We are positioned to serve a purpose, positioned for an assignment. Listen to know three things you need to navigate this phase.
Published 05/29/24
After God trains you, He'll position you. There are certain things you must pay attention to in order to ensure you do not miss out on your positioning.
Published 05/22/24
Published 05/22/24
God trains before He positions. Listen to learn what trainings God takes us through and how to stay aligned.
Published 05/15/24
There are 4 steps on your Journey to destiny which we would examine in the next 4 weeks. The journey begins with an encounter with God. Sometimes this encounter happens in the valley, in the places of pain, regret, disappointment or mistake. What we calla disadvantage can become a place of encounter to begin our journey to destiny. God did not cause the unpleasant situation, but He says He can make it a place of an encounter to bring you to destiny if you allow Him.
Published 05/08/24
When we pray, God sends His instructions to lead us into a new season. It is important to know the intent of both instructions so you can engage correctly and step into your new season.
Published 05/01/24
Mary teaches us in the book of John 2, how to ask in prayer. These tw principles will radically change your mind
Published 04/24/24
When God brings you into a new season or brings you new wine, there are a few things you can be sure comes with the new. On today's episode we look at three characteristics of the new God is doing.
Published 04/17/24
Today we begin a new series in New wine and new wine skin. The goal of this series is to help us recognize the end of old seasons, and bring us into alignment so we don’t miss out on the new seasons in our lives. We will begin by talking about - How to recognize the end of a season. - The impacts of not recognizing the end of a season
Published 04/10/24
I sense that many have been anointed in this season but haven't seen the overflow yet. I have come to tell you that the anointing is flowing and filling up your cup. I came with a word of encouragement, don’t hinder the flow. Find out what could hinder your flow on today's episode.
Published 03/23/24
Productivity for a believer is quite different from productivity as defined by our world. In our world, personal productivity refers to how a person consistently and efficiently completes a task or accomplishes a goal; so, the focus is on actions and the completion of the task. But to a spiritual man, productivity does not begin with actions, while actions are important, and the accomplishment of a set goal is clarified, productivity to a believer never begins with an outward action.
Published 03/16/24
 The blessing you desire, the breakthrough, the restoration, the abundance and more that God has for you is prepared and ready, the only challenge is that the blessing – which we call Boaz in this content, is not on your zip code. Your Boaz is in Judah. It’s time to stop chilling in Moab while praying to God for Boaz, it’s time to move.
Published 02/25/24
Understand how we have been subconsciously conditioned by culture to chase profit instead of God. If we do not renew our mind and undo this programming we might miss out on God perfect plan and desires for our lives.
Published 02/10/24
Today I just want to encourage and prepare your heart. To remind you that in this season of walking in abundance, the enemy will attempt to get you fearful and discouraged, he will attempt to get you to stop walking by faith, because he knows that you take possession of God’s promise by faith. I have a word of encouragement for you- fear not. No matter how bad thing get on the outside, fear not. Like Peter walking on water, you will walk in victory as long as you have your eyes on Jesus (The...
Published 01/27/24
Sometimes the answer to being in a land of famine, a place of difficulty is not moving to a new place. There's a word in season fo you as there was for Isaac.
Published 01/20/24
Your understanding plays a big part in determining the outcome of your life.
Published 01/13/24
God has declared a season of abundance over our lives. On this episode you'll learn about what steps you should take so you can receive and enjoy the abundance God has prepared for you in 2024.
Published 01/06/24
Be strong and courageous. Now more than ever we need to be strong and courageous. Learn how to in this episode
Published 11/27/23
It's not only sin that impedes or destroys. There's a cost to being weak, listen to learn more and eliminate weakness from your life
Published 11/20/23
The importance of strength cannot be overemphasized. You need to know why you need strength so you can press to get it.
Published 11/13/23
The importance of strength cannot be overemphasized. You need to know why you need strength so you can press to get it.
Published 11/06/23
The purpose of the armour is so we can show up to war effectively and so we do not get wounded as we war. Find our how you show up and engage in warfare.
Published 10/23/23
In this episode you learn about what the helmet is and how to have your head covered by it. You also gain a deeper understanding of the one armour that is both defensive and offensive - The sword of the Spirit.
Published 10/16/23
In warfare you must have the right shoes and a shield. These are part of your system of defence in warfare. In this episode you'll learn about how these two armours protect and how to use both effectively in warfare.
Published 10/09/23
Learn how to have your armour on and used effectively as a defence in spiritual warfare. A must listen if you want to establish victory in warfare
Published 10/02/23