I hope you're willing to take on this challenge.  And that is to embrace the moment this weekend. 
Published 05/10/24
Today's topic is walk in the walk.  Talk in the talk and walk in the walk. How many times have you noticed someone in your life who is just talk, they share like, I could do all these cool things or that they, that these things are healthy and helpful and whatever, yet they don't take those actions themselves. 
Published 05/09/24
Published 05/09/24
This episode is not just about me and my haters, because, well, that's kind of boring. But it's about haters and people who don't like us. Because guess what, you probably have some haters. Yeah, you, you're amazing, you're awesome, but you probably have some haters. 
Published 05/08/24
Today's episode is all about extreme ownership. That's right, extreme ownership. We're going to talk about what that means and all that good stuff. 
Published 05/07/24
Today's tip for you is one that we've talked about before, but we always need reminders, and that is to set your intention. What intention are you setting for yourself for today, but also for this week? 
Published 05/06/24
It's been a little while since I've dropped a weekend challenge.  At least it feels like it has been awhile since i've drop a week challenge for you. And that's what I'm going to do today.  Are you ready? This is a fun one. I promise you this is going to be a fun challenge. And that is to chase your passions. That's right, chase your passion. Chase them today. chase them tomorrow. 
Published 05/03/24
You are amazing. You are incredible. You are truly spectacular. But yet so many times and so often we beat ourselves up, we just focus on the negatives. 
Published 05/02/24
Are you a leader? What kind of leader are you? Or maybe you don't consider yourself a leader. And you know what, however you feel about it, it's okay If you're a leader awesome, if you're not a leader awesome because here's my thoughts on it I would say that that you asked but you're listening to the podcast. 
Published 05/01/24
Today's topic is about pulling weeds. Now, not necessarily the weeds in our backyard, but other types of weeds.  So our front yard, or side yard, or garden, or wherever those weeds might be. We're talking a little different kind of weeds. So recently I was talking with one of my coaches and we were talking about pulling weeds. 
Published 04/30/24
Let's just hop into this episode and talk about layering on success. That's right. Layering On Success. Now, for those of you that don't know, we lead an accountability cohort three to four times a year. 
Published 04/29/24
Today's focus for the podcast is actually gonna be a quote that I saw and it's a cool quote, I like this one. It's a little bit different. So, if you've listened to this or watched me or followed me for some time, you know that I talk about, you probably know I should say, you probably know that I talk about your inner critic a lot. 
Published 04/26/24
Right now, you're older than you were a second ago. Now you're just older than that one. We keep getting older. It's part of life. Part of this journey, this human experience we get to have, but the mindset you have makes a huge difference.
Published 04/25/24
I made a mistake, and you know what? Let me own this mistake. Instead of trying to cover it up, let me just be upfront and own it. 
Published 04/24/24
I'm sorry to you if I'm not clear about what we do. And that's something I will promise to work at and be better at, about being clear about who we serve and how we serve and what we do so that you know if this is in alignment with you. 
Published 04/23/24
Today's episode, we're gonna talk about stress and awareness.  And if you listen to yesterday's episode or the previous one, I talked about taking small steps. Instead of going for those giant leaps, take small ones. Let's walk before we can run.
Published 04/22/24
Take small steps, because I don't know about you, for me I'm a giant leap kind of person. Like I'm just, let's go for it, let's just go, I'm optimistic, I see the good, I see the positives and I'm just like, let's go, let's take these big strides, big steps to get closer to our goal. 
Published 04/19/24
Let's look at the positives, let's find and savor them, but let's also be aware of the negatives, work through, process, adjust as needed, use those as lessons and opportunities to learn and grow, and then let's keep going forward, keeping our eye on the positives.  And that's what today's episode of The Daily Energize is all about.
Published 04/18/24
What is the thing that irks me, that's not in alignment and that is people who have dreams and goals, but they don't work for it. They have these hopes of things to achieve and things to do and experience yet they just sit on their laurels and don't do anything about it.  So, let's talk about taking action today. 
Published 04/17/24
Hopefully in this episode we can help us become more aware and we're going to do that by talking about judgment.  Now you probably know this already especially if you listen to this for any length of time that probably you know maybe a week or more that one thing I really strive to do is to not judge others. And I hope that our Energizer family strives to do the same thing. 
Published 04/16/24
Sometimes that light doesn't shine as bright as other times. And you know part of the Daily Energizer is to help you shine your light to dissolve the walls and the armor. The things that are stopping your light from being fully seen.  But some of the time it doesn't shine as bright because we're not taking care of it. Our cup is empty, we're drained, we're exhausted, we're frustrated, we're just depleted. So, today's episode the Daily Energize is all about making sure you take time for you. 
Published 04/15/24
Let's celebrate the wins of the last week. Let's look back. So, I invite you to take a look back think back to all the way back until Monday, right? I know it was a long time ago but look back To Monday and look for the wins. 
Published 04/12/24
Well, I struggle with a lot at times, and that is forgiveness. Forgiving other people and forgiving ourselves. Let's just go deep. Let's just get into it, because it's difficult. It's hard to forgive myself, forgive other people. 
Published 04/11/24
Today's episode is all about that golden rule, that rule that, I don' t know about you, I heard it since I was a kid over and over and over again, and anytime I did something my parents didn't care for, they would remind me of the golden rules, or if I struggling with some choice of how to act or how do something, they would remind me of that, well, golden rule. 
Published 04/10/24
Take some time, savor and enjoy it. And hopefully today's episode can help you do that. That's right, today episode is, well, it's something that isn't always the most fun at times, but it can be, and it could be extremely helpful even if we don't appreciate it at times.  And that is a self -audit. 
Published 04/09/24