Tired of the fake gurus teaching stuff that doesn’t work? Overwhelmed with the seemingly endless amount of information on how to build your business? There are a few specific things you need to know to succeed, and Brian Kurtz discusses them in this episode. Throughout his career at Boardroom and now at Titans Marketing, Brian has accumulated an unparalleled wealth of direct marketing knowledge, which he shares in his book Overdeliver. In the first of this two-part episode, Brian and...
Published 01/06/20
It’s easy to sabotage yourself after you fail.  But the most successful people know the secret that not only prevents them from self-destructing, but also helps them use their failures as a springboard to success.  Today, I’m sharing those secrets with you. Show Highlights Include: Why lying to yourself is dangerous – especially when nobody would find out (1:21) The stupid-obvious secret for not becoming a blundering loser after you’ve failed (3:04)  The “F-word” that separates the...
Published 12/30/19
Imagine if there was a way for you to be certain that your marketing spoke to your ideal customers in a way that could not be ignored. A simple, step-by-step formula for easily and consistently creating content that sent them to your business in droves.  In today’s episode, we share a secret, insider training we hosted for our Podcast Factory copywriters on how to the most effective, compelling marketing for your audience. Show Highlights Include: Use these 6 principles in your writing...
Published 12/23/19
So many of us suffer from limiting beliefs and self-doubt. Through a painful process of trial and error, I discovered how badly this was holding back our work The Podcast Factory. It’s hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame. That’s why getting around the right people can be life-changing. On today’s podcast, I’m sharing the concept of borrowed belief and how it can take your life and business to another level. Show Highlights Include: Use the specific perspective to get...
Published 12/16/19
Everyone fails. The losers give up. The winners use it as feedback to improve.  I’ve made a heap of mistakes with this podcast. And today I’m getting personal and sharing my biggest mistakes so you don’t repeat them. Show Highlights Include: The 3 biggest podcast mistakes everyone makes, even Daddy (2:00)  The costly lesson in violating the laws of Direct Response Podcasting (7:14) How trying to go all “Ben Settle” backfired in my face (4:13) The knuckleheaded mistake responsible for...
Published 12/09/19
We’re back and it’s time to dive right back into part two of the interview with Joe Evangelisti. Joe talks about working ON your business (and why most people get this completely wrong), invaluable lessons on leadership, masterminds, and how you can build a real, living legacy. Show Highlights Include: The problem with lifestyle businesses (1:20) The most common myth about working ON your business (2:15) How to be a great coach without creating chaos (2:45) The #1 challenge almost all...
Published 12/02/19
If you want to know what it really takes to become a successful Entrepreneur, then you are in for a treat today. Joe Evangelisti is a fellow real estate investor, all-round genuine dude, AND podcaster. You’ve probably heard the quote about ‘how you do anything is how you do everything,’ right? Well, Joe is living, breathing proof of how he’s used this quote to pave his entire life. On today’s show, Joe shares his insights into team building, wealth building, creating your own...
Published 11/25/19
In this episode, Bob Gardner is back to talk about battling addiction, dropping the habits, and ending the fight. He dives into dreaming BIG, the idea of possibility, dealing with your doubters, and the wrong way to deal with an addiction.  Show Highlights Include: Dreaming BIG and believing in the idea of possibility (1:20) Dealing with people who underestimate you, and doing the impossible (1:40) How a parent’s affection can shape a child’s happiness (5:20) How NOT to solve an addiction...
Published 11/18/19
Listen. If you think you’re never going to overcome the hurdles of addiction and negative thoughts you may be facing, I’ve got news for you brother… Bob disagrees. If you’re stuck battling addictive behaviors, then today’s guest is here to help you beat it FOR GOOD and help you can become the father, husband, and man you’ve always wanted to be. On today’s show, I’m joined by Bob Gardner; a friend, mentor, and ski buddy. Bob talks about his personal journey of addiction recovery, how...
Published 11/11/19
What would you say if I offered you an opportunity to PRINT money?  Would you turn it down?  Would you wait, procrastinate, and put it off till the time was right? Or would you take me up on the offer? Today my friend, you are in luck. Why? Because not only am I going to be sharing with you one of the biggest things that keep most men broke, I’m going to be giving you some lesser-known strategies for near-instantly making more money and taking your business to the next level. Sound good?...
Published 11/04/19
In this episode, special guest Bob Holdsworth shares with you how to get out of the time-for-money trap, how he retains clients (some for nearly 30 years!), and the very thing that you actually need help with to grow your business to the next level.  Get ready for some more straight-talking advice - as well as some strategically placed kicks in the ass - from someone who’s been in your shoes to help you get unstuck and back on track to creating your version of success. Show Highlights...
Published 10/28/19
Today we’re talking about how you can do business - and create more success and freedom - on your own terms.  I’m talking about… Being able to have more space in your life to enjoy family or whatever YOU want most.  Knowing how to create more success without working harder or longer. Seeing that you don’t have to compromise success or money to have a great life. My guest today is Bob Holdsworth and he’s here to help you take back control of your life and kick the crap out of the way so...
Published 10/21/19
Mental toughness. The ability to push through difficult situations and win battles that people will never see us fight - all while maintaining peak performance. It’s what separates the elite from the average, and the only way to develop this muscle is through training and hard work. For us Entrepreneurs, it means having the grit to get through the hard times, and it’s something a lot of us need help developing. Today I’m going to equip you with the tools to help keep yourself prepared for...
