Summer break always comes with some pressure. Schedules change, routines are gone, and there’s a desire for vacation. In this episode we’ll do some brainstorming on ways we can all make special summer memories. Reset: Grace Packed Life in a Burnout Culture by David MurrayJoin us for the "Winning with Wisdom" Conference, featuring Tony Wood and Grant Castleberry. Tickets now available:https://www.missionbible.org/events/wisdomChat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow ...
Published 06/20/24
Countless children now grow up enduring abuse, addiction, and intense spiritual warfare. In this episode, Tony and Bre are joined by Jac Marino Chen who grew up in a broken home, practicing ritual magic, until she was dramatically rescued by Jesus. Follow Jac on IG @jacmarinoJac’s website www.jacmarino.comNew Age to New Heart https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/new-age-to-new-heartJoin us for the "Winning with Wisdom" Conference, featuring Tony Wood and Grant Castleberry. Tickets now a...
Published 06/13/24
Published 06/13/24
So-called LGBTQ “Pride Month” has arrived, complete with all of its virtue signaling, and predatory practices, targeting the heart of our children. In this episode, we analyze a short clip from Voddie Baucham that explains the illicit goal and agenda of the LGBTQ community. Voddie’s complete sermon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkL3lT95vOUNew book https://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-Like-Being-BlackJoin us for the "Winning with Wisdom" Conference, featuring Tony Wood and Grant Castleberry. ...
Published 06/06/24
A listener kindly pointed out that real-life doesn’t work out the way it “should” or the way a podcast (like ours) makes it sound. We 100% agree, so join us for this episode on mess, hard work, grace and second chances. Resources on a myriad of counseling issues https://newgrowthpress.comResources on grief, forgiveness, teens, tweens, and more https://www.shepherdpress.comTrusting God by Jerry Bridges https://www.amazon.com/Trusting-God-Jerry-BridgesJoin us for the "Winning with Wisdom" ...
Published 05/30/24
Often our homes can feel chaotic because we weren’t taught homemaking basics. In this episode, Tony and Bre are joined by Marci Ferrell (Thankful Homemaker) to discuss practical ways to become the “wise woman” of Proverbs 14:1 that builds her home. For more from Marci visit https://thankfulhomemaker.comDo More Better by Tim Challies: https://www.amazon.com/Do-More-Better-Practical-Productivity/dp/1941114172Paprika App:https://www.paprikaapp.com/Join us for the "Winning with Wisdom" Confe...
Published 05/23/24
What denomination are you guys? How to parent emotional girls? Thoughts on alcohol? In this episode, we’ll do our best to answer all of the questions you’ve been asking. Leaving BSF 2023: Testimony from a former teacher:https://bereanresearch.org/leaving-bsf-2023-testimony-from-a-former-teacher/Episode on emotionshttps://www.datenightfam.org/listen/what-are-emotions-and-how-do-i-deal-with-themShepherding a Child’s Hearthttps://www.amazon.com/Shepherding-Childs-Heart-Tedd-Tripp/dp/0966378...
Published 05/16/24
Join us for a special Mother’s Day episode, where we get to sit down with Bre’s mother, Cheri. Topics on the table include being a mom to adult kids, remaining faithful in the church as a senior, handling health issues with hope, and of course a few secrets on what Bre was like as a child. Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood For videos, old episodes, blog posts, events, and more www.datenightfam.org
Published 05/09/24
Due to the massive 37-billion a year youth sports industry, millions of Christian parents spend their money and precious family time on bleacher seats and court shoes. In this episode, Tony and Bre assess the realities, both good and bad, of family life given to the gridiron. https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/follow-the-bouncing-ball-sports-from-a-christian-family-perspectivehttps://pulse.messiah.edu/2018/11/where-christianity-and-sports-meet-john-woodens-impacthttps://blogs.baylor.e...
Published 05/02/24
Last week, Tony and Bre began a lengthy discussion on sex, analyzing the roadblocks that prevent married couples from enjoying all the pleasure God desires for their union. This episode picks up with the practical ways to enjoy romance in the safe haven of marriage. Chat with Bre on Instagram@datenightwiththewoodsFollow Tony on Instagram@drtonygwood Do ‘Church Ladies’ Really Have Better Sex? Institute for Family Studies www.ifstudies.orgDuty to Delight by Eileen ScipioneIntended for...
Published 04/25/24
Sex-saturated culture is demolishing the Christian home, creating massive insecurity, doubt, and dissatisfaction for couples of all ages. In this honest episode, Tony and Bre address ways to protect sexual purity while enjoying God-given creativity inside the safe haven of marriage. Do ‘Church Ladies’ Really Have Better Sex? Institute for Family Studies www.ifstudies.orgDuty to Delight by Eileen ScipioneIntended for Pleasure by Ed WheatBelinda Luscombe, “People More LIkely to Divorce Aft...
