You're Soaking! It softens hands while you do the dishes. Grandpa's ghost. So-called "science" magazine. DNA, Brown Bears and a dog. Yeti: Dzu-teh, Meh-Teh and Teh-Ima. You're soaking in it. Patagonia and the Patagon. South American Little foot. Gettin crazy with the Cheeze Wiz. Piano Concerto No.3, Op.37 - I. Allegro con brio, Ludwig van Beethoven -  Stefano Ligoratti Fantasy in C, Op. 15 'Wanderer'Franz Schubert -  Daniel Blanch    
Published 03/26/18
Published 03/26/18
Thank you in advance. The mighty Himalaya. Bigfoot snow print.  Blue bottle wins again. Paranormal head cold. Gnome with a hard G. Goblins goblins goblins! A big nose, overweight, toothless faerie. I become scary in that place. Turn West at East St. Luis. Daffy Duck is from New Jersey. Perth Amboy, in fact. Deathstar mailbag. Electronic hate mail. 1998: A rainy, Chilean encounter with a flute playing Duende. No such thing as July in winter. It gave me a magical hopeful...
Published 02/01/18
Side B  –  The Evil Jenius on Side A. No humans, my cats were here. 1967 costume technology, our historically patriarchal society. and notoriously inaccurate lie detector tests. I'm going and believing in Giants - Giants called the Nephilim. Do that out in the real nature and you might get shot. Tattered pants, a button up shirt... and a hat! The whole video stupid thing was a waste of time. 29 is close, Round up. Soundtrack: Tales from the Vienna Woods, Op. 325, Johann Strauss Jr. -...
Published 11/18/17
Side A  –  Weaponized Bigfoot. Electric Light Owl lamp. Gremlins in Wikipedia are legit. A look at the Patterson Gimlin Film at 50. It's mostly clacking sounds and you don't get to see anything. Meaningful analysis and previously unconsidered perspective on this classic short film are not to be expected. When Autumn leaves start to fall. Monkeys have tails. Is that thing on the wall real? Hi Bob. I wouldn't call him a liar. Ratios don't lie. An anonymous critique of Bigfoot's motion picture...
Published 10/20/17
A market research technique is used to gather opinion on the existence of the elusive Wild Man. Mendoza Line Intelligence: An Ode to Bob Uecker. Classic road-crossing described and analyzed. Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Man vs. Bigfoot. Bigfoot vs. Aliens. Ad Astra per Aspera! Soundtrack: 1812 Overture, Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky - Skidmore College Orchestra** Waltz in C Sharp minor, F. Chopin - Olga Gurevich** Waltz in D flat major, F. Chopin - Olga Gurevich** Waltz in E minor, F. Chopin...
Published 09/11/17