Today's daf is sponsored by Heather Stone in loving memory of her mother, Ellie Stone, Esther Bina bat Rachel Leah v’Avraham haLevy on her 13th yahrzeit. "She was always a strong and fierce advocate for the Jewish community."  Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Zoom family for a refuah shleima to the grandson of our daf friend, Becki, Eitan Efraim ben Ayelet, who was wounded in Gaza on Monday and a tefilla for all soldiers. "מי שברך אבותינו...הוא יברך את חיילי צבא הגנה לישראל. שה' ישלח...
Published 10/09/24
Published 10/09/24
If a seller says "I am selling you land the size of a beit kor measured out with a rope, more or less" - is the second part of the statement indicating a change of mind, or was it meant to keep open both possibilities? Ben Nanas says we hold by the last words. Rav points out that the rabbis disagree and hold that they split the difference since it is unclear what the seller intended. Why was it necessary for Rav to point this out when there is already a case in a Mishna regarding a rental...
Published 10/08/24
Picture Today is October 7. It’s hard to believe it has been a year since that tragic day. Sadly, we are still grappling with its aftermath. We continue to pray for the release of all the hostages, the safety of the soldiers on the front lines, the safe return of all those displaced from their homes, the full recovery of injured soldiers, and comfort for those mourning the loss of close family or friends. We also pray for the safety of those living under constant rocket attacks, and the list...
Published 10/07/24
This month's learning is sponsored by Adam, Carolyn, Michal, Josh, Benny, Izzy, Shim, Zoe and Yehuda in loving memory of Judith Rosenfeld Hochstadter, Gittel bat Kreindel v'Binyamin Benzion for her shloshim. "She was an elegant, smart, hardworking, "outspoken" person, who survived the shoah alone, and came to Montreal and built a family and a business. She learned from her parents to be observant, honest, and a giver of tzedaka anonymously. She loved going to shul on the Yamim Noraim,...
Published 10/06/24
A Mishna is brought from Ohalot and Nazir which seems to have measurements of burial caves that don't match either Tanna Kamma or Rabbi Shimon’s opinions in our Mishna. The Gemara tries to figure out how to connect the opinion in the Mishna with one of the two opinions. If someone sells a field and specifies the size but some of the field is not worthy of planting, is that space included in the size of the field? On what does it depend?
Published 10/02/24
If someone buys a burial cave or hires someone to build them a burial cave, what are the minimum measurements assumed and how many burial spots should there be? The rabbis and Rabbi Shimon each have different answers to these questions. Rabbi Shimon held that each cave holds thirteen spaces for bodies, of them one was to the right of the entranceway and one to the left. Where exactly were those two graves? Several explanations are suggested, and some of them are rejected. According to the...
Published 10/02/24
One is not allowed to block public access from a path in one’s property that has been used by the public. However, if the owner designated an alternate path, the owner cannot block the public from using that path either. Why is that the case? Are there different opinions regarding this issue? The Mishna delineated the minimum size for an individual's path, public path, etc. The Gemara quotes some alternate opinions, some other cases not mentioned in the Mishna, and explanations for some of...
Published 10/02/24
Rabbi Levi explains that the cherubs (kruvim) miraculously did not take up space in the kodesh h’kodashim. This statement is supported by Shmuel’s resolution to the contraction in the verses. However, other rabbis provided alternate suggestions to explain how they fit in the room in a non-miraculous manner. Did the cherubs face one other or did they face the heichal? When one has a pit in another's property and has an access route or an inner garden within an outer one, what are that...
Published 10/02/24
The Mishna rules that if one sells wine and it turns to vinegar, the seller is not responsible. However, there are certain circumstances where the buyer can make the seller responsible. Rabbi Yosi b’Rabbi Chanina limits the ruling of the Mishna to a case where the buyer put the wine in his/her jugs, as then the buyer can be blamed. Rav Chiya bar Yosef disagrees as he deems the wine’s owner responsible for the wine souring, as wine turning sour is understood to be a punishment for arrogance,...
Published 10/01/24
If one makes wine with grapes that were already used for making wine, is it considered wine? What if it still tastes like wine? What are the rules for grapes that are truma, maaser sheni, or consecrated and are then reused to make wine a second and third time? Rabbi Yochanan said the rules that apply to those circumstances are the same for liquids that create susceptibility to impurity. To what was Rabbi Yochanan referring?  One of the criteria for wine that can be used for making kiddush is...
Published 09/30/24
Rav Yosef brings a braita to clarify whether we hold that wine that is turning to vinegar one should say borei pri hagafen or shehakol. However, the braita had several interpretations and it was therefore unclear which opinion Rav Yosef was trying to prove from the braita.   If one purchases wine and it goes bad soon after, is the seller responsible to give the buyer new wine? What is the halakha regarding wine that was made from the leftover grapes that had already been used for making...
Published 09/29/24
Study Guide Bava Batra 95 More tannaitic sources are quoted to prove Rav Huna's opinion that if the bad parts mixed in with the produce are more than the permitted percentage, one can demand compensation for the entire amount. However, each comparison is rejected and the Gemara explains why each case differs from the case that Rav Huna was referring to. The Mishna lists a case of one who sold wine from a cellar. What exactly is the case and what language was used regarding the commitment of...
