Take a moment to arrive. Weekly intention meditation this week is focused on Nurturing a new idea into fruition. Tending to the sacred, with love and nourishment. Reading from one of my favorite teachers herbalist Maia Toll and her book Herbiary. Thank you for sharing this practice with me. Wishing you peace,love, prosperity, and creativity. 💚🙏🏽 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 07/04/22
Take a moment to arrive, close your eyes, and invite yourself to receive the Affirmation of the day. Thank you for sharing this practice with me 🙏🏽🌻 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 07/01/22
A Poem by Lora Lee. Invite yourself to receive in the stillness. Settle in, and tune in to begin. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 06/29/22
This week we set the intention to create a sacred space. A space to sit and receive, to feel, to reflect, to rest, and let go. Settle in, and tune in to begin your practice. Thank you for sharing this practice with me 🙏🏽🫶 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 06/27/22
A beautiful new week ahead, time to set our intention. This week we intend to rest as ritual. Settle in, and tune in to begin. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 06/13/22
A brand new day, a moment to sit in stillness to receive these morning words by “ Lisa Boleyn” Dance with your life. Settle in, tune in to begin.💚🌿🙏🏽 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 06/07/22
A brand new day, a brand new week ahead to set our intention. Invite yourself to get comfortable, connected to Mother Earth and your Spirit. Settle in, and tune in to begin your beautiful practice 🙏🏽🌻💚 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 06/06/22
A brand new day full of wonder and possibilities. Invite your heart to open and receive these affirmations of gratitude. Tune in to settle in and begin 🙏🏽💚🌸 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 06/02/22
Inspired by one of my favorite books, How to Breathe by Ashley Neese, this practice is self care for opening the heart to receive. For this practice I invite you to lie down if that’s available and gather any items of support, a blanket or a pillow and tune in to settle in and begin 💚🙏🏽🌿 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 06/01/22
Morning Words Meditation 5.31.22 Meditations from the Heart, by Howard Thurman. Settle in to begin 🙏🏽💚🌿 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/31/22
This week is an invitation to set the intention to create space for Ritual as self care. What a beautiful day to set our intention together under the energy of this beautiful new 🌙 moon. Tune in to settle in and begin the journey! Thank you for sharing in this practice with me. Peace, love and joy on your journey 💚🙏🏽 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/30/22
Welcome to your practice. Today we receive a message from the Plant medicine of Raspberry. Pulling a card and reading the messages from my favorite herbal oracle deck and book by “Maia Toll” Find a seat, and tune in to go within. Thank you for sharing in this practice with me 🙏🏽 Peace, love and joy! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/25/22
Invitation to begin your beautiful day with these morning words. Today’s reading is from “ The Radiance Sutras” #28 by Lorin Roche. Thank you for sharing in this practice and supporting this podcast! Peace, love and joy💚🙏🏽🌻 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/24/22
Welcome to Daily cup of Prana. Welcome to your practice. This week as we set our intention, we listen to our own inner guidance, our heart, allowing the answers to come from a space of stillness and loving awareness. Tune in to settle in. Thank you for sharing in this practice and supporting my podcast, a space of seva( service to others) from my heart to yours. 🙏🏽💚🌿🌸 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/23/22
We begin our beautiful, brand new morning in stillness with Mother Earth, our breath, and our body receiving these morning words. “Rewild Yourself” by Caroline Mellor🙏🏽💚 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/17/22
Welcome beautiful beings to a brand new week and our weekly intention meditation. This week I will rewild myself with nature. How can we reconnect with nature? Take care of the land and ourselves, a reciprocal relationship with nature brings us home to our bodies, our minds, our spirit. Settle in to begin.🙏🏽🌿 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/16/22
Continuing on the journey of our intention this week to Pay it forward in the energy of kindness, we receive these morning words from “Maya Angelou” I have learned. Settle in to begin.🙏🏽💚✌️ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/10/22
Take a moment to begin your beautiful brand new week from the heart space of kindness as we set our intention to pay it forward to others from the simple act of kindness 🙏🏽🌻💚 Settle in to begin. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/09/22
Take just a moment to be present with your breath as we listen to the wisdom of “The Radiance Sutras” by Lorin Roche. Have a beautiful day 🌻💚 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/06/22
Exploring the essence and nature of gratitude. Gratitude can guide you and ease any difficult emotions that arise for you. Tune in to your heart space as we invite gratitude into our day 🙏🏽 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/05/22
RAIN, a mindful practice in being with our emotions that arise. Take a sweet moment to go inward as we journey into our feelings. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/04/22
Invite your body and spirit into this beautiful brand new day, this perfect moment to receive these morning words. Thank yourself for sharing in this practice with me. Peace and joy on your journey. Work with me or connect at deborahmellis.com🙏🏽✌️ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/03/22
Time to sit in stillness, tune into our sacred hearts and set our intention for the week ahead. Thank you for sharing this practice with me 🙏🏽💚 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 05/02/22
Welcome to morning words meditation practice. Invite yourself into a quiet space as we receive these beautiful words of wisdom “ The growing edge” by Howard Thurman 💚🌻🙏🏽 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 04/28/22
A practice inspired by one of my favorite herbalist and teachers Maia Toll. We connect to the energy of the Aspen Tree and feel our energetic roots We ground down deep into Mother Earth as we feel this deep connection to self and to others. We are all one! 💚✌️ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/deborah-ellis/support
Published 04/27/22