip abroad. To that end, she will keep a journal and hone her mind to remember the details of her days. She asks Lucy to tell her of the latest gossip of Lucy’s budding love life. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/09/24
The Count throws away Jonathan's traveling mirror when Jonathan starts to suspect that the Count casts no reflection. It dawns upon Jonathan that he is unable to leave the castle, and that the Count is secretly performing all the servants' duties. Jonathan resolves himself to try and discover all he can about the Count in case a chance to escape might present itself. Inspired by lively conversation, the Count boasts about his lineage and ancestry as though he were among them. He tells of the...
Published 05/08/24
The Count returns late in the day to find Jonathan passing the time in his library. The Count presses Jonathan to stay with him for a while and help him improve his English so as to eradicate his accent. He welcomes Jonathan to explore his home, but cautions him to avoid any locked doors. When asked, Dracula explains that the blue flames in the woods denoted the location of buried treasure, left over from an ancient war between the native peasants and Austrian and Hungarian invaders. ...
Published 05/07/24
Jonathan Harker, while traveling to meet the Count, pondered gravely at the reactions of the peasants around him, as they murmur indistinctly about the supernatural horrors that await him. The peasant coachman hurried the horses over the picturesque terrain so as to arrive at the rendezvous point a full hour early. He was foiled, however, when the Count's coachman, a man of mysteriously prodigious strength, met them regardless, and took Jonathan away to the castle. The ride in Dracula's...
Published 05/05/24
The Count has sent money sufficient to pay for a carriage to carry Jonathan Harker to his castle. The townspeople act peculiarly, however, when the subject of the count is raised. His landlady at inn begged Jonathan not to go, for the following day is St. George's Day, when evil is most powerful. She pressed upon him a crucifix, which he reluctantly accepted. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/04/24
Solicitor Jonathan Harker travels on business to Bistriz on his way to Castle Dracula.​ ​Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 05/03/24
Episode Synopsis: Mina and Van Helsing start eastward on foot, carrying provisions and means of keeping warm. Mina is tired after a steep descent, and Van Helsing finds a sort of sheltered spot that he picks to rest. Mina is still unable to take food. Van Helsing starts at the sight of the Szgany driving their wagon at top speed, upon which is the box containing the Count. Van Helsing quickly draws another holy circle protecting their location from the Count. As they watch the wagon, they...
Published 11/06/23
Episode Synopsis: Mina continues to sleep solidly during the daylight hours. Van Helsing commits himself to remain awake at night while Mina is awake, but finds himself dozing during the day while driving the carriage, and when he awakes, is overjoyed to see the Castle Dracula looming in the distance. As they settle down for the night, Van Helsing creates a circle surrounding Mina, using the holy Eucharist broken into a fine dust. Mina admits that she is unable to leave the circle, which Van...
Published 11/05/23
Episode Synopsis: Seward and Quincey hear from the locals that Jonathan and Arthur had encountered trouble navigating some of the rapids in their steamer and need some help righting their vessel. Van Helsing and Mina reach the Borgo Pass at sunrise. Mina made her same report at sunrise while under hypnosis. When she awakes, she recognizes the way to the Count’s castle from Jonathan’ description in his diary. Mina sleeps all day, and Van Helsing is unable to hypnotize her at sunset. Mina...
Published 11/04/23
Episode Synopsis: Seward worries about the impending snow as he and Quincey continue to follow the Count. They hear from the local people that Jonathan and Arthur’s boat had recently passed by and is en route to Bistritza. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com
Published 11/03/23
Episode Synopsis: Jonathan is surprised to see that instead of waking him for his watch, Arthur had let his sleep through the night so that he might recover his strength. Jonathan wonders if Mina and Van Helsing have reached he Borgo Pass yet, and how Seward and Quincey are getting along. Despite only pausing long enough to rest the horses, Seward and Quincey feel surprisingly alert under the circumstances, which Seward attributes to habit from their previous hunting experience. Mina...
Published 11/02/23
Episode Synopsis: Jonathan and Arthur continue to follow their presumed path of the Count up the river, searching the boats they come across. Struck with an idea, they fly a Romanian flag over their boat so the other boats that they search will think they are a government craft and give them no trouble. Mina and Van Helsing travel over the countryside, exchanging their tired horses for fresh ones through the good nature of kindly farmers who feed them along the way. Once, Mina removes her...
Published 11/01/23