Published 09/27/24
When one sells produce, what percentage of bad produce can we assume will be mixed in, and therefore the buyer has no right to claim compensation from the seller for it.  According to Rav Huna, once one goes beyond that percentage, one has to compensate for all the bad produce - even the percentage that would have been allowed had the seller not gone beyond. Various sources are brought to either support or contradict Rav Huna - however, they are all rejected as the case can be looked at in...
Published 09/27/24
Today's daf is sponsored by Jason, Erica, and Raquel in honor of their mother, Patty Belkin's birthday. "Wishing a wonderful birthday to our amazing mother!"  Today's daf is sponsored by Judi Felber in honor of the 3rd yahrzeit of her mother, Yocheved bat Zvi and Sara.  One source is brought to support Shmuel’s position that if a buyer bought an item that has two main purposes and wasn’t specific about with what intent he/she bought the item, if it is unusable for that use, the sale cannot...
Published 09/26/24
The Mishna rules that if one sold produce to another and the buyer planted it but nothing grew, the seller would have to compensate the buyer. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel holds that this is only the case if the sale was for inedible seeds and it was thereby clear that the purpose of the purchase was for planting and not for eating. If one buys an ox that can be sold for two different uses, either for plowing or for slaughtering, and the buyer doesn't specify for which purpose, and after the...
Published 09/25/24
One cannot profit from selling basic food items in Israel. If so, how did Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria profit from wine and oil in Israel? A braita ruled that one cannot profit from eggs twice. The Gemara brings two explanations for what this ruling means. Under what circumstances of financial challenges is one permitted to leave Israel? Is it forbidden to leave Israel, even if prices are expensive for basic food items if one can afford the high prices? This is proven from the book of Ruth as...
Published 09/24/24
Today's daf is sponsored by Judith Shapiro in loving memory of her mother,  Deera Tychman, z"l, on her 11th yahrzeit. "She would have been very proud of her daughter, her four grandchildren, and her eight great-grandchildren." What size measuring cups are not permitted for one to use as they can be used to trick the buyer? Shmuel ruled that one cannot change a particular size by increasing it by more than a sixth. The Gemara grapples to understand the reason for this ruling and offers three...
Published 09/23/24
Eleven braitot are quoted that discuss the importance of honesty in business dealings (weights and measures) and keeping in line with the local customs. What are the measurements for building a balance beam?  The measurements depend on what type of item one is measuring. A city needs to set up inspectors for checking that people have accurate weights but there is a debate about whether or not one needs inspectors for controlling prices. One needs to avoid actions with weights and measurements...
Published 09/22/24
Today's daf is sponsored by Judi Felber in honor of the 7th yahrzeit of her father, Hershel Tzvi Shlomo Chaim ben Pesach and Dina Sara. The Gemara brings two more possibilities of how to understand the Mishna and concludes that the last one is correct - the case is where the store owner used the father's flask for measuring for others and he became a borrower who borrows without asking permission from the owner. The debate in the Mishna is - do we view this kind of borrower as a borrower...
Published 09/20/24
Another source is brought to raise a difficulty with Rav and Shmuel's ruling about acquiring items partway through the measuring if the wording of the sale was "separated it into parts. But this difficulty is resolved. The Mishna discusses three different halachot. At what point of measuring is neither side allowed to change their mind? If an agent sells someone else's produce to the buyer, is the agent responsible if the vessel breaks and the merchandise is lost? What is the status of drops...
Published 09/20/24
Today's daf is sponsored by Penina Lipskier in honor of her son's wedding, Daniel to Ella and in loving memory of his friends, Yakir Hexter and David Schwartz HY"D who were killed during the war. "May we only know smachot!" Today's daf is sponsored by Beth Kissileff Perlman in honor of the occasion of their daughter Yael Perlman and her new husband Matt Shapiro making aliyah to Jerusalem on Sunday! "We are so proud of their decision and look forward to sharing their experiences of their new...
Published 09/19/24
Today's daf is sponsored by Tina Lamm. "With hakarat hatov to HKB"H for the zechut of celebrating the 100th birthday of my wonderful father, Mr. Mike Senders of Boca Raton, FL. May he go m'chayil el chayil and continue to enjoy nachat from his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, ad me'ah v'esrim shana!" If an item is placed in the buyer's vessel, it is acquired by the buyer as a kinyan chatzer (courtyard). But does this depend on whether the vessel was in a private domain or is...
Published 09/18/24
Today's daf is sponsored by the Billets and Cohns for the refuah shleima for Dr. David Harari, David Yonatan Ben Reizel. Rav Chisda explains that if there was a sale with ona'ah (over or undercharging) in which case the sale can be canceled, and then the price changed after the sale benefitting the one who over/undercharged, they cannot renege as the ability to cancel the agreement is only on the one who was cheated. Rav Chisda supported his statement from the Mishna. Why was his statement...
Published 09/17/24
This week's learning is sponsored by an anonymous donor for the safety of our chayalim, the recovery of those wounded and for the safe and speedy return of the hostages.  If one purchases three trees, what is the minimum and maximum space needed between the trees to enable the purchaser to acquire the land in between as well? Rav Nachman holds 8-16 cubits and Rav Yosef holds 4-6 cubits. After Abaye questions Rav Yosef from a Mishna that clearly supports Rav Nachman, Rav Yosef supports his...
Published 09/16/24