Published 03/09/21
Today on this episode we are answering one of the most frequently asked questions! It has to do with the Purpose Statement. We talk about how you can create a Unified Purpose that you are creating as a team that not only meets the needs of the clients but also motivates your team so you are heading in the right direction.  Mike Brouwers comes on to the podcast & creates a conversation where we talk through what his mission statement was & makes a completely new one by the time the...
Published 03/09/21
Vanessa Kimball is one of our Culture Course students. In this episode, she asks some questions about merit-based pay, specifically with a background where a paycheck is the incentive. We talk about how to do merit-based pay, and how to find a way that works for your team. Check it out! 
Published 03/02/21
If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I own many businesses, wrote a best selling book & I am in the process of writing another book, yet I take two months off during the year. How do I take two months off & style manage all of those businesses? In this episode I will give you insight into what those month off times look like and why they are so important. 
Published 02/23/21
When you are starting your business you will take any customer. As you get good at serving your community and finding a need and filling it with excellence, you end up growing. The number of customers gets bigger. The problem is you can’t serve everyone. This episode talks about the ideal customer to work with, and how working with a customer who is different than your usual customers can actually hurt your business in the long run. Check out this podcast to hear why!
Published 02/16/21
If you are a business leader, you know the importance of creating goals. Have you ever created a goal and it never happened? In this episode I talk about some secrets in creating goals. I will also tell you about a language that you should put together when creating goals to make sure that the goal gets met. 
Published 02/08/21
Over the last three episodes we talked about business partnerships. In each of the conversations with my business partners, we talk about Founders Weekend. We have received many questions about what Founders Weekend is! Listen to this episode to learn what it is and why it is so important for our business.   
Published 02/03/21
Have you ever talked with someone and thought, “Wow! I am excited for this persons future!” This is how I feel after talking with today’s guest, Jeremy Powers. He made a huge decision from jumping from a retail business to doing something on his own. This wasn’t easy, but he is thriving! His future is brighter than his past. He asks a few questions about business ownership, & what a new business owner should be thinking about. Listen to this episode to hear the answers to these questions! 
Published 01/26/21
This is the last episode in our three-part series on Business Partnerships. We have a fellow podcaster and special guest, Jeremy Sharp! He is the host of the Defining Stewardship podcast, and one of my business partners. In this episode, he talks about his perspective of being in a business partnership. He shares transparently and candidly some things that may surprise you! Check out this episode to learn from Jeremy. 
Published 01/19/21
This is the second episode in this series with Business Partners! Jake Norton has been my business partner for over five years. I love the relationship I have with Jake. He is very different than my other partners. Tune into this conversation! You will love his perspective especially as it pertains to knowing yourself and knowing your business partnerships to see how well it shaped our partnership. 
Published 01/12/21
We are back with another interview with Brandon Ream! In this episode, we start a new series on Business Partnerships. Should you have a business partner? What should you do and not do to make business partnerships work well? Listen to this episode to learn from Brandon Ream.
Published 01/05/21
This is our last episode in the Hiring You Friends series. Brandon Ream has been with me from the beginning, he is one of my best friends and our families are extremely close. He has a different perspective than the first three episodes. Brandon and I share a lot of the same passions, and our purpose and life was unified when we became business partners.
Published 12/29/20
We are continuing our series on Working with Friends! In this week’s episode, we have a conversation with Mike Zins. Mike has been working for Stewardship off-and-on throughout a decade. I have learned so many things about being a manager and business owner by having Mike as an employee. Check out this episode to hear his perspective! If you missed the first two episodes, make sure to go back and listen to them here! Matt Curtis: ...
Published 12/22/20
We are continuing our series on Working with Friends and Hiring Friends. Marshall Tague is a good friend of mine, and the friendship is fairly deep. He’s been working for me for about two years now. Our wives and kids are very close as well. Some people may ask, “Are you sure you want to hire someone who is that close to you? If something goes bad that could all blow up!” Listen to this episode to hear Marshall’s perspective and see some things that have gone well and have not gone well in...
Published 12/15/20
We will be starting a new series about Hiring Your Friends. I will be interviewing my friends who work for me! This first episode is with my friend from college, Matt Curtis. Matt and I were in each other’s weddings, and I recently hired him at Stewardship. In this episode, he talks about what it is like in an environment where your boss is a close friend, and the employees are also friends. Matt talks about one topic throughout this episode, which is Humility. Check out this episode to learn...
Published 12/08/20
This is a special episode. This is a short monologue sharing from my heart. Something I am extremely thankful for is the ability to be a business owner, manager and leader. Leading others is one of the greatest privileges. If you are thinking of hiring more employees or managing people, listen to this episode. There is no better way to bless people than to hire them.   
Published 12/01/20
Chris Greene is an amazing leader, and creative in the insurance world. In this episode he talks about emotional connections with his team and clients. Here in the interview with Chris, we have a conversation about questions we get asked about all the time, and it has to do with changing company culture. Chris outlines the transformation that he went though himself in this episode. Listen to it on the Apple Podcast app or on Spotify!
Published 11/24/20
Sam Isner is business owner, leader and a culture course student! Sam asked how he can provide feedback to someone who is asking for it. As humans, we are wired to want to know if we are doing something right. This question turned in to really good conversation about leading and affirming your team, and provides helpful tips that you can learn from! 
Published 11/17/20
Should you pay someone with a W-2 or a 1099? In today’s episode, Joey Vitale shares some simple tips that you can filter through to help answer this question. 
Published 11/10/20
Kimberly Spencer has a unique experience in coaching people, and getting them from point A to point B. She asked to come on this show to talk about celebrating people. In this week’s episode, we talk about how to celebrate your team. The call to action this week is simple. Listen to this episode to feel encouraged and to hear Kim’s perspective! 
Published 11/03/20
Nick Ayers was at a coffee shop. I asked him what he was doing there and he replied with “I needed a change of scenery and work from a different location.” Not everyone can thrive in the exact same work location for every single day. Nick’s insight and feedback about changing location and how it helps him work more was so interesting. Listen to this podcast through the lens of how much freedom am I giving to my team and are we encouraging them to change up the location based on the type of...
Published 10/27/20
We are back with Part 2 of a conversation with Ryan Hanley. In this episode we continue the conversation from last week. This second part is sharing who your first hire should be, no matter what stage of business. Check it out to learn who it should be! 
Published 10/20/20
Ryan Hanley is a new business owner and is an excellent communicator. He wisely and genuinely helps so many people in the independent insurance space. This interview was so good that it is broken up into 2 parts. He talks about a secret on how to build teams. Listen to this episode to see what this secret is, and make sure to listen next Tuesday for Part 2. 
Published 10/13/20
This Hiring Hack is often missed by people. It is this: Ask your prospected employees to ask you questions! Turn the tables in the interview process. It is important because someone who has questions ready, and who asks really great questions is someone who has thought this through. This is the ability to think several steps ahead, and these are the people you want on your team.  Hiring Hack Number 1: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/culturecourse/Episode12_HiringHack1.mp3  Hiring Hack...
Published 10/06/20
This Hack is more about a mindset. This episode teaches that Character is more important than any experience. Experience is helpful, but who they are as a person is way more important. Listen to this episode to learn why character over resume is so important.  If you missed Hiring Hack Number 1, listen here https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/culturecourse/Episode12_HiringHack1.mp3  
Published 09/29/20