Published 10/14/19
Here’s a newsflash: The world owes you nothing.  If you want something, you have to get out there and work for it. This is one of the most important episodes I’ve ever put out.  Take 15 minutes out of your day to listen to this episode - maybe even re-listen to it so you can really understand and internalize this life-changing lesson. Show Highlights Include: Live Up to Your True Potential: A self-development audio program I highly recommend you check out (3:40)  A Reality Check: The...
Published 10/07/19
Ever wondered how some people seem to have everything come to them easily...meanwhile, for you, life feels like a Lord of the Rings battle montage for every scrap of progress? Sometimes it even feels like the universe gets a thrill from creating obstacles so you have to go the long way around!  Well, I’ve got good news for you buckaroo.  I’m here today to tell you that there is a short to success.  If you’re looking to be world-class. If you’re looking to rule this world. If you’re...
Published 09/30/19
This is part two of a series on the transformative power of mentorship with Brandon Neely. We continue where we left off to talk about key qualities to look for in a mentoring relationship, where Brandon found his  first mentor, the mission to solve financial poverty plus a whole bunch more. Show Highlights Include: How to find a great mentor for life (1:00) How to ‘pick someone’s brain’ the right way (8:10) The state of financial poverty in the modern world today (21:10) The book that...
Published 09/23/19
There’s an open secret that nobody talks about...but everyone knows about. My guest today is here to show you the path to really moving the needle in your life through the power of mentors. Brandon Neely from Grandma’s Wealth Wisdom is here today to share some of his greatest life lessons around the idea of having a mentor, how to find a great one, and how powerful they can be for you. Show Highlights Include: Why running a business is like having a baby (3:30) Finding work-life harmony...
Published 09/16/19
This one might piss you off - but you need to hear it. Are you one of those guys who spends most of your free time doing nothing?  Are you getting home after work and spending the rest of the evening lounging in front of the TV? Or playing video games all night? Or flipping through Netflix? This episode is your wakeup call.  Take a break from binge-watching videos on your tiny phone screen and tune in to today’s show, and then start creating. There’s a huge world out there. It’s like a...
Published 09/09/19
Time for a little truth. Most of us are so ingrained in a ‘fake it till you make it’ mindset that we bury our struggles as far under the surface as possible. We keep up appearances. We downplay, rationalize, and hide our fears. We project such a sublime life to everyone around us - but inside, we could be quietly deteriorating. In today’s episode, I’m going to be showing you how to become a better person every-single-day as well as the epiphany that has quite literally changed my life and...
Published 09/02/19
If you were listening to the last episode, you’ll have heard part one of our interview with Matt Garabedian.  I know, I know...we left you hanging.  Gosh, I’m such a tease.  But we’re back and we’re ready to rock and roll!  So let’s jump back into part two of our interview with Matt where he talks about ‘closing deals,’ adding more purpose to your life, the power of imperfect action, and how to elevate your game. Show Highlights Include: A valuable life-lesson on ‘closing deals’ that’s...
Published 08/26/19
My guest today is Matt Garabedian. Matt is a California based Real Estate investor - and right now he’s absolutely crushing it.  His mission is helping people figure out what their ‘unique ability’ is - and in this episode, Matt shows you how to discover yours, how to harness it, and how to impact and add value to those around you. If you’re looking to take your business - and life - to the next level, or even looking for some powerful tips in Real Estate, you’re going to love today’s...
Published 08/19/19
As promised, this week we’re back to finish our talk with Kevin Breeding and his 7 Principle Assets. In this episode, Kevin dives into each principle asset individually, walking you through the steps that are going to elevate your game as a Dad, Husband, and Business Owner. Show Highlights Include: What life is REALLY all about (4:40) Peeling back the layers on self-belief and mental limitations (5:40) How to take care of your ‘spiritual bank account’ (7:00) The life-changing result of...
Published 08/12/19
I find it so much more fun to not talk to myself - and what makes it even better is when I get to have very cool people on the show with me. So I can talk to them, find out what they’re up to and give YOU a different perspective. Today on the Daddy’s Working Show, I’m joined by Kevin Breeding. He’s a Dad, Husband, Corporate and Agency business coach and he’s here to share his 7 principle assets with you.  We also rap about turning ideas into marketable products, rewarding yourself, having a...
Published 08/05/19
I talk on this show all the time about how important it is to get good mentors and to be around the right people - the people that elevate you. The people that lift you up, make you think BIGGER and make you think BETTER. And that’s exactly who I have on the show today: My former business partner Darin Persinger from the Making Agents Rich Show - our podcast show from way back when. He’s a productivity junkie and the undisputed king of video marketing for real estate agents. And today we...
Published 07/29/19
As well as being a full-time Dad, Tim Bratz is a real estate investor based in Cleveland, Ohio. He started his real estate career by flipping and wholesaling family residential properties, then went on to focusing on apartment complexes. In this episode, Tim goes into detail about his transformative real estate career, how he manages to keep a work/life harmony with his family, and how to build a legacy business that delivers residual, passive income. An eye-opening episode for any...
Published 07/22/19