It's time to stop spreading fears about things that aren't real! It's time to stop being afraid of the lies you have been told! It is time to stop being a victim of the fears others hold over you! It's time for NO MO FEARS!!!
Published 05/10/23
Published 05/10/23
Why is there one day a year dedicated to expressing love to those we care the most about? How do we get more out of ourselves to share with others?  Why is thee room in our hearts for hate? What does your political stand say about you as a person and why can't we see that this stand is the one thing that stands in our way to love one another? Listen, Learn, Love and Live!!
Published 02/15/23
There is so much talk about who is or isn't a Christan and how Christinanity plays inn our life. What are your views? Do you think there is room in society for such beliefs anymore? Is Christianity just a bunch of old stories in an old book or do you thin it is real? --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 12/19/22
As we wrap up 2022 what do you think we should leave behind and what should we take into the new year? Our elections may not have changed many seats but they did change a lot of minds about a lot of things. Some would say we are more united and yet others will say we are more divided. The real question is Whart do you think is the future for Dis Union?!? --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 12/18/22
What is your value? How do you measure your value? Who do you know see you at the value you have set for yourself? The Value of Me is all about how much value we place on ourselves as well as the value placed on us by out friends, family and everyone else. Let's look as options you can use to increase your value. WARNING: This may hurt so put your pads on...
Published 07/16/22
New facts from trump's former administration staff member. How do you feel now that you've heard?
Published 07/02/22
The Supremes have weighed in as expected. Now the state houses are releasing the hounds in abortion. WHAT WILL YOU DO?
Published 06/27/22
We are live in some troublesome times and things are not looking very good in America. But we can stand firm and support one another if we want. Let's face the facts...
Published 06/17/22
The slap heard around the world has gotten so much talk and yet only a few people can truly see what actually happened. Listen up and find out what you may have missed.
Published 03/31/22
How many time have you said to yourself "I'm sick of this..."? It can be anything such as our government, jobs, people in our circle or even things we do ourselves. This episode is covers some national changes that have taken place in American that are just not fair. It is time for change for the better but who do we talk about? Listen and find out... --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 10/10/21
Is it possible that the people responsible for the attempt to overthrow the American government are now trying to hide their engagement behind Presidential Privilege? Are there any good hearted people left in American? Listen in and find out the answ3eres to these questions. Warning: Please listen with an open mind and be ready for the unexpected!! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 10/10/21
Within the last two years America has morphed into a new place. It seems the racial divide is getting more divided and our government is becoming more controlling rather than governmental. Accountability is at al all time low and... aren't you just just sick of this too? --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 09/29/21
A Terrorist can use many way of disguising their self. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between a Terrorist and a friend or family member. Today we will change the way you look at Terrorist.  WARNING: Don't listen to this podcast if you have a weak mind!!!  --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 09/10/21
It  doesn't matter if you love or hate guns! What matters most is do you love or hate people? As state after state move to repeal gun restrictions under the pretense of making people feel safer, we have to wonder out loud, "Am I my brother's keeper"? During the formation of this country by the new inhabitants also called settlers, America went through a period of time when everybody openly carried a gun. As matters got more dangerous because of the open carry privilege, laws were created to...
Published 05/30/21
The nation is in a turmoil over long lines at the gas pumps and confusion in the media. Who is telling the truth and who has the Gas that everybody need? Are the Russian slowing stealing our country or is this just another lie we are being fed? Come on in and find out.  WARNING This is not for the weak hearted or the weak headed. So put on your PPEs because we're coming to a pair of ears near you!! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 05/15/21
This show was recorded on April 28, 2021 as we approach President Biden's new State of the Union Address to a limited house of Congress. Changes are coming and many of them are good as well as those that are bad. Listen in and see what you can do to make things right in your corner of the world. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 04/30/21
We keep heard about Defund the police and Reform the police and yet no one really knows what they are really asking for. Worst than that, they have even less of an idea of what they would do as a result of those actions. What is police reformation? Come find out but please put on your helmet and your pads because this one ain't gonna be nice. It might leave a mark. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 04/30/21
The murderer of George Floyd finally got his three weeks in court and the verdict turned out to not be the conviction we all expected. Justice can claim many things about herself but this trial has proven that she is not blind after all. She may be selfish, racist, and a true separatist, but she can never be accused of being blind anymore.  --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 04/21/21
As we open a new year we also open a new month of Black History in the making and in remembrance. However there are those among us who would like to return us to the days of the past with their support of terroristic actions. Let's rediscover the American Dream.  --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 02/02/21
Sometimes when you look just a little hard you can see Reality just past the perfection. In spite of what we want to see or believe Reality s still in Da Streets. Lets embrace it and accept it for what it is.  --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 01/22/21
For the past four years America has been living in a fog. We started this year on the wrong foot but there is a way out of this fog. Each of us must choose to be better and do better. This is the New Year for a Nu You! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 01/13/21
With another year behind us we now moved into the future with a new opportunity to examine our actions, emotions and abilities to be better than before. We throw out some trash and embrace some treasures in this episode. Put on your head gear and get ready because we're coming to a pair of ears near you NOW! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 01/01/21
2020 Has been a years for a lot of new "firsts". Our new President Elect will become the first 77 year old to become President of the United States. This year we also have the first female Vice President. This same person is also the first Black Asian American to become Vice President.  A group of North Carolinians who fought and won the right to vote unhindered in this years election. Listen and you will learn who and how.   --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 11/10/20
It the day after the election and states are still not finished counting votes nationwide. The Resident has promise to contest the results if it fails to produce a win for him. Let's find out why. Be sure to put you helmet on because this will be a head banger as usual with no chaser. From Da Street News Network!!! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/toni-yeayah/support
Published 11/05/20