Published 04/18/24
Why are we wearing the clothes we have on today? We all wear clothes, clothing expresses something about our attitudes and outlook, and the only biblical exception is nakedness between husband and wife. So join Tony and Bre to examine the purpose of Christian style.  Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured World by Gregg Allison Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood For videos, old episodes, blog posts, events, and more ...
Published 04/11/24
Does God want us at the gym all week to look like supermodels and NFL stars? Or, does he want us ignoring the body to die young and start over in heaven? Join Tony and Bre for a 4-part series discussing God’s desire for our bodies and how they’re meant to be used.  Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood For videos, old episodes, blog posts, events, and more www.datenightfam.org
Published 04/04/24
Adoption is a beautiful act of love that many young families consider. But often while young parents may begin with the best of intentions, they quickly learn that the adoption system, and adoption realities, aren’t always what they seem. Join Tony, Bre, and special guests Heath and Christine to discuss their journey of adopting four littles ones.  Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood For videos, old episodes, blog posts, events,...
Published 03/28/24
Next week, Christians around the globe will fill churches to celebrate Christ's Resurrection. Sadly, millions of children will sit through sermons, songs, and liturgy with zero clue about the immense importance of the day. Join Tony and Bre to discuss ways to prepare our kids to understand Resurrection Day.  Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood For videos, old episodes, blog posts, events, and more www.datenightfam.org
Published 03/21/24
Dating in the digital age is far different from 20 years ago. Relationships, situationships, hook-ups, ghosting, stashing, benching, and breadcrumbing happen in the blink of an eye, and we need to be talking with our kids about it. So join this special episode with Tony, Bre, and their teenage daughter to discuss a biblical view of dating.  Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood For videos, old episodes, blog posts, events, and...
Published 03/14/24
The once doll-faced, doe-eyed country star Taylor Swift has become a cultural icon of power and politics. Join Tony and Bre to discuss the challenges of letting our tweens and teens admire (often worship) superstars and singing sensations.  “Embracing God’s Design” in two days!! Women’s Event w/ Erin Coates & Bre Wood  https://www.missionbible.org/events/datenightconference Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood  For videos, old...
Published 03/07/24
One of the questions we receive more than any other is “What routines should mommy be establishing for their children?” or put another way, “How should moms be more intentional about the home?” So join Tony, Bre, and special guest Sharon Cannavo, to discuss ideas on how to build a home culture that’s structured, peaceful, yet remains full of joy.  “Embracing God’s Design” Women’s Conference w/ Erin Coates & Bre Wood  https://www.missionbible.org/events/datenightconference Chat with Bre...
Published 02/29/24
In last week’s episode Granger and Amber Smith poured out their story of heartache after losing 3-yr old son River in a drowning accident. Join Tony, Bre, Granger and Amber for this soul-stirring conclusion to God’s story of new life and new calling. “Embracing God’s Design” Women’s Conference w/ Erin Coates & Bre Wood  https://www.missionbible.org/events/datenightconference Chat with Bre on Instagram @datenightwiththewoods Follow Tony on Instagram @drtonygwood  Follow Granger and...
Published 02/22/24
In a story capturing national headlines, platinum-selling country singer Granger Smith (and wife Amber) lost their precious son (River, 3) in a drowning accident. Despite their best efforts to fix themselves, despair and grief grew until the Lord met this couple in a truly life-changing way. Join Tony and Bre, Granger and Amber for this special story of heartache and hope.  “Embracing God’s Design” Women’s Conference w/ Erin Coates & Bre...
Published 02/15/24
Valentine’s Day can be a holiday filled with flowers and fluffy romantic sentiments, but also, for many, a day of pressure, implied sex, loneliness, and vain attempts to fix in one day what took all year to break down. So join Tony and Bre to discuss this cultural holiday along with ways to depressurize it.  “Embracing God’s Design” Women’s Conference w/ Erin Coates & Bre Wood  https://www.missionbible.org/events/datenightconference Chat with Bre on...
Published 02/08/24
Most of us know the great commission and have a heartfelt desire to fulfill it, but sadly aren’t quite sure how, and feel tremendous insecurity when asked to guide others. Join Tony, Bre, and special guest Susan Heck to discuss disciple-making, both in our homes and with friends.
Published 02/01/24
Last week, Tony and Bre dove into a discussion on marriage as Covenant Companionship, meaning it has God as Designer, is meant for companionship, and comes with lifetime commitment. Join Tony and Bre for Part 2 of this subject.
Published 01/25/24
Most of us enter marriage with a warped (or at the least slightly misinformed) view of what marriage is meant to be. This leads to frustration, confusion, and often lasting pain. So join Tony and Bre for an episode helping couples understand the meaning and magnificence of their marriage.
Published 01/18/24
In last week’s episode, the Woods shared a Baylor University study indicating couples who pray together stay together 99% of the time and examined both the “why” and “what” of prayer. In this follow-up, join Tony and Bre to discuss practical “how-tos” of prayer.
Published 01/11/24