Title: Apple and iPhone Subscriptions, Making Fun Of Your Own Brand, Bat Wings & Caltech, The “Great Resignation” Regret, Dear Starbucks, Mercer’s new Global Talent Trends, and Starbucks CEO Recommendations. In this session we discuss: *Given the slowing pace of innovation - can Apple make more money by selling iPhone subscriptions? If you sell equipment, what lessons might you borrow from Apple? *Why Making Fun Of Your Own Brand May Be a Smart Thing to Do - recently, brands like...
Published 04/28/22
In this episode we discuss: *See how Nike is stepping up their Brand value with a new channel strategy. What are Nike’s customers doing in response? What are the B2B implications of this type of a strategy? *Why CX Is a Higher Priority Than Product Quality: In a recent survey of close to 2000 executives, Customer Experience was rated a higher priority than product/service quality by a large margin; and twice as important as improving pricing! Why is customer experience such a huge agenda...
Published 03/25/22
In this episode we discuss: *What B2B Companies Can Learn About Increasing Their Prices From Companies Like Amazon Prime and Tyson Foods *The Pandemic Will Accomplish What Humans Could Not: Unification of Sales and Marketing. *What Can We Learn About Innovation From The Olympics? A Lot! *Uber Eats and the Possibility of “No” to drive Change *After the “Crypto Bowl” What’s Next for web3? *Experience the No Digital Shopping Experience with Trader Joe’s & In & Out Burgers. Add...
Published 02/24/22
In this episode we discuss: *Inflation! The annual inflation rate in the US accelerated to 6.8%. What lessons can we learn from C&H Sugar and others about creative pricing strategies? *Will Some Smaller Company Steal the Super Bowl Again This Year? Several years ago, Volvo “stole” the Super Bowl ad wars with an innovative social media strategy. What can you learn from Volvo’s brilliant campaign? *The Greatest Inventions of 2021 (Part 2) Five of “Time magazine’s best inventions from...
Published 01/27/22
In this episode we discuss: *The Peloton Dilemma *The Vaccine Pill *Facebook Becomes Meta *The Kohl’s - Amazon Partnership *The Growth of B2B Platforms *The Thursday Dating App *Surprising -- and Fun -- Inventions of 2020 *What New Corporate Innovation Strategies Might these Award Winning Inventions Suggest? *Seven Invention Themes *Super Apps *Platform to Platform Integrations *Specter of Big Tech Regulations *Nike Follows Netflix into Gaming *The Darwin’s Theory Of Talent to Explain...
Published 12/15/21
In this episode we discuss, Understanding How Costco Convinces Suppliers to Compete Against Themselves Is Vital For Your Company’s Future, What’s in a Name? A Space Probe named Lucy? Nike in the Metaverse: Brand Strategies for Web3, Agility Splits GE, End of an Era. Add all monthly events to your calendar in one click! https://rokt.it/3hdjHCV,
Published 11/19/21
In this episode we discuss how Supply Chain History Repeats, Walt Disney World & Their Magic Recipe for Success Turns the Big 5-0!, How Costco Convinces Suppliers, How Nature Innovates, NFL Plays Football with NFTs & The $100b Buy Now Pay Later Trend
Published 10/22/21
Roomba for Weeds? The Autonomous Weeder by Carbon Robotics. Has Anyone Seen My Container? How Supply Chain Disruptions are Impacting All of Us. Mutation Innovation! What Evolution Can Teach Us About Innovation, Lessons from the Life Sciences. Race for Super Apps. Buying Potatoes Will Give You a Dental Discount.
Published 09/23/21
In this episode we discuss if this will be the year that the Grinch steals Christmas, Bold Pricing, Amazon's innovation month, Facebook & new Metaverse jobs economy, and Paris aiming to be a 15 minute city!
Published 08/19/21
In this episode, we discuss enterprise technology, enquiry rights and organization design, Radio Garden and synchronicity, Out-Amazon Amazon’s of the world and Target, Coopetition between Amazon & Kohl's, 3 Types of Platform Leadership Capabilities, Ghost Kitchens, Reef Technologies and Cloud Kitchens.
Published 07/16/21